Meeting Master Gu

"Mn, let's go in." Compared to Lan Xueruo, Ryusuke was completely calm. He already knew the poison of the Emperor and he didn't believe his Rinne-Sharingan was unable to cut of the parasite.

With Lan Xueruo at the front, she brought Ryusuke towards the emperor's chambers. As soon as they stepped through the door, they saw an elderly man in a Grey robe, who had a beard that hung down to his chest, walk toward them. Although this elderly man was clearly very old, his hair and beard were pitch black; it was evident that he was an expert in maintaining good health.

Behind the elderly man followed two attendants; although they were only attendants, within the deepest parts of their eyes, their arrogance was clearly visible —— even though they were in the imperial palace.

Seeing this elderly person, Lan Xueruo's footsteps paused, hurriedly moved forward to meet them, and humbly greeted with respect, "Master Gu, you came. How is my father's condition?"

Ryusuke didn't feel shocked as he knew that the man was the medicinal expert in the imperial family and was the person who was behind the poisoning the Emperor. He wondered whether he should deal with him now or later.

"So, it was your highness the princess." The elderly man saluted in turn with a chuckle and very amiable face, "This morning, I received the emperor's summons so I came to take a look. Last night, the night air was cold and caused the emperor to suffer a little wind chill; it already isn't an issue. As for the matter of the emperor's life veins… Sigh, please forgive this old one for his incompetence, I still have not found a way to deal with it."

Cang Yue was about to say something that Ryusuke interrupted her and said with a snort, "You are certainly useless. The Emperor was in your care for such a long time that you haven't found a way to deal with the problem."

Cang Yue was surprised at his words and look towards Ryusuke and said, "Ryusuke, don't speak to Master Gu like that. He is the medicinal expert of the imperial family, it is natural that there are somethings that he is not aware of. My father's life veins were already damaged beyond repair, and there is no cure in this world. If my father wasn't under Master Gu's care these years, I fear… In short, Master Gu must not blame be blamed."

Ryusuke snorted as he looked towards Master Gu and said, "If he wasn't here then the Emperor's condition would have been much better and it would have been a simple cold, don't you think so Master Gu?"

Cang Yue was now confused as he said these words, she asked him, "What do you mean by this." Ryusuke pointed towards Master Gu and said, "This man used the advantage of your father's illness and transformed it into this illness. Isn't that right Master Gu?"

Master Gu was a bit shocked at his words but he had a calm demeanour, it wasn't like he had done anything wrong. Ryusuke then looked at the Emperor's condition and said, "Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite."

Hearing these words from his mouth, Master Gu was astonished, he didn't think that he would be able to know the type of parasite by simply watching the Patient. Cang Yue was confused as she had never heard this name and asked, "What is the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite."

Ryusuke replied her, "The Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite is a type of parasite that is planted inside the body and relies on the heart's blood to mature. After maturing, it lives near the heart's veins and lives by consuming a person's vitality. This type of parasite is very small, but it requires an incomparable amount of vitality to grow; nearly half of the hosts' vitality could be consumed by it."

"Once this Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite has entered the body, it would be extremely difficult to discover. The victim's body would weaken, deteriorate very quickly, and will certainly die within five years."

"The Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite would also simultaneously die with the host, become a pool of watery blood in the person's body, and not leave behind any trace of its existence. Like the name suggest after the parasite drinks the blood of its host, it turns the host's life into its own, and thus shares life and death with its host."

Cang Yue was astonished as she asked him, "Then, how did you know that Master Gu is the one who implanted this in Father's Body." He replied her, "Tell me, if the Emperor's life suddenly started decreasing, wouldn't all people notice it?"

She nodded as he continued and said, "So, he could only do it when the Emperor had received some kind of injury or some kind of illness otherwise it would be suspicious. And as he is the Medical Expert of the Royal Family, I think he had several chances to do this. Isn't that right, Master Gu? Besides, how many people other than the Medical Expert of the Royal Family plant the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite inside the body of the Emperor."

Master Gu stayed silent as he listened to Ryusuke, he didn't know what to say considering Ryusuke just stated all that. He knew that princess Cang Yue would likely doubt him but he knew that she wouldn't take any drastic means without an evidence. So, he was a bit relaxed about that, he knew that he just had to disappear from the imperial city after going back.

He turned towards Cang Yue and said, "I wonder who the Princess will believe, me who has been with your family for many years and am a great friend of the Emperor or this person who has come and throw accusation on me without any reason."

Ryusuke looked at the Master Gu and said, "I think you are misunderstanding something here, Master Gu. I am not someone who works for the Princess, and I don't care whether you want an evidence or not. I don't need some evidence to kill you, just a reason is enough to kill someone like you."