
Peace Hug

Because of the friendly atmosphere in the classroom earlier while planning our farewell present for Ms. Luna, everyone was in a good mood when we went down to have lunch in the canteen.

The four of us sat side by side facing the basketball court. There were a handful of third year students playing basketball there. They were all tall and handsome which held our attention. A short while later, Aaron, Brent and James sat right in front of us. Because their height and broad shoulders blocked our view, we have to crane our necks and lean sideways to be able to watch the third year boys play from the gaps between these boys in front.

Aaron, who sat right across me, had a dark look on his face which I pretended not to notice as I was intensely watching the game. James on the other hand glared at Lizzie who had stopped putting food in her mouth just because she was focused on the people inside the open court. Brent was concentrating more on the dishes in front of him that he didn't notice the change in his buddies' facial expressions who sat on each side of him. Brenda and Molly were also more interested on the handsome boys than the food in front of us although once in a while Molly would bite into her sandwich.

Unable to hold his patience, Aaron slammed his utensils on the table and stood up to pace the floor. The sudden movement and sound startled all of us. Shifting our eyes towards him, I felt a sudden warmth flow through my head and cold sweat at my nape. Sensing the anger in Aaron's clenched jaws, I sat immobile and speechless with my heart pounding.

"What's the matter?" Brenda asked as puzzled as we all were.

Aaron turned to face us with his lips pressed together and with furrowed brows. "Is it time to watch those brats or eat lunch?"

Feeling guilty for behaving impolitely in front of our meals and ignoring the boys, we girls meekly tilted our heads down as we looked at each other.

"You've been ignoring me, Lizzie. Have you no shame at all? Looking at other men while your fiance's right in front of you?" James glared at his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry." Lizzie reached out to touch James' hand. She looked at him with her puppy eyes. James covered her hand with his however there was still a look of annoyance on his face.

"It can't be helped," Molly retorted. "Those boys are fresher."


Brenda poked her elbow on Molly's ribs and glared at her as we noticed that the boys' features became fiercer as if slapped with insult. The immediately the boys turned to look at the third year students making free throws on the hoop. Not one ball missed the ring.

"You think they're better than us? Want to bet?" Brent dared.

I waved my hand as I came to realize what he meant to do. "No! Don't! We were just curious as to how the next generation of players will fare once you graduate. We're pretty sure they couldn't beat you." Having said that I nervously glanced at Aaron whose back continued to face us.

It took creativity to pacify these boys as they rarely get angry at us. We have never encountered such considerate and patient male friends such as them so to abuse their goodness was like courting death.

"Aren't you going to finish your food?" I directed my question to the boy standing with hands inside his trousers pockets. Even though I have not confronted Aaron yet about our misunderstanding, it was useless to dwell on it since he had not shown any sign of indifference to me. He even joined us for lunch today which was one of the rare occasions.

He drew a deep breath then turned around and came back to take his sit across me. We locked eyes for a second then he looked down to quietly finish the food on his plate.

The tension in the air quickly dissipated when Aaron began to eat again which was a sign that his emotions have calmed down. He had exuded an aura which was both daunting and alluring. Even though the students in this school came from wealthy families, which Aaron had not have the good fortune to belong, he still stood out among the boys in our year level, alongside Nelson Santos, in terms of charisma. Therefore, no one dared to look down to belittle him.

"We need to talk." It sounded more as an order than a statement when he spoke while staring straight at me with one raised brow raised.

"Now?" I asked, afterwhich I glanced at the time on the watch on my wrist. "Lunch break is almost over." I don't know if I was trying to avoid him or I wanted to get this over soon.

"I did not say right now, did I?" He spoke with a hint of sarcasm then looked away. "Later at dismissal."

I narrowed my eyes at him for treating me like a stupid little girl although there were several occasions when did act as one. I twitched my lips as I looked at Molly who was sitting beside me. Molly, taking revenge for me, exaggeratedly mimicked Aaron's gestures without the intention of concealing it from him. Having found Molly's behavior immature, Aaron just shook his head and began to lift the corner of his lips which made him looked truly eye-catching.

The rest of us could not help but burst into fits of laughter at Molly's action and Aaron's reaction. Lizzie and Brenda laughed so hard they hugged their stomachs while I kept wiping the water from my eyes. James and Brent slapped the table uncontrollably that it shook terribly.

Good thing about the students in this school, nobody bothered to dip their fingers in other people's business as long as no harmed was inflicted or affected collectively. In other words, the other students only glanced in our direction for a short while before looking away without a peep.

During dismissal, Aaron reminded me about our talk as he strode towards me and my girlfriends. Earlier before we stepped out of the school building, we intended to have some snacks at Tom's Café, a five block away student hub from school.

Tom's Café was in Q City but situated within the boundary dividing Q City and M City where our school was located. Both cities were huge that before the turn of the millennium, they competed for the prestige of becoming the capital of the country.

"Hey, we'll be waiting at Tom's. If he bullies you, you know where to find us," Brenda assured me.

"I know. Probably, this won't take long." I nodded. I could see Aaron from the corner of my eye leaning on the wall beside the gate with one leg folded behind him and the other stretched out on the ground.

After we bid our goodbyes, James and Brent walked the girls towards the direction of Tom's while I approached Aaron with reservation. His facial expression at that moment was not very reassuring.

Nevertheless, he belonged to one of the few guys I trusted, add to that the four years I have been infatuated with him. Three years ago, Aaron and I were just acquaintances. Due to our affinity with James and Lizzie and being in the same section this year, we had advanced to becoming friends which could put me in the position to admit that I have become familiar with his character and temperament.

"I would be working tonight at Tom's so let's talk at the playground." Aaron said as he took my small backpack from my hand.

We started to stroll silently towards the public playground which was two blocks away from Tom's Café. It was a good time to compose the thoughts I would like to express without. The last time we were alone ended in a disaster since we were unable to consider properly the words spoken or maybe we just misread each other.

"What are you thinking?" He asked tilting his head to glance at my solemn face. Reluctant to reveal my thoughts I shook my head.

We continued to walk, not minding the silence until we reached the playground. Since it was a school day, four little toddlers and their mothers were the only ones playing there. Aaron and I sat on the empty swings with rusty chains and paint-stripped seat. The seats were hung low so that small children could reach it. It was so low that Aaron looked like he was crouching more than sitting on it.

The afternoon sun had cast a golden hue to everything its rays touched which made our surroundings looked magical. As I looked up the sky, I saw two huge kites being carried higher by the cool breeze of March. Following the strings attached to them, I saw two boys sitting on the ledge of a three-story building. The tall railings around it kept the boys secured avoiding any accident of falling over.

Aaron followed the direction of my gaze and was mesmerized by the view above us. The two boys deftly controlled the lines, maneuvering the kites to collide and tear each other's sails with the nose of their kites to find out which of the two remain in flight.

"Are you still mad at me?" Aaron's low and deep voice broke my trance-like stare on the two boys enjoying their playful activity.

I turned my head slowly to face him. "I was actually flabbergasted." I twitched my lips and looked down at my shoes.

Aaron left the swing and crouched in front of me in such a way that his eyes met mine at the same level. "I want to apologize for being a jerk that day."

I stared at his deep brown eyes which was filled with remorse and sincerity. I licked my lips that had been dried by the cool afternoon breeze. By this time, the sun had slowly set at the horizon, the last orange rays striking his handsome face producing a picturesque view.

I must have been spellbound by his beauty that I did not think over to play hard to get. "Apology accepted. Though I was confused that day. If I misunderstood your words and at the same time offended you, I also ask for your forgiveness."

A slight upturn of the corner of Aaron's mouth became visible. "You have not taken any offense on me. Like I, said I was a jerk for misunderstanding. I should have known that it was a compliment. That, I just realized after much reflection."

"Well, it's in the past now. Let us not dwell on it, especially because in a few days' time we will all go our separate ways." As I stood up from the swing and dusted the part of my skirt which I sat on, Aaron did the same which had put us in close proximity, that I could smell the musky cologne on his shirt. The level of my eye was just right in front of his firm chest which his outgrown polo shirt could not conceal. The rare view made me gulp, which inclined me to take two steps back.

"Just to be sure, are we friends again now?" Aaron asked.

"Of course. We are friends again. Have we not apologized to each other already? We were taught to forgive because it rebuilds broken relationships. Have you forgotten?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"That is true. But I need to be reassured." Even as Aaron pressed his lips together there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Knitting my brows and narrowing my eyes, I asked with confusion, "What reassurance do you need? Are my words not enough?"

Without a word, Aaron suddenly grabbed my hand, pulled me close to his firm chest and wrapped me in his arms. Taken aback, I stayed motionless and dumbstruck in his warm embrace. Within seconds I could feel the heat radiate from his chest towards my face. The sound of his pounding heartbeat was loud near my ear.

Before I knew it, he had already released me while staring down at my flustered face, with eyes and mouth wide-opened. In my mind I must have looked like a fool with that expression.

"Wh..what was that all about?" I stuttered with realization.

"My peace hug," Aaron replied nonchalantly. A smile formed on his lips and there seemed to be a twinkle in his eyes. He looked away as his clear face started to turn crimson.

"Peace hug?" That was the first time I heard of it.