When I get to Amelia's room, I find her drenched in sweat. Her father didn't even get her into new clothes, she's still wearing her uniform. I walk up to her and place the back of my hand against her forehead. She's burning up. I mutter an apology and take her blanket off of her. Hesitantly, I reach for her top while still saying sorry. I slowly try to unbutton her top, trying not to wake her.
I throw the shirt to the ground and unzip her pants. Carefully, I slide them off. "Now then, where's her dresser?" I mutter silently. Finally, I find it in the corner of the room. I open up a drawer and find a pink blouse. I let a sigh out and walk over to the bed. Slowly, I put the blouse on her, "What are you doing?" I look down to see Amelia looking up at me.
"I uh, it's not what you think," I pause trying to think of an excuse, "You see, Yamata told me that you needed me so I came over. Trust me, undressing you was the last thing I wanted to do."
"I'm not mad, I know you wouldn't try to do something like that just cause you wanted to," Amelia says. "So, what did Yamata want, why don' you summon him?" I give her a confused look. When could we summon our demons? "When I thought you were dead, a soldier tried something and it worked. He summoned his demon into the real world," She finishes.
"How do I do that though, I just say 'Yamata, I summon you?'" Amelia nods at me. Well then, I guess I can give this a try. "Yamata, I summon you to this world." At first, nothing happens, then a small orange ball appeared. Slowly, the ball got bigger and bigger, slowly forming into a human shape.
"What do you want Henry?"
To my surprise, I see Yamata looking back at me, "Was this all Amelia needed from me?"
He smiles and opens his mouth to speak, "Henry, back in my time, there was a prophecy that this would happen to the world. The only one who can kill the vampires and put an end to all this is a boy who isn't even born yet. It was prophesied that the child of the wielder of my blade and the wielder of Metzli would end this."
"So you're saying the Henry and I have to have a child?" Amelia asks.
"Yes, you have to have a child in order to stop any more people from dying," He stops and smiles at me, "I'd suggest that you get to work on that Henry. Now then, I'll excuse myself." He says this as he combusts into more flames, slowly fading away.
"Well then," I pause, not knowing what to say.
"Well, what if Yamata is right, and the only way to end this is for us to have a kid?" Amelia asks.
Giving her a wicked grin, I pick her up "Then I guess we better get started." I lay her onto the bed, letting my arms trap her. Slowly, I lower my head to hers till I feel a soft sensation on my lips. She tastes of Strawberry and smells of the wind. She flips me over and sits on my waist, breathing heavily.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask, now feeling guilty.
"As long as it's with you," she says in between breaths.
I wake up to the noise of knocking. I silently get out of bed trying not to wake Amelia and put my clothes that I wore last night on. I open the door to see Atreyu holding flowers. I try to hide my surprise that he has the Audacity to come here after the stunt he pulled. I won't say anything to him until he slips up, then I'll bring it up.
Atreyu is the first to speak, "What are you doing here Henry?"
"I was making sure that Amelia was fine. The next thing I knew, she was burning up so I stayed the night to make sure she had what she needed. What are you doing here?" I retort.
"The same as you, I wanted to make sure she was alright after that fight she got into. I hear it was you who saved her, right?" He stops and smiles, "I heard you got your ass kicked."
"Well, yeah at first. In the end, though, I did end up killing him." I say to him. I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to make me angry, make me attack him so then he can report it and have me get kicked out. "I challenge you to a duel. This is what you wanted, right?"
He gives me a grin, "More than ever, now I can finally show to everyone that you're not all that strong."
"Really, cause those vampires say otherwise, Atreyu. I win, you tell everyone what you did. I lose, I won't bother Amelia anymore, eh?" I say.
"Won't matter cause I'll win, and you better accept your defeat."
I give him a laugh, "That's funny, cause I was thinking the same exact thing,"