I'm getting you drunk today, President Du!

For their official first date, they went to the most popular restaurant in town. Heck, maybe even the entire country!

Restaurant "Pour Toi, Mon Amour" was always fully booked, and for commoners to get a reservation, one would have to book at least 6 months in advance! Situated at the top floor of Tower T, one could see the beautiful silhouette of the city as it gets illuminated by the lights and the glass dome above them made one felt as if the stars are just within reach.

The story behind the restaurant was that the owner, Pierre Leroux, fell in love with a traveling painter while he was working as a busboy in Paris. When they met again, he was already a world acclaimed chef and she was a famed painter.

Rumors had it that they were reunited here, at this very spot, before the tower was built. He eventually opened the restaurant, and every dish here was named in dates, filled with descriptions of what happened during the date.

Kai Xin was awestruck when she first entered the restaurant. She knew about this place from Jane. Mo Shaoyun brought her here on their 5th anniversary and every now and then, she would talk about it with Kai Xin.

It had been a clear night, with not a cloud in sight and when she gazed upwards, all the stars were shining brightly above the dimly lit restaurant, giving it a pleasant atmosphere. As she glanced around, her eyes landed on the hand-painted wall to wall picture of a blond man with blue eyes holding a young child with curly dark blond hair.

They appeared to be laughing at something. From their facial features, it was obvious that they were a pair of father and son. The colors might have faded somewhat, but it still managed to bring nostalgic feelings to the spectators. Kai Xin could tell that whoever the painter was, he or she must have had strong feelings towards the duo in the photo.

DX watched on as Kai Xin walked around the restaurant with childlike wonder. Under the illumination of the bright stars, she looked almost ethereal. Almost like she would disappear if he took his eyes over. Suddenly overwhelmed by the fear of losing her, he went towards Kai Xin and hugged her from behind.

"Why is it empty? I thought it would be full." She voiced out her question as she leaned against the man who was hugging her.

He shrugged and took her hand before saying, "Because I booked the whole place." As if that was the most natural thing for him to do. He took her to the only chair and tables set in the middle of the restaurant and held out the chair for her.

"Milady." He bowed.

She grinned and gave him a curtsy. "Well, that was very gracious of you, milord."

He then went to sit opposite her, "What would you like to eat?"

"How about…" She looked at the menu while he merely looked at her serious face. "How about 13 October?"

Only then did he looked at the menu. "First date huh? As you wish." He turned towards the waiters that were standing at a corner. The Head Waiter immediately rushed over to take their request. "We will have two sets of First Date."

"What kind of alcohol do you have?"

As the Head Waiter listed out the alcohols available, she listened carefully before ordering a umeshu to open with, a red wine to pair with the meal, and 20 shots of tequila for dessert.

"Kara…" DX warned her, his eyes narrowed to slits as he realized what she was trying to do.

"I'm getting you drunk today, President Du! Get ready." She smirked.

When the Head Waiter looked at DX, he merely nodded, "Get the lady what she wants, but bring some appetizers for her to snack on first." The Head Waiter bowed and left the two alone. DX turned to Kai Xin and said, "I will have you know, my ability to restrain myself is nearly godlike."

"We will see about that."

The two of them continued to chat on as they waited for their meals to arrive. When the meals arrived, DX peeled the prawns expertly on his plate before exchanging her plate with his.

Knowing her well enough, he knew that she would just abandon the prawns out of pure laziness. Having gotten used to it by now, she merely smiled brightly at his action. However, she fed him food from her plate every now and then which made him felt elated.

Once they were done with the meals and dessert, the waiters cleared the table and brought forward the alcohol.

"Hehehehe…" She laughed gleefully as she rubbed her hands together. "Mr. Du, you are going down today."