Snowball Has Someone He Likes!

Bai Qingyue stared at his wife, slack-jawed, unable to believe what he was hearing. Her joyous laughter at the prospect of betrothing him to another female made his mood plummet further still.

As he came out of his shocked state, his small furry shoulders started trembling with accumulated rage. He was filled with overwhelming fury. A part of him just wanted to grab the foolish girl and drag her back to his quarters, and chain her to the bed indefinitely. Only after a thorough spanking would he be able to cool the rage inside his heart.

What skills?! What power?! She was stupid, stupid, eternally and enormously stupid!

He was now thoroughly convinced the only thing that would stop this foolish wife from causing a mess would be to imprison her!

How dare she think of marrying him off to someone else? He didn't even allow his own mother to marry him off, and now his wife thought she could simply give him away?!