The Dragons Arrive

All five of them, Ryusuke, Jasmine, Chu Yuechan, Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue stayed together for 10 days and in this time. Ryusuke spent some time with each of them as they would go to a nearby city and eat some meal and have a date…

Ryusuke didn't go out with Jasmine yet because he treaded her at a fair distance from himself. He knew that it wouldn't be a promising idea to near a Tsundere type of character. He would most likely be rejected for her own pride and he wasn't keen on being rejected by Jasmine.

He knew that she would come to him eventually and didn't think much about it. These matters could never work as being forceful as this might cause her to hate him.

He also taught Chu Yuechan, Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue about how to efficiently use their Profound Energy. He observed every single technique with his Sharingan and noticed the wastage of their Profound Energy in every single technique.

He advised them and made them capable enough to use their energy in a much more efficient way. As Ryusuke was correcting their techniques, he felt a mysterious energy come near him and turned his head towards the sky.

Only he and Jasmine felt this presence and both of them readied themselves for the incoming enemy. They could feel the strong energy and Jasmine had a serious expression on her face as she knew that a fight was about to break out.

She looked towards Ryusuke and found him to be looking towards her, she had a serious tone, "This is a Divine Master Realm expert, protect your wives. It looks like a senior elder from the Divine Realm has arrived."

Ryusuke nodded his head as he knew that he wasn't strong enough to fight against the Divine Master Realm, he had some tricks that he could use to delay that person and give him a shock but not a strong power that would make these 2 persons stop within their tracks.

He knew that it would be foolish to be a burden for Jasmine at this moment and went near Xia Qingyue, Chen Yuechan and Cang Yue and held their hands as he prepared to use his Kamui.

Suddenly, he heard the voice of the Azure Dragon from his Dantian, "So, the cultivators from the Dragon Realm had finally come…" Ryusuke paused he soon as he heard this and was a bit excited.

He wondered just what would happen now, would the Dragon Realm Cultivators protect him or would they try to kill him and obtain the Dragon God's Legacy from his corpse. His eyes changed to Rinne-Sharingan as 9 Tomoes were visible in each of his eyes.

Suddenly, everyone in the surrounding area heard two roars that were distinct yet very familiar to each other. Ryusuke heard the Roars and the Dragon's Blood Inside him started to shake, it was as if it wanted to reply back to these Roars.

Ryusuke controlled this urge and just released a minute amount of Dragon's Aura, he didn't know why he knew but he didn't sense hostility from the Roars of the Dragons. It was as if they roared because they wanted to know his exact location.

Ryusuke knew that he may regret it but he still took a risk and released his Dragon's Aura in the surrounding. Jasmine felt him doing this and didn't stop him, she was also curious as to what the Dragons will do.

Besides, if the situation was against him, he could always hide inside his Kamui Dimension. Even the Dragons wouldn't be able to enter his Kamui dimension without his own permission.

After waiting for a few minutes, Ryusuke and Jasmine were greeted with two majestic Dragons in front of their eyes. One was a Red Dragon while the other was the White Dragon. These were the Supreme Dragons inside the Dragon Realm; their powers were just below the Dragon Monarch.

Both of the Dragons ignored every single person except for Ryusuke, they didn't care for any humans, gods. But they were curious about this human because he was releasing the aura of the Dragon God.

They knew that he must have been chosen by the Dragon God, Azure Dragon to carry out its legacy. The Red Dragon said in a prideful voice, "You…human. Follow us to the Dragon Realm."

Ryusuke heard their words and narrowed his eyes, an Azure Blue Aura started spreading in the surrounding as the Body of the Azure Dragon was on complete display. Its 100 metres long body with his Azure Blue Scales and an arrogant expression.

It said, "Since when did the Protectors of the Dragon Realm start ordering the legacy inheritor of the Dragon God?" Its voice was filled with an ancient feeling and the Dragons lowered their heads.

They were very arrogant in front of Ryusuke because they felt his cultivation was just in the Divine Tribulation Realm, it was too low. Even with the complete legacy of the Dragon God, they could still beat him without much of a challenge.

So, they were arrogant in front of him, they didn't know that he actually had the Dragon God with himself as if it was his summon. Jasmine looked towards Ryusuke and smiled as she was happy to see him using this Dragon God as his backer.

She knew well enough that Dragons were incredibly prideful, they wouldn't listen to anyone much less a human. But there was a single exception, they wouldn't ever question the orders from their Ancestors.

Such as the Dragon God… The Red Dragon and the White Dragon bowed in front of Azure Dragon and didn't stand up. They didn't care about the humans watching them, for them, it was ultimate treasure to even witness their first and the most powerful Ancestor once again.

The Azure Dragon spoke once again, "My legacy inheritor has some tasks that he has to do in this Realm. Protect him till he leaves this Realm and take him back to the Dragon Realm."

Both the Red Dragon and the White Dragon nodded their heads as they said, "We understand."

Suddenly, the Dragon God disappeared like it was never there, the surroundings turned back to normal. Ryusuke looked towards the Dragons and said, "So, you both are going to be my protectors in this Realm huh…"

Both of them nodded as they felt that it was an honour to do a task from the Dragon God himself, even though they respected Dragon Monarch very much, but how could the prestige of the Dragon Monarch reach the Level of the Dragon God.