Twins Birthday (27)


Kai Xin's action of looking over the banister was a big mistake!

Mina, upon hearing that the country's most popular actor, Skully, was there had brought a posse of fans with her. Their goal was to get as many photos as they could.


When they heard the loud commotion coming from above, everyone had their cameras out. From where they were standing, they could see a woman being pushed out of a room.

To their horror, they saw Song Qiao being 'pushed' out of DX's room before she tripped and tumbled down the stairs. Everyone held their breath as they watched Song Qiao rolled down the stairs.

Luckily, her head was cushioned by a guard who managed to catch her before she banged it against the marble floor. However, a sickeningly loud crack followed right after.


Song Qiao yelled out loud as she held onto her leg. She had landed wrongly and one of her legs turned the wrong way. Her friends winced when they saw the painful state she was in.