Absorbing Jasmine's Poison

Ryusuke then turned back towards Yun Che and said, "I can cure that little poison of hers. You don't have to worry about her. Hmm, perhaps I should cure her of her poison right now."

He turned towards Jasmine and said to her, "Come here, I will absorb that poison. I wonder how powerful is this Absolute God Slaying Poison going to be!" Jasmine stepped forwards and Ryusuke put his palms on her shoulder and used his Sharingan to see the poison in her body.

He frowned up a bit as he could see that a very dense power was inside Jasmine, slowly started to flow in his body but as soon as it did, an ancient aura spread in the Area. This was the Aura of the Azure Dragon, the Dragon God.

He was awakened when he sensed the Absolute God Slaying Poison in Ryusuke's body, he thought that someone from the God Realm had come and attacked Ryusuke and came out of his body to protect him from the incoming attack.

He turned and saw two humans with Ryusuke and was pretty surprised by them as he could sense the girl having the complete inheritance of the Heavenly Slaughter Star God and the young boy having the Evil God's Divine Veins.

It was a bit surprised at the boy having the Evil God's Divine Veins, as the True Azure Dragon had some friendship with Evil God and they were sort of friendly rivals. It was because of Evil God's request that the Primordial Azure Dragon left an inheritance on this small planet.

It then looked at the girl and sensed that she was the Heavenly Slaughter Star God and it seemed that she would be used as a sacrifice for this power she received. It even sensed a large amount of Absolute God Slaying poison from her body.

He then looked at Yun Che and sensed the power of one of the Heavenly Treasures, the Sky Poison Pearl. It was pretty surprised by sensing it, it knew that this was the only heavenly treasure capable of purifying the Absolute God Slaying Poison.

While it was surprised to see both Jasmine and Yun Che, they both were similarly surprised when they saw the Primordial Azure Dragon in front of them. Yun Che was surprised to see the Azure Dragon because it was his first time seeing it.

The first time he came in contact with such noble and powerful aura. He knew that it would be useless to do whatever he wanted to this Dragon. He then looked at Ryusuke with a hint of fear as he had seen the Beast come from inside him then that meant that it had fused with him.

He felt a bit fortunate that he hadn't really angered him otherwise he didn't even know of the consequences. While Jasmine was shocked for a completely different reason, she looked at Azure Dragon and shuttered, "How… how… are… you…alive?"

She then managed to calm herself and then said, "You should have died after giving him the Full Inheritance. Even the Spirit left behind by the Azure Dragon can't be so strong that you are still able to exert so much of your power otherwise the Dragon Clan would have already conquered the whole Divine Realm."

Azure Dragon chuckled at her question and said, "Yes, you are absolutely correct. I indeed should have died but the youth standing in front of you is more mysterious than you can imagine. He is the reason for my survival."

She looked at him with an inquiring gaze as if asking him to answer her, he raised his eyebrow at this and said, "You do not have the right to know about my secret. There are many things that you aren't aware of and it would be better if it stays that way."

She nodded as she couldn't force him to say anything, he was the one healing her besides he had already shared an extremely great secret with her even though they didn't know each other.

Ryusuke then turned towards Azure Dragon and ordered it, "And what the hell are you doing outside. Go back and sleep or something." Azure Dragon's eyebrows twitched at his words and it said with a growl, "You do know that I came outside to help you. I thought someone managed to poison you with the Absolute God Slaying Poison."

Ryusuke deadpanned at his words and said, "You do know about my Profound Veins. Do you seriously think that the Absolute God Slaying Poison would be able to harm me?" He then thought about something and said to Azure Dragon, "Well, now that you have already come out, suppress my cultivation base. I don't think I can keep suppressing my cultivation base while absorbing her poison."

The Azure Dragon heard his words and nodded even though he was pretty confused as to why Ryusuke wanted to stay at the Sovereign Profound Realm if anyone else was given this chance they would without a doubt raise their cultivation base and enter the Divine Realm.

While Ryusuke and Azure Dragon were talking, Jasmine was pretty surprised to see Ryusuke talking with Azure Dragon as if they were friends. She had heard of tales of Azure Dragon's pride, the fact that it didn't put anyone in its eyes.

Evil God was one of the only gods who managed to gain his recognition but here she was watching him bickering with a mortal and even going as far as helping him. She then felt the Absolute God Slaying poison being absorbed by Ryusuke at a very fast speed.

She felt his realm rise from the Peak of the Sovereign Profound Realm but suddenly both of them were hit with a Strong oppressing aura, the True Dragon's Aura, the Primordial Azure Dragon's Aura. It suppressed Ryusuke's cultivation and kept it at the Peak of the Sovereign Profound Realm while Ryusuke used his complete concentration and absorbed the Absolute God Slaying poison from her body.

The complete absorption of the poison required about 30 minutes and finally the last bit of the Absolute God Slaying Poison was removed from her body. Jasmine used a bit of her cultivation base and had a smile on her face as she now no longer had to worry about the backlash of the Absolute God Slaying Poison.

Ryusuke turned towards Azure Dragon and nodded and the Azure Dragon disappeared into his body and he stood up and turned towards Yun Che who was pretty shocked by this whole thing.

Ryusuke said to him with a smile, "Now, I believe it is time for you to release Jasmine from the soul contract." Yun Che nodded as he released the contract of Jasmine's Soul from his soul and the Sky Poison Pearl.

After finally using her Profound Energy for some time, she looked at Ryusuke and asked, "Why do you need my help when you already have the Azure Dragon with you? Even though it is weaker than me at my full power but my soul form is also weaker than it. Why do you need my help then?"

Ryusuke chuckled at her question and said, "You are indeed correct but you won't be protecting me. I want you to protect the Frozen Cloud Asgard with me and also teach me about how to control my Divine Energy when I enter the Divine Profound Realm so that I won't break the void and enter the Divine Realm."