The King's Hidden Hand

When Kai Xin and Phantom saw the scandals of the Shangguan Family being broadcasted all over the media, they high-fived each other quietly.


The grunt made them glanced down at Ghost who was sleeping on the couch with his head resting on Kai Xin's lap. His fever had broke an hour ago and he was currently sleeping peacefully on the couch.

Phantom slapped his knees as he laughed silently. Then, in a hushed tone, he said, "One down. Two to go."

Kai Xin nodded. She turned back to the TV and watched as Shangguan Re Dong tried to avoid the hordes of reporters surrounding him.

Somehow, someone had leaked detailed information of Shangguan Re Dong's habits of bribing the higher ups. In addition, the additional leaked information of his son raping and abusing young women both in the country and overseas ended his fate as the Police Commissioner.

One of the reporters were chasing Shangguan Re Dong all the way to his mansion asking about the whereabouts of his son and if he had sent his son away to avoid prosecutions.

The entire country watched on as Shangguan Re Dong grabbed the microphone away and threw it on the floor before shouting, "I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS! STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!"

The scene changed to a pixelated view of an air stewardess who was crying as she talked about how Shangguan Xing had abused her because of a small mistake.

Picking up the remote, Kai Xin turned off the TV. As she subconsciously patted Ghost's chest, she wondered if she should be more sympathetic towards the Shangguan Family since they were not involved in the matter.

Previously, she had thought that she can do anything to take her revenge, but when she finally did it, her brain was filled with self-doubt.

She had meant to take down only those who were directly responsible for her pain. When she saw the look on Shangguan Re Dong's face, she felt as if her quest for vengeance would hurt a lot of people.

When he saw the downcasted look on her face, he reached over to take her hand before saying,

"I know what you are thinking. Don't! You are not the bad person here! Shangguan Re Dong is responsible for creating this monster. If he had done more to control him, if he had allowed him to pay for his mistakes instead of hiding it, he would not have done such atrocious things!"

When she did not reply or say anything, Phantom asked gently, "Do you think Du XiAn would allow his twins to behave in such manner?"

She shook her head. There was no question about this.

While he spoilt them, DX would never interfere with his children's affairs. He would never use his power to back the twins up. She knew that DX firmly believed in letting children grow on their own and that adults should only step in if the matter got out of hand.

She looked at Phantom as she digested his words. He was right.

Shangguan Re Dong was guilty by the way he raised Shangguan Xing. Shangguan Xing did what he did because he knew that his father would shield and protect him.

Even if he murdered someone, Shangguan Re Dong would just tamper with the evidence and bribe people to look away from the matter.

She cannot be softhearted. She had to continue on and help those who had suffered in silence not just in the hands of Shangguan Xing, but also Ye Tian and Luo Yin.

Having cleared the doubt in her mind, with a clear voice, she said,

"This is just the beginning. If Ghost is right, once Shangguan Xing is down, Ye Tian and Luo Yin would definitely come back."

Phantom nodded, "We would get them as well. Those bastards. We will get rid of all of them!"

They moved to the fridge so that they can speak louder without waking Ghost up.

Kai Xin thought out loud, "I wonder what DX did with Shangguan Xing."

He shrugged, "Nothing good probably. Do you know anything about the history of the Du Family?"

Kai Xin recalled the conversation between DX and the twins earlier and nodded, "They are descendants of royalty."

Phantom nodded, "The current Du Family is indeed the direct descendants of a ruling royal, but what I want you to know is the one termed as the King's Hidden Hand."[1]

She frowned, "The King's Hidden Hand?"

Phantom took out his laptop from the back of his wheelchair and within a minute, he pulled out a document for Kai Xin to read. As she was reading, he briefed her,

"The King's Hidden Hand was the unofficial name given to a clan that was tasked with protecting the King from behind the scene. Their main role is to protect the ruling family and their specialty is torture. They believed that those who dared to hurt the ruling family should be punished severely, and to serve as a warning to others, their form of punishment are usually prolonged and cruel."

She had scrolled down to a photo of a bamboo scroll with names and birth of date and date of death carved into it. Kai Xin pointed to all those scribbled out names next to each member of the family, "What's that?"

Phantom took a glance at it before explaining, "The Hidden Hands, the Shadows, or the Executioners. They have different names for each member of the clan."

She gave Phantom a confused look, "Huh?"