Caging This Bird

Bai Qingyue may never admit it, but he loved seeing Li Meirong act like a spoiled girl in his arms. The less formal and reserved Li Meirong became, the better his mood.

Gradually, Li Meirong's feisty attitude was doused by her growing tiredness.

"Do you wish to rest?" Bai Qingyue asked. He leaned backwards so Li Meirong could lie on top of him, his arms still strong around her.

"Just for a bit," she mumbled drowsily. "I don't know what came over me… after you gave me that drink, I felt energized, but now I just feel tired all over again."

"Then rest. Do not worry about anything else." Bai Qingyue said, his voice soft and lulling.

His answer seemed to be what Li Meirong needed, for she soon - sooner than Bai Qingyue had expected – narrowed her eyes drowsily and laid her head on his chest.