
When Li Meirong unlatched the gate and passed through it, the image greeting the Fox Lord's eyes had caused him to suck in a sharp breath through his teeth.

Bai Qingyue's raven-haired wife was not the kind of girl to put a lot of effort into her appearance, he knew this, and that certainly didn't matter to him, for she was a natural beauty that hardly needed any embellishing. However tonight, she chose to adorn herself with jewellery, highlighting her appeal, and rouge that made her juicy lips look like they were made to be kissed. Li Meirong's small oval face and slender waist made her appear even more young and delicate. She was dressed in a pale loose robe that was not ornately made but its simplicity only complimented her gentle beauty and bright limpid eyes. All in all, she resembled a white lotus flower, tenderly fresh and pure.

Standing still as a statue, Bai Qingyue was rendered spellbound.