First Boss Monster

before we go to wolf forest, Yuri give out suggestion to hunt another wolf that nest in there.

there are a lot of type of wolf in there, the weak one are level 3 wolf, the normal one, grey wolf level 5, white wolf level 7, and blood wolf level 9. there also a chance elite or captain monster will be spawn.

elite have 1,5x stronger than regular monster. for example wolf have 75 hp, 15 attack and 15 defense, elite wolf will have 113 hp, 23 attack and 23 defense.

for the captain monster, the stat will have 2x stronger than regular mobs.

before we go to wolf forest, we go back to adventure hall to get quest that related to another wolf.

after walking for 15 minute, we arrived in wolf forest. this forest so wide, a lot player like to hunting here. player don't need scramble for wolf here.

so we start killing some wolf first. after killing so many wolf and complete the quest relate to it, we move forward to hunt grey wolf.

In fact wolf don't drop a single equipment is what make this game so real. just imagining it when you killed some wolf than out of nowhere armor popped up from the wolf. but, it still the material player got from monster is used for making equipment.

getting material is easy, just using skill harvest and we got it. but for the higher level monster, harvest need to be higher level to get the material, if not player can only get damaged material. that why there will be player that specially for harvest skill because of the important of skill.

after we hunt wolf, my level reach to level 3. the experience need for level up is not high, so it is easy to level up. we begin to search for grey wolf, if we still can hunt it, we will start hunt for it. but if grey wolf is difficult to be fight, we will go back to city and gear our self to better equipment that available.

after walking deeper to the forest, we see some grey wolf. my job here is too bring one of the grey wolf near the party. we don't want to attack many grey wolf in 1 fight, because it will be too hard for us.

i success bring one and we start attacking it. we make sure the other grey wolf not notice us, if they notice, it will be wipe out. before we start to hunt, we already search some ideal place to hunt nearby the grey wolf territories. after yang successfully placing trap in ground, i start bringing the wolf to the destination.

the grey wolf got trap and we start attacking it. in fact the trap is simple, just hole in the ground, at least it can disturb grey wolf so we can all out to attack the wolf.

because it still reachable to hunt grey wolf, we start hunting it until we complete the quest. my level now is 86% in level 4. after finish it, we not continue to hunt another wolf, but to back to the city to gear our self.

after 20 minute long, we reach the city. after we completing all the quest to the adventure hall, i reach level 6. we start to buying gear for level 5 and my attack and defense go higher.

Name : Little Ein

Race : Dwarf

Class : none

Level 6 (22/600)

Status Info

Strength : 16 Endurance : 16

Dexterity : 25.5 Agility : 19,5

Intelligent : 8,5 Wisdom : 8,5

Spirit : 11

damage : 28 - 31

defense : 50

Title : none


Right Hand : iron bow

Left Hand : iron quiver

Uppper Body : iron upper armor

Lower Body : iron lower armor

Head : iron helm

Foot : iron greaves

Hand : iron gloves

Ring : wolf teeth ring (left) wolf teeth ring (right)

Amulet : wolf claw amulet

after completing our gear, we ready to hunt for white wolf and blood wolf.

again, after 15 minute we arrived to wolf forest. we go deeper to search for white wolf. after some times, we found white wolf territories and start hunting.

hunting became easier after we gear up. Yang who want to become knight can deal with 3 white wolf. healing from Daisy is good too. the timing is almost perfect. and attack from Yuri that focusing on str-dex type warrior is make it easier. for me, i just attacking with my bow from distance and help interrupted any white wolf attack.

we finally finish all white wolf quest and my level now reach level 7.

we go deeper to search blood wolf, and finally find it's territories. the strategy we use is same when we dealing with white wolf and after 2 hours, we complete all the quest related to blood wolf and ready to go back to city.

our level already reach level 8. after we completing our quest to adventure hall, we can reach level 10 and going to neutral city to get our class.

just about to walk to direction of exit, daisy saw different looking wolf from distance. so we going to that wolf and found out this is boss monster in wolf area.

Monster Information

Wolf King (1 star Boss)

level 12

Hp : 1000/1000

we decided to killed it because it will be our first boss. the loot of boss is good, the information Fantasy Online website tell the boss will have chance to drop skill book, skill technique book, unique equipment, magic scroll, and other thing that valuable.

so we start attacking it, unlike another wolf, wolf king have 'howl' skill that can lower our defense. wolf king is strong, at least the heal from daisy is not enough to keep yang health. so yang need to use potion instead.

after some times we already slash it health to 50%.

In different place in distance from them.

"Captain, the boss health already reach 50%, should we move now?" one of the man asked

"Haha, we should thanks to this kid so we easily killed that boss. let's move now" answer the captain.

back to Ein and friend place

"i think we can killed this boss, haha, we will get a lot of good items" yang spoke

"focus you idiot, we need to killed it fast, don't make any mistake that can wipe out us" answer Yuri with smile that can be seen in her face.

Daisy that still focusing her healing to Yang hear some movement behind, she see some silhouette, at least 10 people coming. after a second, the silhouette become clear and we can see 10 players, all man maybe from 25-30 years old in average.

"Give this boss to us, you kid go back home to your mommy. haha" spoke one of the man that can be seen that he is the captain, because another player show him respect.

"Stealing boss from kid, are this how adult play?" Yuri answer in angry

"Huh, can talk. haha. we are from Bloody Path Guild, if you don't want to be hunt by us, leave now" the captain spoke.

"Captain, is no used, let's just teach them a lesson they never forget. haha. i want to see that little girl crying haha" other man spoke

Hearing this the captain dumbfounded, and answer

"Are you lolicon? but that are good idea let's finish them off haha"

after that the captain move and want to attack yuri. in fact me, yang and daisy already scare so much. but looking Yuri in danger make me and yang move to protect them.

but we can't protect them. we die and need to wait one minute to be revive in city.

another minute have pass and Yuri and Daisy revive. i and yang can see how daisy look. she is crying and we can see her body still shake from what happen. it is more terrifying than be killed by monster.

Yuri look really angry and helpless at same time. i and yang really desperate because we can't do anything either.

under level 10, there are no penalty for player. but after you go up to 10 level, when you die, you will lose 1 level. the minimum level will be 10. why 10? because level 10 is the first time player get their class.

In bloody path guild that stole the boss

"hang in there boys, just a little more the boss will dead haha. it more easier because that dumb kid. it still satisfying killing those kid. look at that girl crying a lot before dying haha" the captain spoke

the other man agreed. before the boss died, one of the man look silhouette approaching and in instant this silhouette steal the boss and killed it.

disbelief and angry can be look from bloody path player. it just happen in instant and they can't counter against it.

"What the, who are you. killed him guys. let show him don't messed with bloody path" the captain spoke angrily.

the man that killed the boss can only smile and killed 10 player from bloody path. this man is fast and no player in bloody path can react to it. before he killed the captain he spoke

"Bloody Path, what is that. tomorrow there no more bloody path guild. and make sure you can hide so we can't easily track you. tell that to your guild leader and another guys in bloody path"

In another place, the man that almost reach level 20 got ambushed by player and died. his level drop to 18. the average expert player already reach level 20, so he want to compete with them. but out of blue he got ambushed and lose a level.

his id is slaughter devil, leader of bloody path guild. after getting ambushed and revive, he chat in his guild chat

"guys, all of the player that online be ready meeting me in city gate. we will be hunting some player that make problem with use, we give no chance at all who make trouble with us."

"sorry leader, i got ambushed too. i can't move right now because the guy ambushed me still hunting me"

"me too leader, i and my team got killed. and it is already the second times. we all already lose 2 level and they still not showing will stop hunting us soon"

in fact, all player of bloody path who online, got ambushed. and it still not stop. this give slaughter devil headache, just after he move out from city, he got killed again. this afraid slaughter devil and only can hiding in city.

but after some time, he heard someone speaking from behind

"do you know what you doing? do you know why you got ambushed? do you know how angry i am? Hold my word, from today, all player from bloody path will be slaughter just like your name"

hearing this, want to make slaughter devil laugh, who the hell have courage to saying this to him. bloody path not that weak, but not that strong either. bloody path is 2nd rate guild. just this will make any ordinary player afraid. but this man spoke nonsense that make slaughter devil laugh.

before he want to answer, he shocked. the man that spoke to him is non other than Van Helsong. if there are player don't know his name, he or she must be newbie. he alone can clash with expert with super guild, and all of super guild in the world have some respect to him. solo player that so strong and make super guild don't want to make problem with him.

i fact, all expert player in super guild and 1st rate guild already know this madman already creating organisation. for ordinary player in super guild and 1st rate guild, they only hear the rumor. in fact, some of this player from super guild and 1st rate guild already join this organisation.

hearing that from that person is not joking matter, but thinking ahead, slaughter devil will not be that scare, in fact Van Helsong is already known soloing player. he has a lot of member in guild, how can just one person make him so scare.

before slaughter devil want to answer, he got notification from the guild is the vice leader of guild already left the guild. immediately he pm the vice leader angrily why he left the guild, the answer shocking him.

"I just online and before i can walk i already dead. i know i am log out in not safe place, but i think it will be safe enough ambushed from monster. but when i see my log, the one attacking me is player. this is not ordinary player, but the expert from Final Days Guild. just as i want to contact the guild in guild chat, i read the previously massage and i know this is not something light matter. just after i walk outside the city, i got ambushed again. the player attacking me is expert from King's Guild. what have you done for this player make a move to us, if you just check in our guild, almost all player already gone back to level 10. i can't take it anymore and i left the guild. i don't know if they still attacking me. if they still attacked me, i will delete my account and created another one"

the next day, name of Bloody Path is disappear from guild list. if player want to search it, they will not find it. in fact the name slaughter devil is also disappear from the player list.

hearing this alert some 2nd and 3rd rate guild. it is just one day opening of the game, and there are guild that already disbanding. in fact the member of bloody path disappear too make unsolved mystery to ordinary player. until today, this mystery still can't be solved by them. but for the 1st rate and super guild, they know what the cause of this catastrophe.