I will help you

With that, she yelled out into the dark river below, "ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

The boy glanced at the group of drunken teenagers at the end of the bridge. They were too drunk to notice anything and the sound from the cars drowned out her voice.

He waited for her to yell out her frustration before saying, "You are right. You might be powerless when you are alive…"

He then turned to look her in the eyes and with a smile, he added, "Or you might not. All I can tell you is that if you jump now, you would definitely lose everything."

Kai Xin's tears kept falling despite her trying to will it to stop. Her lips quivered as she said, "I-I don't know what else I can do."

"I will help you. What has been taken away from you, I will help you get it back." At the end of his sentence, he offered his good hand to her.

She sniffed and wiped her tears away as she stared at his hand. She was skeptical about this weird boy and refused to take it. "Why should I trust you? He was my brother's friend and -"

He interrupted her with a laughter. A hollow, painful type of laughter. He pulled back his hand. As he boy turned and looked straight into the darkness in front of them, he asked, "What else can you lose?"

Kai Xin felt as if that was a rhetorical question. At that moment, the boy appeared to be somewhat unstable. It was as if...as if he was trapped in his own hell and he was trying to convince himself to get out of it.

Kai Xin thought about his words for a moment. He was right. What else can she lose? The most important thing for a human was already taken away from her. With a determined heart, she slowly edged towards him.

He looked into her eyes. What he saw was completely different from what he saw earlier. Instead of desolation and darkness, he saw glimmer of hope in her eyes. The boy offered his hand once more to Kai Xin. This time, she took it without any hesitation.

He helped her climb back into the safety zone. Using his thumbs, he wiped off her tears.

Once she managed to calm down, he said, "Don't cry. Crying doesn't help. Don't beg either. Get stronger and climb to the top."

She sniffed, "How can you help me?"

The boy shrugged and smiled ruefully, "To be honest, I don't know."

Kai Xin glared at him and pushed him away, "You tricked me!"

He raised his palms up in defence and said, "I did not. I will help you, but I don't have the exact plan laid out yet. Kai Xin, I know who hurt you and I know that you feel angry at your lack of power to retaliate."

When she looked at him questioningly, he sighed softly and put his hands into his pockets. They both turned to look at the calm river before them. The sloshing of the water helped them clear their minds.

With a clear voice, he said, "Enemy of an enemy is a friend. I might be weak now, but I am still stronger than you. Be my ally, Zhen Kai Xin. I would help you build the strength you need to take your revenge."

"What if I don't want revenge?"

The boy took out a piece of paper that was kept in his back pocket and gave it to Kai Xin. It was a news article about a girl from her old school who committed suicide last year. She asked, "Why are you showing me this?"

"She went through the same thing. It happened last year. Unlike you, she told her parents and instead of helping her, they used her to extort money. For their daughter's pain and nightmare, they received millions in payout."

He saw her hands trembling as she held onto the article. It might be difficult for her, but he had to do it, "You can help people like her to get their revenge."

She choked out, "Why me?"

She felt bad for the girl but what can she do for her. They were both from the same circumstances. They were both poor, and weak...and helpless.

The boy shrugged, "You are still alive, aren't you? You have had many chances to end things, but you didn't. You WANT to live. I have been watching you for a while, and I believe you can do it. That's why I decided to show myself."

She thought about it. A million thoughts raced through her mind. Who is he? Can she really trust him?

"Even if I want to, how can I do it? You don't even have a plan!"

"Once I have worked out the details, I would let you know. For now, just focus on getting stronger in any way you can think of." He turned and just as he was about to walk away, he suddenly thought of something.

The boy quickly turned around and informed her, "By the way, your codename is Daisy."


He smiled and saluted her as he said loudly, "Because you are like a Daisy!"

She frowned at his words. She realized that she had not asked about his name. "What do I call you?"

He cocked his head to one side as he thought about it for a while. Once he had chose a suitable codename for himself, he said, "I was born not to be seen. So, like a wandering spirit, you can call me Ghost."

With those cryptic last words, he disappeared. Kai Xin did not hear from him for the longest time. She even suspected that she might had truly seen a ghost that night. Two years had passed before she heard from him again.


The message notification brought her back to the present time.

[Daisy, While you might be nothing but weed to some, to others, you are beautiful. I'm sorry, my beautiful flower. Don't be angry anymore. <3 Ghost]

With a smile, she put her phone back into her pocket and murmured, "Idiot."