Awakening the Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins

Xia Hongyi was awoken when he heard the sound of the door breaking and saw Yun Che enter the room. He was pretty shocked when he saw Yun Che coming in the room, he threw a vase towards Yun Che to slow him down while he got up from the bed and started to run away from the Yun Che's direction.

Suddenly, he was stopped when he was held by Yun Che's hand which prevented him from moving. He asked Yun Che, "Why are you doing this? You and Yuanba are friends, so why?" Yun Che started laughing as he heard the questions.

He stated in a bit of angry voice, "Don't you know that yourself. How dare you marry Qingyue to someone else and break off the marriage which was already decided for such a long time? Qingyue should have been my wife not that bastards.

And as for Yuanba, I used him so that his sister will think about our friendship before even attacking me. Otherwise why would I want to have such a weak friend. He didn't even know that I had long since cured my Crippled Profound Veins problem."

Right now, Yuanba was like he was hit by Lightning. He was too shocked by these revelations from Yun Che's mouth. He muttered some words like, "So, I am weak huh." He then saw one more Yuanba coming in front of him, trying to stop Yun Che from killing his father.

He heard Yun Che laughing as he said, "You, you want to stop me. You are so weak that I can kill you just by my pinkie finger. You have already served your purpose. I now have no need for such a useless friend as you."

While Yun Che was saying this, Ryusuke observed the changes in Yuanba's reaction. He was shocked down to his core, he didn't want to believe that Yun Che would do this but the Truth was out in front of him.

Ryusuke felt a bit guilty by making him witness all this but he knew it was necessary unless he wanted someone important to die to awaken Yuanba's Profound Veins. He heard Yuanba speak in a monotonous tone, "So, he was able to do this because I am weak."

Slowly and Slowly, his voice started to become powerful as he said, "I will become strong, stronger than ever. I thought of you as a friend but you dared to go against my father because of my sister's wedding. I will kill you!"

Soon enough he gave into his hatred as the Aura around him started to become powerful, he started screaming as something in his body started awakening. The Divine Aura inside his body started to overflow form his body. The illusion that Ryusuke had set up had long since shattered and they were once again in the Forest behind the Imperial Palace.

Yuanba's Divine Aura was so shocking that it was able to push back Ryusuke by some amount but after he was pushed back by two or three steps. His Primordial Chaos Divine Veins started acting up, it released its own Divine Aura and the pressure which Ryusuke was feeling from Yuanba's Divine Aura completely disappeared.

It was like his Primordial Chaos Divine Veins were making the Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins to know that who was the boss here. The Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Vein's Aura was still overflowing from Yuanba's body but the Primordial Chaos Divine Vein's Aura had completely suppressed it.

It was to the point that even if there was a Realm King with them, even he won't be able to sense this aura from 30 Metres away. This was the Power of Primordial Chaos Divine Veins, it was able to supress the power of all the other profound veins in its presence.

Ryusuke smiled as he got to know about this ability and thought 'So, this is also the power of my Divine Veins. I always thought that it was a bit weaker than the Evil God's Divine Veins. Looks like, it was me who didn't know about its uses. GOD had truly gone all out making these Profound Veins the most powerful in the world.'

Soon, enough the Divine Aura which was overflowing out of Yuanba started to calm down and it started to Awaken his Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins. The Cultivation base of Yuanba was rising at an Astounding Speed.

Nascent Soul Realm

True Profound Realm

Spirit Profound Realm

Earth Profound Realm

Sky Profound Realm

Emperor Profound Realm

And finally, he entered the Tyrant Profound Realm.

After entering the Tyrant Profound Realm, the speed at which his cultivation increased greatly slowed down and he finally reached the 6th Stage of Tyrant Profound Realm. Ryusuke then stopped using his Primordial Chaos Divine Veins and stopped supressing the area around him.

Yuanba slowly started to gain consciousness as he looked towards Ryusuke and said, "Brother-in-Law, what happened just now? I feel as though my whole world has turned upside down." Ryusuke smiled as he asked him, "What do you remember Yuanba?"

As he said that, Yuanba's expression started to change as he released his full power there, he said in a very arrogant voice, "I will kill him! I will kill Yun Che. How dare he try to harm my family. A lowly creature such as him will dare to kill my family. He has to…Die!"

Ryusuke stared into his eyes and stood in front of him while softly saying, "No, you won't. It was the future him, he hasn't done anything right now." Yuanba stared into his eyes and tried to use his cultivation base to pressurise Ryusuke, he said, "Brother-in-Law, don't try to stop me right now. I won't be able to rest till I kill him."

Ryusuke raised his eyebrow as he felt Yuanba using his Cultivation Base to pressurise him, he started releasing the power of his own Cultivation base as his expression turned cold, he said, "Yuanba, don't mistake my softness for my weakness. I don't tolerate when anyone is trying to pressurize me."

And with that he used his Full Cultivation Base to completely pressurise Yuanba as he said to him in a cold and angry tone, "You were weak before, you are weak now. You were weak before because you had a low cultivation base but you are now weak because your personality is being controlled by those Profound Veins."

"You think you are very powerful just because you have a very high Cultivation Base, then come. I wonder how strong you are." He released his full Aura as he challenged Yuanba. Yuanba didn't move as he felt a type of helplessness in front of Ryusuke. Even the Tyrannical feeling he was having completely left him in front of Ryusuke.