Getting Blessings of Father-in-Law and meeting Wife's Master

Ryusuke knocked the door and came inside the room as he said to him, "Sir, I would like to talk to you about something." Hongyi nodded and said, "Speak. What is it?" He looked towards Hongyi kneeled down, he stretched out his hand and said, "Sir, I want to ask Qingyue's hand in marriage."

When Hongyi heard his words, he frowned as he said, "But I have already fixed her marriage with Xiao Che from the Xiao Clan because his father was my sworn brother who saved Qingyue by almost giving up all of his own Profound Energy. I cannot betray him like that."

Ryusuke smiled when he heard him and said, "Sir, there are somethings that you were not aware of. I think its time to make them known. Your daughter is a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard who are forbidden to have any marriage or anything. The Sect only agreed to let Xiao Che and Qingyue have a marriage because she requested them that she would leave the place in a few days and officially join the Frozen Cloud Asgard. In fact, her master would break off the marriage before leaving with her. So, the marriage will still be broken and at that time the Xiao Clan will lose much more of a face than if you call it off now. Just tell them that her master had stated that Frozen Cloud Asgard disciples are forbidden to have marriage. I am sure they would understand you."

The man frowned the more he listened to him and said, "Then, how are you going to marry my daughter. If the Frozen Cloud Asgard forbids its disciple to have marriage, how are you going to marry her?" Ryusuke smiled when he heard his question and said, "Let's just say that I have my means. I just want your permission and if you want to ask Qingyue about this, she has already agreed to it. She is waiting for your answer and your blessings."

He smiled as he looked at him and nodded and said, "Well, you have my blessing if what you have said in truth." Ryusuke nodded and said, "Let's go to Qingyue and confirm it right away." Suddenly, Qingyue comes inside the room and said, "Father, he is telling the truth."

Her father heard her answer and looked at both of them and said, "Ok, then. I won't intervene in your marriage. Its your own task to convince the sect though." Ryusuke nodded as he heard him. He felt like the most difficult task has been accomplished now. He took Qingyue's hand and escorted her to her bedroom.

After that, they snuggled against each other and Ryusuke left the bedroom and left in his own room. The next day Xia Hongyi went towards the Xiao Clan and met up with Xiao Lie. He explained the situation regarding his daughter leaving the parts about her lover and asked to break off the marriage. Xiao Lie understood the reasons and break off the marriage as he didn't want to do anything to harm the man. He knew the man didn't have any idea his daughter being the disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard otherwise he wouldn't have fixed her marriage.

Soon, the three months passed by, and in these months, Ryusuke broke through to 2nd Stage of Spirit Profound Realm while Xia Qingyue broke through to 5th Stage of True Profound Realm. His Sharingan had also evolved two 3 Tomoe in both eyes and he knew that as long as he broke through to Earth Profound Realm he could awaken the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. There relationship became even closer and Qingyue even confessed to him that she couldn't live without him now. She would obey him as long as he loved her. Of course, he agreed with her to forever love her and soon the day came for which Ryusuke was eagerly waiting.

The day of Yun Che living his 3rd Life. Ryusuke started thinking 'In the story he marries Qingyue and then meets up with Jasmine. Here. he should be able to fuse with Sky Poison Pearl once again and meet up with Jasmine. As for Evil God's Profound Veins, I have no interest in them.'

But what he didn't know that Qingyue's master would also come in a few days. He heard a rumour about Yun Che being thrown out of Xiao Family. He knew that the start of the story is still the same more or less. He could now begin to do some things, he started thinking 'hmm, I can change many things here. let's change the Frozen Cloud Asgard and have it under my control, it would make things much easier than before. The next target should be Che Yuechan and the next will be Cang Yue. According to the story, I have about 4 months to make Chu Yuechan agree to be a part of my harem as Yun Che will be doing that ridiculous Waterfall Training. I already know Qingyue is gonna agree to the harem plan so no need to ask her about it. I could just say that I love all the girls or something and, in this world, where Harems are fairly common among the Strong people. She should accept this explanation pretty easily.'

In the evening, he felt some restlessness in the wind and used his Sharingan to observe the surrounding. About turning to the sky, he saw someone coming towards the Xia manor, she was too far so he couldn't see her face clearly but he knew that she must be Qingyue's master, Chu Yueli. He thought 'So, you have finally come. Well, I don't really have any interest towards you but your sister will be mine.'

He stood in front of the Xia Manor as if he wanted to protect it from the incoming attack. After some moments, Chu Yueli landed in front of Xia Manor and saw a youth of 16-year-old standing in front of her blocking her path to the Manor. She was amused because she could sense that the youth in front of her was only in Spirit Profound Realm while she herself was in Sky Profound Realm. But what did shock her was his age, she knew that he was almost 16 years old, and he had such a cultivation at such a young age. She was really astonished about it.

Ryusuke activated his Sharingan and put up a Hypnotic Genjutsu and said, "Who are you and why are you here?" He chose this wording because he didn't want her to know that he had cast a Genjutsu on her. It is pretty normal thing to ask when someone unknown suddenly comes in front of you. She didn't detect the Genjutsu and said in a cold voice, "That you have no need to know. Just ask Qingyue to come out. Tell her that we are leaving now."

Ryusuke thought 'So, the illusion doesn't work on the people who are too strong for me.' Ryusuke coldly glanced at her, he said in an even colder tone, "I won't go." Chu Yueli was a bit angered that this kid from a backwater city didn't listen to her and said, "Boy, you are pretty strong for someone of your age but I am beyond your league. Just be obedient and call Xia Qingyue."

Ryusuke didn't listen to her and moved forwards as he said, "Fire Style: -Great Fire ball Jutsu." And the whole area was covered in the Fire. But when the fire cleared, Chu Yueli was standing at the same position without even a bit of burn, he knew that he had protected herself using her Profound Energy.

She moved towards him but he backed away and made 5 Shadow Clones, from which 2 of them hid themselves and 3 of which started engaging her in close combat. They were able to deal with her Close combat because in these 3 months, Ryusuke had worked on his speed more than anything else, he wanted to increase it to such a level where even the ones with Higher Cultivation level couldn't catch him and the second reason was the Sharingan. It could detect her movements before she was about to do them, so it gave him a rather high advantage.

After a while, even Chu Yueli understood their difference in the close combat ability and suddenly used her Frozen Cloud Arts. She made three Ice Spikes which dispelled the clones but what she was not prepared were for 2 Large Great Fire Annihilation to head her way. Suddenly, she made very large ice on both sides from where the Fire was coming and blocked their path but she left herself open for the real one. She had not expected that the real one was still free and he rushed towards her and stopped his punch just a few centimetres away from her face.

He then asked once again, "Tell me, who are you? Or I won't stop the next time." She was really scared right now, she quickly said, "I am Chu Yueli, Xia Qingyue's master. I came here to pick her up for the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect." When he heard that she was Qingyue's master, he suddenly dispelled all the clones and said, "So, you are Qingyue's master. I thought it was someone else, I am really sorry for raising my hand on you."