

Another 3 years later,

A private plane bearing the crest of the Du Family on the side of its body landed in an airport in Zurich, Switzerland.

Once it was safe to leave the plane, the passengers slowly walked down from the plane.

The first group to walk down the aircraft ladder was four teenagers, two of which had been bickering non-stop for the last two hours.

It seemed that every few minutes, the topics of their heated discussion would change.

To the adult passengers, it felt as if these two teenagers could argue just about anything under the sun.

"Can you two please stop?!" groaned a man who walked out from the plane after them. He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans. A pair of sunglasses were hanging out from the left pocket of his jeans.

Sitting in his left arm was a little toddler who was dressed in the same way except that the toddler was wearing his sunglasses.