Chapter 195 : The 18th Contractor!!!

Mimori woke up from her fantasy as she and Nagisa climaxed and looked at Noa with fire in her eyes wanting her fantasy to become reality...

However, she soon calmed down and went through all the baits Noa threw at her in order to see if something was off...

Stay with Nagisa?? Check!!

Able to eat Nagisa?? Pending!!

Getting eaten along with Nagisa?? Pending!!

Become pregnant?? Pending!!

See new worlds that even Gajou will never reach?? Pending!!

In other words, the moment she accepts and gets eaten by him she will be free to eat Nagisa and savour her all on her own and eventually both of them will eat Noa by sandwiching him...

At that point, she would have completed three of the four targets present in front of her...

Mimori : I don't know if I should cry and laugh for actually falling for such a cute bait...

Noa : You might say that but you're actually quite eager to try that...

Mimori : I won't deny it I did imagine the scene...

Noa : So what about my proposal??

Mimori : I have no reason to decline as Kojou became the 4th and with Nagisa becoming your contractor means that she has an infinite amount of lifespan right??

Mimori : Unless you somehow die and can't provide the magic for them to revive if they die...

Noa : True...

Mimori : But I'm only human eventually in 30-40 years maybe a bit more if I'm in good health I will die and leave them alone...

Mimori : But with your proposal not only will I get to stay young and live much longer than that, but I will also be with Nagisa...

Noa : I see, so you always had worries that both of them will live longer than you and wanted to see the kids by becoming a grandma...

Noa : You don't have to worry about that as now you can give them a little brother or sister who knows maybe both??

Mimori : So what do I have to do??

Noa : You nothing I will do everything...

As he said that Noa stood up and went in front of her before hugging her waist and leaned towards her neck as he smelled it thinking it was a delicious snack and bit down...

His eyes flared up showing his runes inside as Mimori gasped feeling something foreign altering her body and strengthening it...

The whole progress took almost an hour before Noa separated himself from Mimori to feel her new refined body as a notification sounded in Noa's mind telling him of the success...

Mimori : Wow... I feel great... It's like all the fatigue I accumulated all these years have been erased and I feel refreshed...

Mimori : I feel I can complete all my projects without sleeping and still have the energy to spare for others...

Noa : Since you have that kind of energy we will have to be proactive and see how long you can last...

Mimori was confused by what he meant but seeing Avrora smirking and Arovra averting her eyes she finally realises what he meant and averted her eyes but soon threw a few glances at him...

Noa : Arovra, take the coordinates from Gajou S.O.S and go check things up...

Noa : Avrora, take Nagisa who is still out cold and placed her on her bed while I will talk with Mimori for further details concerning the future...

Nagisa (Avrora) : No need I'll head on my own, it isn't that difficult to control her body not it should be our body now??

They all watched as Nagisa's eyes snapped open showing a blank look and after nodding she left the room followed by the other Avrora...

Then Mimori gave Arovra a device and left for her mission which now made only Noa and Mimori stay in the room...