
it was the ability of Kamui. The ability to have the other Dimension. He wanted to explore more of his Sharingan Abilities but he couldn't do so as he was right in front of Azure Dragon.

He looked towards the Azure Dragon and saw that it was hesitating to speak, he smiled and started speaking with a calm expression, "Azure Dragon, speak up with whatever you want. You have indeed given me your Full Bloodline Inheritance, I can atleast fulfil one of your requests so speak without fear Azure Dragon."

Azure Dragon looked at Ryusuke and felt as if he knew what he was going to say, it felt him becoming much more mysterious than before. It was already thinking of the Draconic-Susanoo it had seen Ryusuke use.

If somehow, Ryusuke would ever reach the True God's Rank, he would most definitely be stronger than the original Primordial Azure Dragon. And the Azure Dragon knew that the power of Ryusuke right now as also something it could imagine.

It looked as if it sighed and started speaking, "I indeed have a request to ask of you. I know at the level that you are now, I cannot force you that is why I shall lower my head in front of you and ask for your help."

"I request you to save my Daughter from the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, my daughter is currently sealed in that sword and I can't do anything about that. I know that you will someday ascend to the heavens, look for the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword and free my daughter."

"I have always been regretful that even my power, I couldn't save my daughter from being sealed in that sword. I knew that with your power you will definitely be able to unseal her from the sword." At the end of his words, the proud Azure Dragon even lowered its head as if to beg Ryusuke.

Ryusuke stopped the Dragon from doing this and said in a powerful voice, "Do not lower your head Azure Dragon. I have a lot of respect towards you, you don't have to lower your head to ask for this request.

"I, Uchiha Ryusuke take an oath in the presence of Heaven and Earth, the Spirit of Azure Dragon, that I shall find the daughter of Azure Dragon and free her from the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, if not then I shall crush the very thing that is most important to me, my very own eyes."

A loud thunder was heard behind him as if saying that the heavens had excepted his oath, the Dragon looked at Ryusuke and saw his eyes had changed to that of Blood Red Eyes with an Azure Blue outlining the pupil.

It now knew that the mysterious abilities were due to his eyes, it knew that and was astonished as it didn't expect that those eyes to be so powerful. It felt that the power in those eyes was something that could have made him reach the peak of the world even without the Azure Dragon's Bloodline.

The Azure Dragon Bloodline he had gotten will pretty much make him invincible in the world if he was given enough time. It felt that the guy that was standing in front of it would reach the peak of the world and surpass that peak.

Ryusuke looked at the Azure Dragon and said, "I have a way to make you meet your daughter once again but I do wonder if you would be willing to become my Demon Spirit."

Azure Dragon looked as if it was in deep thought for some moments and said, "I have thought about it for these 2 months, I have decided that it will be your choice if you want be as your Demon Spirit or not. Even if I am only a Spirit of the original Azure Dragon, the feelings for my daughter go beyond anything even including my own pride."

Ryusuke stared at the Azure Dragon and was pretty surprised at its choice, he knew that the Azure Dragon had the pride which was larger than Madara Uchiha, it wouldn't just accept anyone trying to rule on him but it seemed like its love was also as large as that of an Uchiha.

He respected the Azure Dragon even more in his heart and nodded and said, "I am definitely grateful that you want to become my Demon Spirit, in response to your answer, I will give you freedom to do whatever you wanted just don't go against my loved ones."

His eyes shaped changed into that of Mangekyou Sharingan and he said with a cold expression, "Otherwise, I shall make you feel fear, terrified at my name. At that moment, being dead and tortured will be the least of your concerns."

The Azure Dragon nodded at his words, it didn't expect him to be doing anything other than this. The reason that the Azure Dragon was will to become his Spirit was because of his attitude which was similar to its own. It had only had some small conversations with him but the Dragon felt that it knew him for many years.

This wasn't because Ryusuke used some Genjutsu or anything but something which it genuinely felt, besides the Dragon wouldn't be caught in anything less than Tsukuyomi and then also it will be able to free itself if it was given enough time.

Ryusuke touched the Azure Dragon on its head and used his "Heavenly God Technique" to make the Azure Dragon as his own Second Spirit. He then remembered something, he remembered that he had used his Izanagi on himself in case he died and cancelled it.

After the Azure Dragon became his second spirit, the Profound Energy rushed towards Azure Dragon as it continued to grow more powerful than before. Ryusuke was also sending his Primordial Chaos Energy in full strength towards the Spirit of the Azure Dragon, he didn't want the Spirit of the Azure Dragon to be weak after becoming his spirit.

He planned to make this Spirit reach its original level, the realm of the True Gods. After absorbing all the Aura from the Wasteland of Death and also absorbing the Aura from the Primordial Chaos Energy, Azure Dragon finally got back its own body.

Now, the Azure Dragon had two choices, whether to live in the body of Ryusuke or use its own cultivation base and make a humanoid form of itself as it would be pretty weird for travelling with such a great form.

The Dragon just went inside the Energy enter of Ryusuke and started sleeping, when Ryusuke sweat dropped at the scene when he saw the Great Dragon sleeping inside his Energy Centre (Dantian).

He understood that the Dragon was perhaps tired for the being the Guardian of the Wasteland of Death for too long, it perhaps had some mental exhaustion and so it went to sleep right away.

Ryusuke then started training in the Azure Dragon Slayer Arts with his Azure Dragon's Flames. He knew that even if he had copied the moves, he had to train them to use them to their full power.

After a month, he had finally mastered all the moves of his Azure Dragon Slayer Arts. It was pretty easy considering he had already copied them through his Sharingan, he just had to practise them to be proficient in them.

Well, the one thing that he didn't expect was the arrival of someone. He felt the Aura and smiled and said, "So, you have finally arrived, Yun Che, Jasmine…."