Chapter 24: Storm’s Happiest Day

Back at the Fujikawa mansion, the two main topic of discussion were oblivious about the ruckus they've created. They were casually chilling at the backyard, with the fresh air, while sipping some iced tea.

Because it was summer in Hokkaido right now, Haruka suggested to have a dip in the pool. Sadly, the two stoic figures refused.

Instead, they chose to just sit back and relax with some freshly sliced watermelon and iced tea.

Ethan was quite disappointed, he would not be able to see his wife in a bikini.

*sigh*, just the thought of her in it makes his blood boil. Her flawless jade white skin revealed, her long slender legs, her ample breast!

No, no! Bad Ethan!

"Lillie-chan~ are you sure you don't want to swim? The water is very cool and refreshing! Come on, join me~" Haruka childishly whined and showed her puppy eyes at Lillie.

Yes, yes. Wife, you should listen to your friend.

"These snacks are enough to cool me down. Stop pestering me." Lillie bluntly said. An invisible spear suddenly pierced Haruka's heart.

"Wuwu...Lillie-chan is so cruel..." Haruka childishly sobbed.

Wife you're so cruel. Even Ethan wanted to cry.

Lillie stared at her friend in bored eyes as she nonchalantly munched on her seedless watermelon.

The refreshing sweetness made Lillie satisfied and be at ease. Going to Japan felt like a vacation for her. Good thing she agreed to come instead.

Lillie never really realized how much of a workaholic she actually is. It didn't really struck to her mind to just sit back and relax.

She certainly needs something like this for once in a while.

Having the same thoughts as Lillie, Ethan wanted to spend his time with her. He'll definitely bring a souvenir and a stolen photo of Lillie later and have it developed and framed, bigger than the breakfast picture.

This will be the first time Ethan got to spend time, relaxing and having a good time with Lillie. Most of their interactions' concerned about the company and their rivalry.

The horizon turned into a beautiful shade of orange as the sun was ready to set and be replaced by the luminous, silver moon.

After dinner, the three went to their respective rooms for the night.

Locking the door behind her, Lillie immediately went towards the study table and turned on her laptop.

Storm was also inside the room. He lazily slump on the carpet and rolled himself on it, feeling the coolness.

He missed his master's bedroom back at the Bai mansion. Her room was the coolest when summer and the warmest in winter.

If might've been because of his master, any place would be like home just by her mere presence.

The first time he was sent away from his master, Storm was devastated. Lillie has been with him since he was a pup, found alone in the ruthless winter.

Storm had distant himself away from everyone, even Haruka. He would never interact with anyone. He would always stay at one place, staring at the huge gates, waiting for his master to come pick him up.

Now she's with him again, Storm was feeling happy. He would jump around her, wag his tail for her and even give her a cheerful grin.

Lillie looked behind her to see Storm, lazily sprawled on the white carper. Amused by his lying position, Lillie couldn't help but laugh.

She walked towards him and had her hands caress his soft fur.

"Haruka has taken good care of you." Lillie softly said. Storm huffed but agreed.

Yes, that human has taken a great toll just to give him a bath everyday and made sure he eats nutritious foods.

"I'm sorry I had you sent away. Were you lonely without me?"

Storm whined and rubbed himself against her.

"Guess that's a yes, huh." Lillie chuckled softly.

Lillie abandoned her work and focused her attention to her most trusted companion. She let him get on the bed and lie with her.

Storm had his snout on her neck and sniffed the familiar scent of his master that made him feel at home.

"Don't worry, after this, you can come back home with us." Hearing this, Storm jumped on her bed and licked her face.

"That's how badly you wanted to go home? Haruka would be sad to part with you, after all, she's been with your for two years."

Storm abruptly stopped. Indeed, that human had a special place in his heart. He was grateful that she took care of him, along with the kind servants.

Storm might feel reluctant leaving them behind but his master is his number one priority. He must get back to her side and protect her once again.

Those 'bastards' are already taken care of. Unfortunately, they are not the only one after his master's head and wealth.