
"Snowball?" Li Meirong asked as she pushed the blanket away and turned to lay on her stomach, leaning on her elbows and staring directly at her pet.

The young Fox Spirit laid himself beside her. He looked adorable, with a small button nose and a large pair of fluffy ears, longer than that of a typical Arctic Fox. His silver coat was thick and glossy, and he had an extravagant ruff of fur around his neck.

Li Meirong rubbed the sleep from her eyes as the young Fox Spirit crept closer, snuggling against her neck.

Snowball's snout peeked from within her tangled hair, his bright yellow orbs gleaming with worry. He licked her cheek with his warm and slightly rough tongue.

"Are you well?" He asked, licking her again.

She playfully shoved him away, but was secretly glad to receive his affection. Seeing him act the same way he used to, caused her to feel all the better.