Miss me?

The next morning, Kai Xin received a sudden text from her boss informing her that someone requested for her to take on a merger and acquisition matter.

She had tried to explain to her boss that she was not well-versed with corporate matters but he had said that the client was adamant to have her on board.

She would be working with a team of experienced lawyers and it would be a good learning experience for her as well as the chance to widen her portfolio. In the end, she agreed.

"Matthew, what time is my appointment with the client? Who is he?" She intercommed her PA the moment she entered into her room in the office.

Within seconds, he buzzed back, "Morning, Ms Zhen. The client is Xun Holdings. It was listed on the exchange recently and they are looking to expand their holdings and they are considering an M&A with IT Ltd."

The young assistant reported as he looked at the notes he made on his files, "The owner is Shenlong Xun, 30 years old. The company is about 12 years old, and they specialize in building graphic cards."

Kai Xin leaned back into her chair as Matthew drone on. She thought as she flipped through the document, "So the founder was 18 years old when he built the company. Pretty impressive."

"The meeting is set at 10am."

Kai Xin glanced at the clock above the door, "45 minutes. I'm going to work on my other cases for now. Set up the meeting room and let me know when they are here."


When she looked up from her work, it was already 10.30am. Annoyed, she quickly gathered her stuff and stormed out of her room. When she saw her assistant chatting away with another paralegal, she blew her top off and snapped at him.

"Matthew! I told you to inform me of the meeting! Where are the clients?"

Matthew saw the angry look in her face and shivered, "In the meeting room."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She quickly head towards the meeting room.

Matthew felt wronged as he complaint inwardly, "But he refused to let me bother you...and he was so much scarier than you."

Just as she was about to enter into the meeting room, she was pulled back into the smaller, windowless meeting room which was reserved for special clients.

Panic, she struggled to fight off her captor. She quickly controlled her fear and tried to give him a back kick. However, he stopped her attack with his leg. His grip on her was firm as he turned her around.

"Shhh...It's me!"

She looked up and saw her lover standing there with a guilty grin.

"DX, you jerk!" She snapped angrily. "How could-"

He stopped her angry tirade by pushing her against the wall, his hand firm against the back of her head to prevent injury.

With swift movement, he locked the door as he lay his mouth upon hers. She struggled against his dominance at first as she wanted to berate him but she eventually gave in to his urgent kisses.

When he noticed that she was no longer denying him, he tightened his hold around her and lifted her up so that she can wrapped her legs around him tightly.

She melted against the the warm permeating from his body, the same warmth that often gave her strength and yet rendered her helpless against his touches.

His tongue expertly danced across her lips, licking and sucking, before demanding to enter and when she parted, with a hand at the back of her head, he pushed it so that he can better taste her.

Her smell, her touches, those little sparks of fire in her eyes when he kissed her suddenly. Everything about her was driving him crazy! He was filled with a need he cannot explain as he lowered her down on the meeting table.

He kissed her as if he was dying and she was the one who can give him the breathe of life...As if she was the only thing in the world that matters.

He only forced himself to pull away when he noticed that she was losing the battle. Breathing hard, he grinned, "Miss...me?"