
Ha Ha ha

Hey don't think me as an idiot , only those who understand it who lost their virginity after waiting so long

and man with two beautiful girl

oh so soft and I tilt my head toward my left and saw a gorgeous naked young girl is sleeping while having a cute smile on her face

ohh man she is so adorable

and her sweet little two pink strawberry makes me hungry once again but I think I should just stop it already been 4hrs of non stop sex but I still feel so much energetic

damnbut it's still it's ying'er first time so even if she is a powerful cultivator it's still a limit for first time for a girl but we'll

and I kissed her on her sweet small pink lip it's really both digusting and tasty , disgusting became of blowjob and tasty because ....

man whom I am explaining all these to,, oh sorry I forget someone

" Ya just laugh of father's virginity " ( Shu Lee )

Ohh .. someone got hurt

ha ha ha

" Lee~~ah~"

Hearing these seductive voice I turn toward my right and saw and another beautiful women who is also naked and the then hug me with a beautiful white arms of her

so soft her is even bigger than ying'er her must be D size

" You awake ming'er "( me )

" yep and why is I feel something hot thing touching my thigh "( chu Ming )

" well ...."

" Oh someone wants more but not today you already have 4 hrs fun already and still you have to start the time again we are still in the school " ( chu Ming )

" ok ,,But I I... "( me)

suddenly her lip contacted with mine " mmmm"

and my hand now touching soft big boobs of her man she really a damn hot chick

" ~~~~~" ( phone ringing )

suddenly ming'er phone started vibrating

" oh look like we should stop for now "( ming'er )

damn that phone call it's really annoying I really don't want to stop

" oh it's my mom call " ( chu Ming )

" your mom ? " ( me )

well I don't know much about her family only that they don't have father he is already pass away due to some accident

" ok ok fine ..... I am hanging now OK bye " ( chu Ming )

seeing her rare blushing face I suddenly asked.

" what she say " (me )

" well !!"( Ming)

"ah~~ what's happen big sis and Lee " ( ying'er asked while blushing )

so adorable

" well mom wants to meet Lee today " ( ming'er )
