When I started writing this I begin as most aspiring writers do I promptly picked up a spaghetti strainer and started to smash it on the keyboard.
I was so excited when it worked in between bouncing around and pounding my chest in my rage against the machine. I firmly drew the line at flinging fecal matter....I would have to pick it up after all. After all words actually took shape .
As a spur of the moment affair I understood that in the morning when I awoke to veiw it again it would not be quite so lovely. I actually then took time to investigate the proper way to go about writing...
In doing so I have come to the conclusion that the spaghetti strainer was a mistake. I will endeavour to revisit this novel in the coming months properly........with meat tenderizers!!!!!! look forward to it fembot and botboys I know I do. Now to order my object de arts, or is it objectional arts always get it confused . laters