I had a tiring night

Kai Xin was still asleep when he woke up in the morning, If it was with other girls, he would have left by now. But with her, he never felt the need to escape.

"Kara?" He poked her gently on the cheek but she merely ignored him. He then poked her again until she responded.

Kai Xin opened her eyes groggily. "I had a tiring night…" She complained she stretched out on the bed. She then turned to face DX with a confused look.

DX blushed at the sight. Her messed-up bed hair and her sleepy eyes made her look intensely adorable to DX. He wanted to be cool and hold back but he had zero willpower against such adorableness especially when he was reminded of their previous activity. Bending down, he kissed her on the lips.

Gently at first as he tried to wake her up, then rougher as he tried to pry her lips open. When Kai Xin finally allowed the intrusion, he deepened his kiss until she returned the favor. The sound of their tongue wrestling and the blanket rustling beneath them as they fought on the bed merely heightened their desires for each other.

When they were both out of breath, he reluctantly withdrew. Kai Xin took this chance to hold onto his sleeves as she tried to catch her breath.

"That's... one... heck ...of a morning kiss!" She talked in between breath, "Why are you all dressed up?"

"I promised Jack and Lyle that I would have breakfast with them."

It took her a second for it to sink in.

"Oh. OK."

She released her hold abruptly, "It's OK. I'm fine. I'll just grab breakfast at the buffet table later."

Even though she did not show it, DX could tell that she was unhappy with the news. Unlike his exes, she never fought for him to stay. On the one hand, he was glad that she was an understanding person. On the other hand, he was worried about his place in her heart.

"Sorry. I'll make it up to you."

Kai Xin got out of the bed and quickly pushed DX to the front door, "I'll be fine. I'm going to call Jane to join me for brunch later. We might be going to that brunch buffet at Hilton."

DX smiled, feeling reassured now, "I'll see you soon. I have to go to Japan for a business trip but I'll be back in two weeks."


"Be good."

He bent down and stole a quick kiss before leaving. Kai Xin watched him walked away, all the while keeping up a smile as she waved him bye.

The moment the lift door closed, she broke down and tears started flowing. Her heart clenched as an indescribable sorrow attacked out of nowhere. She closed the door behind her as she cried quietly to herself. Kai Xin hated this weak-ass look of hers. She hated crying and she rarely does nowadays.

After all, crying solves nothing.

However, DX was so kind to her that she found herself constantly craving his presence and his touch. She wanted to monopolize him but at the same time, she knew what it was like to be alone and she did not want that for Jack and Lyle. Dragging herself towards the couch, she sat there crying herself blind.

Unknown to her, DX felt guilty when he recalled her sad smile and returned to say goodbye properly. He had snuck in quietly wanting to surprise her in bed only to see her in a fetal position, crying quietly at the couch. It broke his heart.

What had happened to her in the past? There was no one here. She could have cried loudly, throw things around, or make a fuss - god knows he does not care about the money - but here she was, trying to make herself feel as small as possible as if the world is collapsing around her and there was no one to bear the weight for her.

"Kara…" He called out gently. His voice filled with love and pain.

Kara looked up with her bloodshot eyes and her tear-stained cheeks. When she saw DX, she immediately jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

DX wanted to ask her if there was anything wrong but he held back. His heart was nearly broken by the sight of her face. His cold little minx who, fake as it was, had always had a smile on her face. He had never seen her cry before. He carried her back into the room and sat on the bed with her in his lap. She cried so hard that she fell asleep from exhaustion. Even then, she still cried in her sleep.

After Kara was deep asleep and no longer crying, DX lowered her down onto the bed gently and tucked her in. He then went out to call his assistant.

"Han Ye, please tell the boys that something came up and I won't be able to have breakfast with them."

"Yes, President Du."

"Bring them out to the park or something. Jack said he wanted to go to the water park. Take him there. I'll have dinner with them."

"Yes, President Du."

DX hung up. His boys are going to make him pay for this but he could not bear to leave her alone. He looked into the room at the little bundle underneath the cover. He realized that he had not been updating Kai Xin's trust fund and he quickly texted Han Ye,

( Bank in extra USD 50,000 into K's account. Make sure to do this discreetly.)

Within seconds, he received a message from the bank and shortly thereafter came the reply from Han Ye.


DX called the kitchen to tell them to prepare Kai Xin's favorite minced pork congee and some cucumber slices. He then got some work done using Kai Xin's laptop. Kai Xin had previously set up a guest account for him when he had a work emergency to handle during one of their trysts. The sound of his fingers typing across the keyboard in a steady manner provided the sleeping Kai Xin with comfort that she could not explain.

About 10 am, the porridge was sent up to the room.

DX went to the bed and pulled Kai Xin to himself, all the while gently rubbing her shoulder to wake her up. When she finally woke up and realization dawned, she felt so guilty and embarrassed at her own outburst.

"The boys…"

"It's OK. I'll eat dinner with them."

"I'm fine now. You can go. Don't break your promises."