Today was the second day since I lost myself in space. After taking multiple scans of the system, Amy still can't pinpoint our exact location. At this rate, I'm going to starve before I can even find a planet. My regular three meals a day was put to an end by my predicament, eating the bare minimum will only buy me four more days. I had long since left the dangerous asteroid belt that had nearly flattened me and had headed out to the nearest star system at warp speed. Although the trip... is going to take four more days, meaning that I'll be out of food when I get there, meaning if there's no food there, I'm going to starve to death.
"Amy, any information you can gather from the star?" I sat down in the Captain's chair and fumbled with a few loose wires, plugging them in by color and then pressing the override on the chair.
"Yes Captain, based on preliminary data I've acquired so far, its a G type star and due to multiple shadows, I've determined that there are at least three planetary bodies orbiting it. However, there is no further information I can gather until we reach it."
The chair fizzled back to life and displayed its status. Nodding my head with satisfaction when it reported green all across the board, I replied.
"Good, Keep me posted."
That was the last thing I was going to fix today, after almost dying, I made fixing the weapons systems one of my top priorities. I'm glad I stockpiled some parts before leaving the system. What am I going to do with all of that wreckage anyways?
Oh well... a problem for another day. I grabbed my tools of the ground and went to put them in a storage locker on the far wall. Opening the double doors, I looked at the contents, I saw the stack of pictures I had picked up off the floor, grabbing one, I took another look at Yale's family. Yale, his wife, and daughter were posed in front of a swing set with the two in the back, each holding an arm around their daughter.
'He must have been so happy' I thought. I placed the picture back in the stack and shut the door, turning to the back to the Bridge, I sat back in the Captain's chair. "Amy, what did the crew do for fun around here? Because I'm not going to work on you for the rest of the trip." I turned to a screen I had fixed on the chair and powered it on.
"Well... they gambled, hung out in their quarters, played board games, and the play some virtual games in the Holo room."
As she spoke, I was going over each option in my head until she said 'Holo room', that caught my attention immediately.
I was curious, "How does the Holo room work exactly?" I wondered if it was exactly like the one mentioned back where I came from, the one that was supposed to be fully immersive.
"Its a headset the connects to your brain and sends and receives packets of information from a built-in computer that captures brain signals and translates it into movement, in doing so it can create large fully interactive environments for your brain to explore. Although while it did lower stress of all crew members, its main purpose was Combat training and is full to the brim of missions, Diplomacy training, Planetary colonization, basically everything you can think of is in there. In this way, the UHF could train its members no matter where they were.
"Is it still functional?" If I'm going to be in this world for a while, I am going to need to know how to defend myself. As well as taking advantage of the training programs inside, besides... I wonder if I could make my own scenarios... Hmm...
"It is operational, it was repaired as you replaced some of my nonessential logic chips in the computer room" As she carried on, I got out of the chair and walked towards the main hallway.
"Where do I find It?" I was really eager to use the headset and was already in the main room when I responded.
"Next room over from the Main Computer room, there's a headset on the counter in the corner of the room."
Hearing her I marched off into the path towards the room and giggled with glee.