Space Time intervention

He observed his training for some more time an went back inside the palace to find Cang Yue. He was a bit anxious right now about what has happened in these months. He reached the palace and saw that Cang Yue had woken up and it seemed like she had just taken a bath and got ready in her dress.

He looked at her with an extremely calm expression which caused Cang Yue to be a bit confused at his expression. She looked at him and asked him in a soft voice, "What happened, husband? Why such a serious face?"

Ryusuke looked at her and asked her in an extremely serious voice, "Cang Yue, who was the one who took your first time?" Cang Yue was even more confused now and said, "Wasn't it you who took my first time. Didn't you remember that?"

Ryusuke was even more confused now as he didn't remember taking her first time, he closed his eyes as he started thinking 'Did someone impersonated me and had sex with her? But why? Or…" He looked at her and asked her, "Cang Yue, how much time is left for the tournament."

Cang Yue seemed to be confused by his question and said, "Well, only 10 days are left." Ryusuke's eyes widened as he heard her statement and now understood all that happened. He knew that he overthought the situation and made a big matter out of a small matter.

He sighed as he knew that it wasn't anything that he was worried about and went back to training Yuanba. While going back he was thinking 'So, that time when Jasmine left me because at that time 2 months were left for the tournament. I entered a space crack as I tried to move towards Cang Yue's position. I am not experienced by moving from within the Space time.'

'Man, I am really unlucky to have entered the Future by 2 months and my future self-had gone to the past and done the deed with her which has changed the future respectively. Oh well, it doesn't matter if I was the one who took her and here, I made a big deal out of it. I should really stop overthinking the situations.'

He reached the forest where Yuanba was training and saw that he was trying extra hard in controlling the strand of Profound Energy. He started guiding him to control that strand of Profound Energy and in a few days, he was able to control that strand of Profound Energy.

Ryusuke didn't have the time right now, so he told him to make that strand of Profound Energy much denser so that it would be easier to control it. After those 10 days, the training was finally complete and Yuanba could finally control his power to some good extent.

He could now supress his power to that of the True Profound Realm which already told great deal about his control. Ryusuke reached the forest and met up with the Phoenix Spirit once again, he asked the Phoenix Spirit, "So what was the reason that you wanted to call me here."

Phoenix Spirit looked at him and then said in a slow and clear voice, "I am sensing some Divine Realm people coming on this continent. I do not know if they are from the Dragon Realm or from other realms but be careful. My life depends on your life right now."

Ryusuke smiled as this was like the Phoenix Spirit was saying that it supported Ryusuke. Ryusuke nodded and said with a smile, "It would be certainly interesting to fight them. At what realm are they?"

Phoenix Spirit shook its head and said, "I cannot sense their levels as they are still very far away and they are hiding their Cultivation Realms." Ryusuke nodded as it was expected they did that, he thought 'It is possible that they are from the Dragon Clan but they should leave some of their Dragon Energy as a trail for me to follow so if they had done that then the Phoenix would have found out but it didn't sense that so that means that the ones who came here are certainly from different Realms. I wonder if the goons from the Moon God Realm are going to be here.'

'I need to make Qingyue know that her mother is alive and is captured by the Moon God Realm King. It should be pretty easy to save her with my Kamui.'

While he was here thinking about the goons of the Realm Kings coming on the Blue Pole Star, Jasmine also sensed the appearance of so many Divine Realm experts on this Blue Pole Star Planet.

She knew that if she didn't have her body then it would be debatable if she could even beat any one of them. In these months, she spent some time with Xia Qingyue, she wanted to know more about this Ryusuke and his story.

She wanted to know about this guy whose bloodline was as strong as the Azure Dragon Bloodline. She wanted to know more about his abilities. But when she listened to Qingyue speaking she was astonished when she heard his story.

She didn't expect that his whole Clan was murdered by his big brother. She didn't even expect that he had such a story behind him. She knew that from the expression of Qingyue that she really loved him, when she told her that she was of the Divine Realm, Qingyue asked her first question, "Can you take me and Ryusuke to the Divine Realm. I want to find my mother in the Divine Realm."

Jasmine nodded as she already planned to bring Ryusuke in the Divine Realm, it wouldn't be impossible to bring more of them with her cultivation realm. Besides with the cultivation speed of Qingyue, she knew that it was sot far away before she herself entered the Divine Realm.

She already knew that her body was the Nine Profound Exquisite Body, and it was like it was even more enhanced than before and most of all. Qingyue was in the Stage 10 of the Sky Profound Realm and not even 10% of the Purple Veined Divine Crystals were used right now.

She was just on the edge of breaking through to the Emperor Profound Realm while Chu Yuechan was in close door cultivation for all these months. She was astonished when she saw the advancement of Ryusuke for all these years and wanted to catch up to him.

In these months, she had finally reached Stage 3 of the Tyrant Profound Realm.