Shen Xi's story

Shen Xi started her explanation. The pressure on her Bloodline was just enough so that she could feel the pain and talk with not much issue.

"After the death of Mo E, the first user of the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, nobody could use the sword again. After it reached the hands of the Dragon God Realm. Many believed that if I tried to use the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, I could use it to its full power considering I was the disciple of Lord Li Suo and the daughter of the Dragon God, the Azure Dragon."

"Even I was greatly arrogant of my own ability and overestimated myself by trying to use the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword. I couldn't even swing it completely before my body disintegrated as it failed to supply enough power to the sword. After that, to survive, I linked my soul to the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword."

"My father came to know about it, but even he was unable to break the soul link. If he did break the soul link, my soul would have shattered." Shen Xi took a small break while looking at Ryusuke's face.

There was not any particular change on Ryusuke's face, he said, "Continue…"

"Right… After that, the Dragon God Realm kept the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword safe in this Forbidden Land of Samsara. The things were relatively calmer for some time. However, one day, the Devils attacked the Forbidden Land of Samsara to get the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword and the Well of Transmigration. The Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword was thrown into the Well of Transmigration."

"I did not wish to undergo a reincarnation at that point. I wished to stay behind and protect the Dragon God Realm. Even though it was just my soul, I was rather strong at that time." Shen Xi said with a determined look. The pain of her soul no longer bothered her as she got lost in the flashback.

"I destroyed the link to my soul and killed all the intruders in the Forbidden Land of Samsara before I awaited my death. However… Death never came." Shen Xi stated while looking around the realm, "You must have sensed the mysterious energy in this realm right after entering the Forbidden Land of Samsara, right? This mysterious energy as you say is extremely close to the Chaos Energy. Its because this pure energy is from the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword. For the time it remained here, it managed to flow into this realm endlessly, completely filling it."

"I can survive here in this realm because of my soul being powered by this energy. However, even though I managed to remain here, it was only for nought. The Moon God Slaughter Devil Sovereign launched the Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations which purged the world of almost all the True Gods except me since I was safe inside this energy from the Heavenly Punishing Ancestral Sword." Shen Xi once again lowered her head.

"And, forgive me for my offence of trying to look into your memories." Shen Xi bowed this time, out of her own obligation. She continued to kneel in front of Ryusuke, "Please… I will do anything, just let me meet my father again. I… I want to see him again if he is still alive."

The pressure on her bloodline vanished after her sincere apology, "I understand your story now. Alright, don't go back on your words then, Dragon Queen. I guess I will forgive you for now."

"Thank you…" Shen Xi stated while tears flowed out of her eyes.

He Ling was shocked to see her master like this. She had never seen her dignified master in such a state. Even the Dragon Monarch would be extremely respectful in front of her master.

However, He Ling didn't care much about it. She was happy that her master didn't feel any pain now.

Ryusuke gave her a look before saying, "I can send the Azure Dragon a message about you. It might take him some time to return. Until then, come with me to the Dragon God Palace."

Ryusuke offered Shen Xi his hand. Shen Xi immediately grabbed his hand as if fearing that he would leave if she hesitated.

After she grabbed his hand, she heard a gentle voice, "You made a great choice. Then… I can give you some reward." He said while his Divine Chaos Energy started to empower her body and soul.

Even though Shen Xi had created a body for herself with her excellent cultivation base, she was still unable to empower her soul. What Ryusuke was doing was empowering both her physique and her soul.

She could feel the missing parts of her soul filling with newfound strength and overbearing energy.

"This… This is amazing!" She couldn't help but speak out with a startled look.

He Ling was rather curious to know why her Master was so happy. To her eyes, it only seemed like the two were holding hands.

Right now, Shen Xi's skin seemed to glow a little as she seemed even more beautiful than before.

After Ryusuke felt that it was enough, he stopped supplying her enough power.

He looked at He Ling and said, "Come here if you want to get outside this bland space too. I am sure you must have been bored living here."

He Ling peeked towards Shen Xi's side before slowly nodding her head, she was indeed bored at this place.

He Ling started walking towards Ryusuke. She was in arm's range of him before the pattern in Ryusuke's eyes changed. Ryusuke used Kamui to take them to his own master bedroom.

It was the place where no person would dare to walk into other than his wives. For now, this would be the best place for Shen Xi.

"How strong are you, Shen Xi?" After he reached his own room, he sat down on his comfortable bed.

Shen Xi curiously stares at him and asks, "Don't you know by now? I mean… You have pretty much brought me back to life."

"The consumption of my power is a lot less than you think. What I did was merely give your body and soul the things they lacked before reabsorbing my Chaos Divine Energy. I did sense your boundless energy, but I am unsure of your level. Are you at the Divine Master Realm? Or Divine Extinction Realm?" Ryusuke asks her with a laid back expression.

Shen Xi chuckled at his question, "Divine Extincting Realm? I am almost insulted that you would drop me to this level. My strength was said to approach the Creation Gods. Though I only have half of my full strength right now, I am sure it's more than enough to defeat an ordinary True God."