in the evening, there was a small kid, he was standing with his legs wide apart, knees flexed.
with a straight back, his arms were moving back and forth.
in his right arm, he was training on the organ shattering fist.
in his left, he was training the mountain palm technique.
" it's really hard to train both techniques together, I have been training on them for half a month, but I only achieved the first level of organ shattering fist, while in the mountain palm technique, I could only gather 10 % of whole-body strength" said Chu Feng while being dejected.
" now I should focus all my attention on gliding leaf technique " said Chu Feng.
chu Feng started to read the scroll, after 15 minutes he closed the scroll while smiling,
" this is the easiest technique after kick the monkey technique " said Chu Feng while getting ready to start the technique.
taking a deep breath chu Feng started the technique, only to find his face gliding on the ground.
"...." chu Feng.
"I take back what I said before, but still my principles will help get through it " said Chu Feng, "even after I achieved skin refinement, I still feel the pain of my face when it cleans the floor".
"still I can use this pain to polish my principles ",
thought chu Feng while his eyes sparkled.
he tried to glide only to fail, he said " accept the pain "
he stood up and tried again but it was a fail,
"embrace the pain", and for the third time his face hugged the ground, he roared " enjoy the pain ".
and he started to do it in this cycle again and again and again...
after unknown time, chu Zhen arrived at the training ground.
"finally I have free time, I can see chu Feng training" said Chu Zhen with a smile in his face, then he swept his gaze around the training ground, after few seconds of searching he found chu Feng training in horse riding stance with his back facing him.
he walked to him with his hand behind his back while calling him " feng'er", when Chu Feng heard it, he stopped training and started to turn around.
"I haven't seen your face today " said Chu Zhen.
when chu Feng turned around, and chu Zhen saw his face, he was stunned, then he screamed " holy shit, what the fuck happened to your face?".
"..." chu Feng.
" your face is full of bruises, tell me, who did this ? " chu Zhen said while veins started pooping on his face.
"....." chu Feng.
"I can't say that I cleaned the whole training ground floor with my face, I will lose face because of it " thought Chu Feng, " I have to find a good reason".
"nothing much father, I just invented new technique " said Chu Feng, "when I was training on gliding leaf technique, I was inspired by it".
said Chu Feng.
chu Zhen who was about to explode was dumbfounded, his eyes and mouth was wide open, and stayed in a daze for few minutes.
after waking up of his daze, he asked with quivering lips, trembling body and dry throat,
" what is it my son? tell me quickly " said Chu Zhen, before his face froze, he looked left and right, trying to see if there was any person listing to their conversation.
" did you tell anyone about it? and if you did, who is it? " asked Chu Zhen sternly.
" no", answered chu Feng.
"good, now come closer and whisper it to me " ordered chu Zhen.
chu Feng walked with a straight face to his father, he then whispered in his father ear.
" it called gliding face technique ".
"....." chu Zhen.