Where is Zi Han?

When DX woke up in the middle of the night to get some drink, he had trouble falling back to sleep.

As he sat alone in the living room, he convinced himself that even though it was hard to see her cry, he must do it for their future.

With that in mind, early next morning, DX woke Kai Xin up despite the latter complaining about him being an annoying old man with a bad habit.

Ignoring her insult, he gave her a light slap on the butt before pushing her towards the bathroom, "Get ready. We are going out."

She yawned, "Where are we going?"

"You will know later..."

He then checked on Jane who was still asleep. He tried to wake her up but she was dead to the world.

Rummaging around on her desk, when he found her name card, he gave the CEO of her hospital a call and applied leave for her.

Once he was done, on behalf of Kai Xin, he left a note for her.

"I'm ready..."

From within Jane's room, he heard Kai Xin's lazy voice as she called out for him.