Twins Birthday (14)

Luo Yin smiled and patted Ghost's cheek as his last warning before walking away as if nothing had happened.

After he had left, Ghost closed his eyes as he rubbed his sore left hand.

"I saw that. Are you alright?"

When he heard Phantom's question, Ghost glanced around to make sure that no one was watching. He pressed his earpiece in before muttering, "Just hurt like a bi*tch."

"The hackers are about to break through my code. I have to leave before they could trace my whereabouts. Don't worry about Daisy. I checked on the live feed earlier. She's with Du XiAn and after that little show, I don't think that he would let her out of his sight now."

Ghost glanced at the nearest camera and nodded. Not long later, the line went dead and he removed his earpiece before placing it into his pocket.

After a while, he turned around and was about to head back to his grandfather, when a figure jumped out in front of him.