Stay away from me, or else!

While they were eating, Jane received an emergency call from the hospital and she had to rush back.

Not wanting to deal with President Du, Mo Shaoyun decided to leave with her.

When DX and Kai Xin were about to leave the restaurant, she felt the same chill again.

This time, she was quicker and she caught a man with white hair quickly walking away.

Wanting to know if she was turning crazy or if he was there, she quickly chase after the man. However, he was gone.

That being said, the feeling of unease was still there.

"Kara, is everything alright?"

Kai Xin took his hand and reassured herself that she was just being paranoid.

She glanced up at him and smiled, "I'm fine. I thought I saw someone I know."

DX stared at the pathway and when he saw the security camera, he made it a note to tell Han Ye to check on it.

Someone was spooking her and he intended to find out who.

He had never seen her in this state before and it bothered him. Somehow, he had a feeling that this might had something to do with what her mother asked him before.

He smiled and said, "Let's go for a short drive. You would feel better."

She sighed and leaned into his chest. He did not say anything but merely wrapped his hands around her.

She had to be the one to break through her nightmares. All he could do was to be still and wait for her to gather the strength to move.

Once she was finally feeling better, she tip-toed and kissed him lightly on the lips, "Alright. Let's go."

As she looked out from the moving car, Kai Xin thought of the days after the incident roughly 12 years ago.


"Zhen Kai Xin!"

Kai Xin woke up from her daze and jumped when she saw her friends standing in front of her desk.

It had been a week since then and she was still dealing with the nightmares. It had been so long since she managed to sleep properly.

Ki Hong, her best friend since she was seven asked, "You have been out of it lately. Are you alright?"

He wrapped his hand around her shoulders. It was a normal gesture for them.

However, unlike before, she was unable to bear the touch - his touch - and she yelled out before violently pushing him away.

Ki Hong looked at his hands wondering if it was dirty. He then glanced at her and asked annoyingly, "What's wrong? I bathed today!"

Feeling guilty at her overreaction, Kai Xin glanced down at her feet and mumbled, "Nothing."

Jia Ting, another one of her friends frowned, "You are being weird. Ki Hong was trying to care about you. What happened to you lately?"

She looked up and when she saw the look K. her friends' faces, she felt so ashamed of what had happened to her that she found it hard to breath.

It was as if the world was closing in on her and trying to force her to admit that it was her fault.

The words of the cop she talked to rang in her head,

"You should not be there during that hour."

"Why didn't you wear more clothes?"

"You shouldn't lie and get those nice boys into trouble. They are the pillars of our country."

"Are you sure you didn't ask for it?"

Kai Xin placed her hands on her ears as she tried to block out the noises.

She could hear her friends saying something but everything was jumbled up. Overwhelmed, she snapped!

Pushing her friends aside, she mumbled an apology and ran out.

She heard Ki Hong calling after her but she ignored him.

Even though they knew each other for a long time, she was unable to look at him without thinking about those boys.

With her head down, she went straight to the older library and hide between the shelves.

As she was sitting there with her arms around her knees, she saw a shadow.

Quickly wiping her tears away, she stood up and without looking up, she apologized for blocking the way.

"Little one, you don't have to apologize for blocking my way."

When she heard the smooth voice, she froze.

She felt his fingers caressing her face before he slowly lifted her head up. His touch made her nauseated.

"You should look at me when I'm talking to you."

She glared at him. Ye Tian. She wanted to hit him but her arms and legs felt weak all of a sudden.

He saw her trembling and smiled, "Are you scared? You don't have to be scared of me."

"S-stay away from me..."

He chuckled as he tucked her hair in, "Little Kai Xin, I was surprised that you did not do anything."

She glared at him, "You bribed everyone. What can I do?"

Ye Tian nodded,

"True. I can't have our little indiscretion be exposed to the world, can I now? Our families would be so disappointed if we get caught for something small like this."

She sneered at his words. Raping her was a small thing to him?

He laughed softly as he placed his hands on her waist, "I supposed to your people, it is a big thing."

Angered, she pushed him away, "Ye! Tian!"

"Oh. Getting feisty now? I missed that."

She glanced at the students nearby and threatened him, "Stay away from me or else!"

He followed her gaze before pinning her against the wall. In a low voice, he asked, "Do you think they could save you?"