Press Conference (12)

When Old Madam Du heard from Old Mo that her son was here, she immediately came out from the bedroom with the intention to give him a piece of her mind.

However, when she came out, the first thing she heard was her son telling her grandsons to pack their bags.

"What's this? Where are you taking the boys?" asked Old Madam Du. She was perplexed with his sudden change of mind.

When the twins arrived in separate cars yesterday, DX had messaged her and told her that they would be staying over for a couple of nights while he handled things on his side.

When she saw his bandaged hand, she rushed over to take a closer look at it before asking worriedly, "What happened to your hand? Is it serious?"

"It's nothing..." said DX before he pulled his bandaged hand away from his mother.

Old Madam Du felt that he was trying to keep a distance from her and she did not push further on the matter. She would just ask Old Mo to find out the cause later.