
In 6 June 2166, my parent give birth to me. I am Ein, Ein Watson, I don't know why my parent give my name Ein, but I think it will be easy to call me and write my name in some document later :D. After I came to this world, some accident happen, suddenly there are earthquake, everyone panic including my parent, the doctor that still hold me in his arm put me to the bed, my father carry my mother to escape to outside, including the doctor. But, why everyone leave me in the bed? Are they forget about me? That are what I ask to my parent when they told me this story.

After that, the hospital collapse, but in fact, everyone safe. There are some emergency door in hospital that can teleport anyone to outside the hospital, and it larger enough to fit with everyone. Of course, only me left alone. After the earthquake, everyone still in standby, fear of aftershock. In this time, my parent and the doctor that help my mother to give birth think that there something missing, of course is me, me. My parent can't hold their tear and thinking I'm already dead, the doctor feel extremely guilty and want to submit himself to jail cause murdering a baby but in fact it just accidental, the doctor think my father will be carry me and my mother so he left me in bed.

Minute after the earthquake, everyone in area hear some baby crying inside the debris, and everyone try to search the location of the crying, after some minute, someone finally find the baby inside the debris, protect by mattress and triangle shape debris, of course the baby is me. I'm safe and still alive, only some minor injury in my body. Everyone that will hear this story will be touched by it, but for me, it's all the beginning why I be called walking disaster. I release the aura of bad luck around me.

When the man want to carry me from debris and hold me in his arm, he slip and his head hit the debris so hard, he passed out and about me, the man still can save me in last minute and I'm okay. Treatment is done to me and the man, but the man still not wake up and comma. I don't know how long he is comma, my parent told me he is wake up after a month and forget anything that happen to him when he passed out, after that the government give the man a medal for saving the baby life.

This is the last story my parent told me when I was 5 years old, and left me alone in house that locate in the middle of forest. If u can't hear enough, yes, my parent left me alone, after that I live by myself. If u think its cruel, no, is not. In house, everything I need always there, when I run out a food, I just call someone, than after 5 minute, some drone will sending the food. When I need anything, I just call that someone. My parent told me just call this someone when I need something, my parent tell me the reason why they left me there, it is because 'SAVE THE WORLD PROJECT' that all the government in every country agreed on. Maybe I'm the only person in the earth that need ultimate protection, so that government of my country and my parent agreed to quarantine me to unknown forest island.

Everyone that want to hurt me in any way will be curse, the curse is they will get accident that can be fatal, yeah, it's the bad luck curse. If you think it is good to me, no its not. Because not only I release the bad luck aura, my life too is full of bad luck. When im 1 years old, my aunt carry me from bed and walking around the house, suddenly the lamp that hang in ceiling drop and hit my aunt head. The fragment of the light hit me too cause some bleeding in my body, and for my aunt, she need 20 stitches in his head. When I'm 2 years old, when I already can walk on my own, I go outside my house for the first time, just when my first step out of house, there is water falling from above and wet myself, my mother make the mistake and dropped a bucket of water. It's not only make me wet, but the bucket hit my head hard and I lost consciousness for 5 hours.

If you want to know any other bad luck I got, maybe it will need at least a hundred book that can tell u guys what my bad luck is really mean :D. I'm 20 years old now, what I tell you just my old story in my life, I don't mind to live alone in this house, when I missed my parent I can video call them, the technology in this era make everyone life easier. the only think I can't do is leave the island, in every corner in this island, there some watchtower to guard me and observe me from distance, and make same report to higher up.

Right now, I'm the famous person in the world, not because of my bad luck or anything, but because my character in VR game call 'Fantasy Online', in that game, I have heavenly strength and no one in the game can beat me. I'm the idol of every woman in Fantasy Online, if they just see my face, maybe they can become comma for a month :D. I become a goal for every expert in the game, and everyone try very hard to surpass me. But the question is am I really that hard to beat in game? Am I really that strong? Am I have unmatched strength that no one can beat? The answer maybe only me that can answer.

And now, I will tell you the story how I become famous in game. 10 years ago my first time playing fantasy online, when I'm still 10 years old, 5 years after I live alone in this unknown island, the story that will make everyone that hear it jealous, envy, and maybe some people want to kill me if they see me. That all start from that day when Fantasy Online got distributed to every country in the world, with VR technology like glasses that can connect to VR world, this my story will start . . . . .