Chapter 194: Vinegar Does Not Taste Good At All!

Tranquil Villa came into their view. Lillie didn't know how much she missed the place until they reach it. Ethan pulled over at the front of the main entrance and let one of the servants park it.

Lillie intake the fresh, cool air surrounding the town. The peach blossoms began to fall out of the tree's branches, indicating the next phase of the season.

The garden gazebo would be a perfect place to have brunch while viewing the picturesque scenery.

"Welcome back." Nanny Ying and Butler Tian greeted them with a bow upon entering. When the two elder servants rose their heads, they had a happy expression on their faces, that made Lillie and Ethan feel like they knew that they did.

Storm was also there, beside Butler Tian. The tail that usually wag every time his mistress arrive was oddly unmoving.

His anger was evident in his piercing dark eyes, that are directed towards the man beside his beloved mistress.