
"Why has the Azure Dragon's Inheritor come here?" The Ice Phoenix asks with a rather gentle but a little colder tone.

"Just to check on your state. It seems as though you are near the end of your life." Ryusuke commends while checking on her life force. From what he saw, it would take only 10 or so years before she dies.

"Yes… That is true. My life force is nearly exhausted." The Ice Phoenix calmly replied as if this was not a great matter.

Mu Feixue was surprised to hear that. She was already utterly shocked to hear that this was her Great Ancestor. Someone far above that of her Master.

She had no idea just how she should talk with such an exalted being.

Ryusuke spoke to the Ice Phoenix, "I was thinking of treating you earlier. Another True God at my side wouldn't hurt. However… Your state is much more serious than I earlier imagined. It's not the poison that's bothering you anymore. It's the low Life Force. Even if I used the souls of an entire Royal-Ranked Star Realm, it would only increase your Life Force by a year. You consume a huge amount of Life Force."

"I am surprised that you can see that." Ice Phoenix's expression hadn't changed at all, even though she mentioned that she was surprised.

"It's nothing. For now, the most I can do is completely absorb the poison inside of you. At least you wouldn't have to use your Life Force to keep it suppressed any more. It should increase your life by 10 years." Ryusuke said while stepping towards the Ice Phoenix.

Feixue was a little worried for Ryusuke now. She had heard from her master that Dragon Prince was the one who had cured the Palace Master's Poison, but she was still worried for Ryusuke as he stepped forward to cure the Ice Phoenix's Poison.

To her, the Ice Phoenix was an exalted existence. An existence that was far beyond her imagination. The poison bothering her must also be something far beyond something she could imagine.

She called out to Ryusuke, "B-Be careful." Her voice squeaked a little as she was still rather nervous about being in the presence of the Ice Phoenix.

Ryusuke didn't respond to Feixue's words as he placed his hand over the naked skin of the Ice Phoenix, it was extremely soft.

He concentrated a little before absorbing the Poison from her body.

It instantly made him achieve a breakthrough to the 7th Stage of the Divine Master Realm.

The Ice Phoenix's Face looked a little relieved as she felt the poison disappearing from her body. She no longer needed to expend her remaining Lifeforce to keep the Poison sealed. Even though she didn't show it on her face, she was greatly happy with this. She didn't wish to die after all.

"I will definitely repay this favour someday." The Ice Phoenix stated. Before leaving, Ryusuke gave her a nod.

He had initially wanted to get some Ice Phoenix Blood directly from her, but seeing her condition, he knew that every drop of her Origin Blood was important. He needed to stick to his original plan, after all. Demanding it from her at this point would just kill her earlier, or maybe even kill her immediately. The Snow Song Realm would just fall into the ruins without this Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

After roaming for nearly the whole day, Ryusuke spent the whole night with Mu Feixue. There was no resistance from Mu Feixue. She even felt obligated to doing it with him and going along his demand. Ryusuke had, after all, helped out her Ancestror, their God.

Ryusuke didn't even need to say anything, and she removed her clothes before kissing Ryusuke as soon as they entered his room. Though Ryusuke was surprised at how she was taking charge, he didn't dislike it.

It was nice when the woman starts it and show such fierceness while doing it.

Her hot body was completely and utterly explored by Ryusuke during the night time.


In the morning, Ryusuke covered her body with a thin blanket even though it probably wasn't necessary.

Mu Fexie had no idea that her Cultivation had risen a Great Realm once again. This time, Ryusuke had used his energy to reinforce her soul to take on the strain of such rapid breakthroughs.

She had reached the 9th Stage of the Divine King Realm because of her Dual-Cultivation with Ryusuke.

In the Morning, Ryusuke moves towards the Main Hall where Mu Xuanyin must have arrived. He thought it would be best to tell Mu Xuanyin of his conversation with the Ice Phoenix. She should keep herself prepared for the time when the Ice Phoenix dies.

After entering the Main Hall, he saw 2 Great Elders in the Main Hall. The 2 of them turned towards his direction as one of them shouted, "Who are you?! How dare you enter the main hall?!"

One of these elders was a woman, she looked incredibly angry at seeing Ryusuke casually walk inside of the main hall.

Before Mu Xuanyin could even say anything, Ryusuke swiped his hand as if he was wiping away the dirt.

In response, the woman felt a great force act on her body as she flew away. She crashed into the cold wall of the Main Hall before being thrown away.

"Do you have some question as well?" Ryusuke asked while turning towards the other elder.

The other elder just laughed a little nervously before shaking his head.

"Alright, then get out as well." Ryusuke swiped his hand towards the other direction. In response, this elder was thrown to the other side of the Main Hall. He crashed against the cold Ice Wall of the Main Hall before being thrown away as well.

Mu Xuanyin was shocked to see Ryusuke throwing them away like clearing trash. Even she couldn't do that. The energy on Ryusuke had grown even denser than yesterday. She wondered just what had happened in the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

"Xuanyin… it seems as though your ancestor, the Ice Phoenix is still alive. Even though I have absorbed the poison inside of her body, her life force will still end in 2 decades. Prepare yourself for that." Ryusuke informed her with a serious look.

Mu Xuanyin now understood why Ryusuke had thrown out the two Great Elders. Indeed, such information shouldn't have reached their ears.

"Where is our Ancestor?" Mu Xuanyin asked Ryusuke… No, her expression seemed to suggest that she was pleading him to tell her.

"The bottom of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. Though I doubt you can reach there. It will be too much, even with your Cultivation Base." Ryusule informed her straightforwardly.

Mu Xuanyin knew this. Her limit barely reached the 22,000 Feet of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. Meanwhile, the lake was definitely more than 30,000 feet deep.