Chapter 22 : Twisting The Truth!!

Kojou called her back and she answered immediately at the call...

Kojou : You are the best programmer i know.....

Asagi : 4 Hamburgers...

Kojou : Why more than before??

Asagi : Because you tried to praise me and ditch the previous 3...

Kojou : $#@!#$@##% Fine i'll see you tomorrow....

The call ended and inside a certain room, a figure could be seen holding the phone...

Asagi : Damn it.... I wish i could speak that normal in school as well when i'm meeting him....

Asagi : But still that other guy quite bold.....

Asagi : Even in front of her, he said if he can eat me... Interesting, interesting....

Asagi : Oh right let me watch them and see him through the cameras...

Back to Noa's side, they ran through the alleys and many corners, up to some point they reached a spot where patrols had gathered ready to go to the store and search for the one who tried to kill or already killed with this much intent released earlier...

Noa felt something odd and looked up towards his left and saw a camera, he thought for a bit and then he smiled before waving at it...

Avrora : Why are you waving??

Noa : Even though they are not working for some time i always wanted to play the criminal who doesn't care if they saw him...

Kojou : Let's go...

Asagi on the other side of the camera as she was watching through the screen she was speechless... This guy actually realised that she was watching him?? And he was really handsome as well...

Asagi : How can he realised i was watching..... Oh, damn... The light of the camera, that's what drew him to look at the camera....

Asagi : Yeah, that's it... Let's go to sleep now....

As Asagi fell on her bed yet again, Kojou and Noa with Avrora found their chance and slipped out of the patrol perimeter and finally could breathe a bit of relief...

Kojou : Now i owe her 4 hamburgers because of you.....

Avrora : Oh, come one aren't you glad you see me.......????

Noa : Yeah, that's an insult to her... Can't you say something like you grew up, became bigger or something..... Ughh...bblluuurg...

Noa ate a punch right in his guts from Avrora but it didn't hurt a bit, as he wanted her to take a bit of the limelight of events he pretended that it hurt a lot...

Kojou : Master, what happened??

Avrora : First of all don't call me that, now you are not a servant but the 4th.....

Avrora : Second i had split myself in 2 during the Fairy Coffin event and stayed hidden in another dimension.....

Kojou : Split?? Then what happened to the other one??

Avrora : During the months you don't remember, we faced all of us an existence named Root that wanted to devour everything even familiars...

Kojou : I vague remember only blurs about that time and i can't make a clear diagnosis...

Avrora : At that time, i took Root inside me and ordered you to kill me as i had given you my immortality...

Avrora : Just before you killed me, Nagisa somehow took my other half soul inside her causing me to get stuck in the dimension instead of fusing with my other half...

Avrora : As for why you lost your memory, i can only guess with the Root being destroyed by your hands it somehow erased your memories as a last resort maybe??

Kojou : And who is he?? He is not your boyfriend right??

Avrora : After the Fairy Coffin the dimension there became unstable and the time increased... He activated a relic by mistake and came there with a portal...

Noa : There we spent countless years and it is also the reason she looks older than how you remember her...

Noa : Lastly but not least we waited till the relic recharge itself and both of us got out...