Just weed him out

Han Ye knew that the President was not thinking about his comfort but rather he was probably worried about the neck of the precious woman next to him.

When those two were looking at each other, Han Ye took the opportunity to roll his eyes at them. He then sat down on the next couch and passed a file to Kai Xin.

As she read through the file, Han Ye gave her a quick briefing.

"Recently, we have a number of female employees who resigned. At first, we thought nothing of it. After all, the work here can be stressful for some. However, I overheard that one of our resignees was harassed by a man in the upper management level. I was worried and so, I talked to President about it. It might be an empty rumor, but we don't want to take risk with the employees. "

Kai Xin understood the reason why she was 'forcefully' relocated now. "You want me to help you catch the guy, if any."

Han Ye nodded and continued, "Just weed him out. We thought of hiring someone to be our spy but that might raise suspicions and if he really is here, we need to weed him out as soon as possible before anything serious happens. That was why the President suggested for you to come in."

"Suggested?" she thought wryly as she glanced at DX. This was definitely NOT the definition of suggestion.

Han Ye continued,"As our external lawyer, it would not be weird for you to work here temporarily. Our President here has a habit of wanting things done last minute so our previous external lawyers tend to work here for the duration of their projects."

Working next to the President himself made all their external lawyers jumpy, but it was an efficient way to get them to work faster. The projects tend to be completed earlier than the expected dates.

Han Ye continued, "We will tell them that you are here to understand more about our company in order to hasten the process of the acquisition of IT Ltd."

Kai Xin turned to the man sitting next to her, "You know I'm pretty antisocial right?"

DX stroke her head and said reluctantly, "Your reclusive nature makes you an easy target. Just tone down your glaring."

He placed his hand on her knees and stated clearly, "If you are uncomfortable about this, we don't have to go through with it."

He then glared at Han Ye who nodded vigorously. As DX's long time PA, he knew that it is his duty to ensure the comfort of the future Madam President.

Kai Xin placed her hand over his and when she got his attention, she shook her head. She understood clearly what it was like to be powerless. "Don't worry about me. I am the best you can get. After all, who else gets to complain directly to the President without any repercussion."

She smirked at DX.

"If I sense that you are in any sort of danger, I'm going to take you out." DX said sternly.

He had to make it clear in case she go and look for trouble herself. The reasons he had even considered her was because he knew that she was capable enough to take care of herself...and that he wanted more time with her.

With her at the office, he would be able to court her any time he wanted.


Han Ye spent the next 30 minutes showing her the profiles of all the men currently working for the company. He then brought her to her seat which was placed far away from DX's room.

The brooding man had balked at the arrangement but Han Ye explained that the perpetrator would be avoiding certain areas like the pantry where his actions can be seen by others and where the President can see him.

When DX complaint, Kai Xin threatened to leave immediately if he keeps interfering with the plan and she ordered him to stay away from her until they catch the perpetrator.

As expected, his mood was terrible for the rest of the day and he took it out at the rest of the employees. Everyone were confused and they had to walk on thin ice for the rest of the days.

After Han Ye left to do his own work, Kai Xin removed the pins and scrunchy on her hair. She needed to look as vulnerable as possible, and her current look does not help.

As the locks tumbled down onto her shoulder, she shook her head a little to loosen the hair. With her hair down, she looked younger than her age.

She had to dumb down her speech and change her demeanor a little.

In order not to raise any suspicions, she kept her work up to her usual high standards but when she was speaking with her colleagues, especially the men, she acted a little younger than her age.