Press Conference (8)

As Kai An carried Kai Xin out with An Qi Yan following behind them, Layla turned to her daughter and instructed her on a couple of things.

"Quinn, call Callum and let him know that we are sending Kai Xin over to Imperial Hospital now. Tell him to immediately send his men over to secure the presidential floor of the hospital. Let him know that I'll inform Phillip and your Godfather!" said Layla. She kissed her daughter on the forehead, and before she left, she said sternly, "Stay here until I return! No bullying the servants!"

"Erm!" said Quinn as she looked at her Godmother who was in Kai An's arms while they waited for the driver to bring the car around. She was worried about Kai Xin and the little baby in her stomach but she did not want to cry.

"Be strong, Quinn!" murmured Quinn to herself before she ran to get the phone.
