Purity of the Phoenix Bloodline

To the questions of her father, Feng Xue'er obviously denied with as she spoke up, "No father, it wasn't Ryusuke who informed me of this matter. It was the Phoenix's Spirit!"

And that was enough for every minister to turn towards her as they were now curious, each one of them held an exceptional respect for the Phoenix Spirit. It was the thing that gave them their bloodline, the qualifications to be proud in their own strength.

It was all given to them by the Phoenix Spirit, that was the reason why all of them had a respectful expression as they continued to listen to Feng Xue'er's words, Feng Hengkong was silent for a couple of minutes before he motioned for her to continue, "Continue daughter, if it was from the Phoenix Spirit, then we shall listen to the order."

"Hai Emperor Father. The Phoenix Spirit couldn't talk for a long time but it did inform me that a great threat was approaching this realm, something which would destroy all the great powers in this realm, The sacred lands as well as our Empire." Feng Xue'er's expression was completely serious as she spoke of Phoenix's words.

Meanwhile, Ryusuke was looking at the Emperor and the ministers sitting there and examined their cultivation base, he let out a tch as he didn't find their cultivation bases all that impressive.

Feng Hengkong obviously heard it as he glared at the young man that had come together with Feng Xue'er, he didn't hold back his pride as he shouted, "Why have you come here? Go wait outside, we have to talk about an important thing here."

Now, this made Ryusuke smile as he simply replied back, "Are you sure Emperor Feng Hengkong? Do you really want me to go out?" He rotated his body as he glanced at Feng Xue'er and spoke up, "Looks like your father doesn't want me here. I guess I will go."

He turned back towards the Emperor Feng Hengkong as he spoke out, "Good day Emperor. I hope you are successful in repelling the misfortune."

No one in the minister thought much about his words, they thought that he was just someone who was taking advantage of the situation and creating confusion among them. They were confident that if the Phoenix Spirit had told the princess about the misfortune, their must be a way to overturn it.

This was the confidence with which they looked forward towards their future, but they didn't expect Feng Xue'er to interject in between as she called out for Ryusuke, "Noo… Ryusuke, don't go please."

She then turned towards her confused Father and the minister as she explained them, "Father, the Holy Phoenix Spirit ordered me to awaken my Phoenix Bloodline and it said that it was only possible if I stay with Ryusuke."

"huh…What are you talking about daughter? The Phoenix Spirit said that to stay with this young man to awaken your Phoenix Bloodline? And how would that help in awakening?" Feng Hengkong put out these questions as he curiously stared at his daughter and Ryusuke.

"I do not know about the way how it will help me awaken the Bloodline but I can feel from Ryusuke's body that his Phoenix Bloodline is purer than the one in my body so it might be possible." Feng Xue'er looked at Ryusuke as she spoke out with no hesitation whatsoever.

Now this startled Feng Hengkong as he couldn't imagine anyone having a purer bloodline that his daughter who had been given the Blood and soul of the Phoenix.

He tried to gauge the Young man in front of him and felt absolutely helpless when he couldn't feel anything, it was as if the man in front of him was a void. He couldn't feel anything unusual from him.

"Are you sure that he is the person Xue'er? I can't feel anything unusual from him." Feng Hengkong still remained suspicious of this whole matter as he wasn't ready to let his innocent daughter go with this man.

He had rather see the destruction of the Divine Phoenix Empire than agree to that. He stared into the eyes of his young innocent daughter and heard her, "Father, I don't know why you can't feel his Bloodline but I can, its resonating with mine. Its powerful father, I want to awaken my Bloodline and protect my Empire from this threat."

Seeing her determination, Feng Hengkong found it hard to reject her, he also curiously looked towards Ryusuke as he decided to ask more about him, "Who are you?"

Ryusuke stared at the man as he brought his hand near his chin and spoke in a clear voice, "Is my identity that important? And as for the reason why you can't feel my Bloodline is because your Phoenix Bloodline is too impure..."

He softly whispered, "Too weak compared to mine." That made everyone in the hall angry as fuck, they were like 'You are a fucking boy compared to us and you dare say our bloodline is too weak compared to you.'

Ryusuke examined their expressions as he could easily deduce what they were thinking, "You must be thinking that I am just a young boy and that you oldies think that I am too arrogant to compare my Bloodline with you huh…"

He suddenly pointed towards Feng Xue'er as he started to explain, "But isn't that the same case along with Feng Xue'er? Isn't your Bloodline weaker than hers? So why do you think that it would in the same league as mine?"

His words were completely logical but they don't know why they were irritated the way he worded them, it was as if he was thinking of them like insects and didn't hold any respect towards any of them.

At the end of the day, they were from the Royal Family of the Divine Phoenix Empire. Which one of them didn't have a heaven defying status? And it wasn't like this boy was from one of the Three Sacred Lands otherwise there would definitely be news about this boy.