
Many of them had not even seen Shen Xi, so they were surprised at the presence of another beautiful appearance next to Ryusuke's side.

Several of them thought that this beautiful woman was another concubine of their young lord.

The only one who knew Shen Xi had his eyes widened. It was naturally Long Bai. He kept his eyes at Shen Xi and saw that she was the very same woman whom he had loved for so many years.

"S-Shen Xi? What are you doing here? I didn't think you could leave the Forbidden Land of Samsara." He asked with a nervous expression, fearing her reply greatly.

Meanwhile, the name Forbidden Land of Samsara sent the entire hall into whispers. They knew that only a single existence lived in that place, the Dragon Queen.

Was this beautiful woman before him, the Dragon Queen?!

"Long Bai… When have I permitted you to call me with my name?" Shen Xi stated with a cold expression which sent chills down Long Bai's spine.

He couldn't believe the power he was feeling from Shen Xi. He had always known that Shen Xi was strong, but to this extent, he never imagined this.

The entire hall of Dragon God Race's Elders were brought to their knees just by her glare.

"It seems that I must remind you all of my true identity. I am Shen Xi, the daughter of the Great Azure Dragon!" She declared with a loud voice which shocked the individuals present in the room, including Long Bai.

Long Bai never expected her identity to be so noble. His eyes went wide as Shen Xi's true identity blew away his mind.

The other Dragon God Elders all kneeled down to her presence and stated, "We greet the exalted Princess…"

One of them even spoke excitedly, "What a great blessing for our Dragon God Realm! A month ago, our Dragon God, the Azure Dragon returned to the Realm with his inheritor, and now his daughter has appeared as well. Heavens are blessing the Dragons."

Most of the people in the hall agreed to those words.

Meanwhile, Shen Xi couldn't hold back her surprise when she heard those words from that elder. Even though she knew Ryusuke's ability and knew he had the power to give body to her father. Somewhere deep inside of her mind remained a small possibility that this all was a lie.

The words of this elder all but confirmed that her father had truly been revived.

Shen Xi took a deep breath and seemingly made her decision on some matter.

"I, Shen Xi, the Azure Dragon's only daughter, propose to Ryusuke to be his mate." She declared it with a clear tone, leaving no doubt to those who heard her words.

The one who was the most flabbergasted was the former Dragon Monarch, Long Bai. He was so stunned that he felt like his worst nightmare had just come true.

Meanwhile, Ryusuke, who remains seated on the throne, lets out a surprised sound, "Hoho… I accept your proposal, Shen Xi."

The entire hall stayed silent for around 10 whole seconds. For 10 seconds, not a single sound could be heard.

But after those 10 seconds passed, roars of happiness could be heard from all the dragons in the room. Nobody in the hall even seemed to remember that fake news of Shen Xi being Long Bai's wife.

For them, this proposal which they had heard was the only thing that mattered. It came from the mouth of the daughter of their Dragon God...

Everyone other than Long Bai was cheering with loud roars and laughter.

Perhaps they accepted it in their mind that only Ryusuke was one truly worthy candidate to marry the daughter of the Dragon God.

Ryusuke kept his eyes focused at Long Bai. His frown deepened when he saw Long Bai gritting his teeth and swallowing his discomfort.

His uncomfortableness could be seen as his nails dug deep into his palm. However, the fact that Long Bai stopped himself from saying something truly said a lot about his tolerance.

Ryusuke could foresee a future of Long Bai backstabbing him in a not so far future. Perhaps he would do so at the first opportunity present to him.

It was time to get rid of him.

Ryusuke stood up and addressed the entire hall, "Calm down. There is another issue which must be addressed at once."

The entire hall went silent at his words. They all focused on Ryusuke and wondered what issue he was talking about.

Ryusuke turns to look at Long Bai's figure, "Long Bai… Step forward. I am sure you are aware of the crime committed by you."

"Huh? What crime is the Young Lord talking about?"

"Shh… Listen to Young Lord's words."

The elders started talking among themselves.

"The crime of declaring Shen Xi as his wife with no agreement from Shen Xi. He has made a brutal crime of sullying the status of Shen Xi by declaring her as his wife." Ryusuke kept his eyes focused at Long Bai before he turns towards the hall of elders, "My fellow elders… What should be the punishment for such a crime?"

In this huge hall of elders, there were naturally some elders who held ill feelings towards Long Bai. Whether it was due to Long Bai's power or his status, it didn't matter.

These elders were the first ones to shout out, "DEATH! HE DESERVES DEATH FOR THAT CRIME!"

Slowly many of the elders joined in the shouting. Ryusuke could hardly suppress the faint smile appearing on his lips.

After he felt like enough number had joined up, he spoke, "As most of you have agreed for the punishment. I declare his punishment to be beheaded!"

From start to finish, Long Bai wasn't even allowed to say anything. He released his great cultivation base, "Are you sure you want to kill me, my lord? I am still the highest-ranked cultivator here! My death could weaken the Dragon God Realm!"

Surprisingly, he didn't directly go against the punishment. It seemed that he was aware of the graveness of the crime. To have lied to the entire Dragon God Realm, and even the entire Divine Realm. It was certainly a crime deserving of death. This was why he brought up the point of his strength.

At that moment, all the Dragon God Realm's elders sensed a strong pressure from Ryusuke's body. The pressure of the Divine Master Realm.

His Cultivation base was at the 1st Stage of the Divine Master Realm, but it was still strong enough to easily suppress the Long Bai's Cultivation. The credit went to the Primordial Chaos Divine Veins.