Chapter 200 : Discovery!!

Noa and Mimori went towards the Lobby room which was protected by numerous formations hidden in the walls from prying eyes...

Noa, deliberate made the girls use every possible way they have in their arsenal which resorted in them to start flexing about their skill...

However, they were soon shot down as it only resulted in creating a show of lights...

They bundled together into creating such complex formations and now each one of them can't pry inside and they weren't weak...

Back on his thoughts, Noa was seeing Arovra sitting across Mimori and Noa and when he gave her the signal she started talking...

Arovra : I went to Spain based on the coordinates and figured the exact ruins he was trapped within...

Arovra : The Ruins themselves are the pillars of Baelo Claudio...

Noa : Ehehh?? Those stone-like things forming a circle??

Arovra nodded and continued her findings there...

Baelo Claudia is situated on the northern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar. The town was founded at the end of the 2nd century BC as a result of trade with North Africa it was a major port for Tangier, in Mauretania Tingitana.

It is possible that Baelo Claudia had some functions of governmental administration, but tuna fishing, salting, and the production of garum were the primary sources of wealth.

The city was eventually successful enough to be granted the title of municipium by Emperor Claudius.

The life of the inhabitants reached its greatest splendour during the 1st century BC and the 2nd century AD.

In the middle of the 2nd century, however, the town declined, probably as a result of a major earthquake which wiped out a large part.

In addition to such natural disasters, by the 3rd century, the town was beset by hordes of pirates, both Germanic and Barbary.

Although it experienced a slight renaissance later in the century, by the 6th century, the town had been abandoned, for reasons unknown to many...

Excavations have revealed the most comprehensive remains of a Roman town in the whole of the Iberian Peninsula, with extremely interesting monuments such as the basilica, theatre, market, and the temple of Isis.

It is now the spectacular setting in El Estrecho Natural Park that allows the visitor to see the coast of Morocco with good views of the sea.

Noa : In other words, it is treated like a tourist area...

Noa : But why did Gajou went there??

Mimori : In your report just now you mentioned a temple of Isis...

Mimori : What does Egyptian culture doing there??

Mimori : More like why the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and was also known as the goddess of motherhood, magic, death, healing, and rebirth have anything to do with Gajou...

Arovra : Based on what I found after researching a lot about History those ruins are the ruins of the Temple of Isis...

Arovra : And the surrounding is the town mentioned before...

Arovra : It also bugged me and I started searching for different ruins across the worlds and possible connections to the, while I was at it...

Arovra : After days of searching I came across a disturbing mural in a book in Spain Library and noticed it was a map...

Arovra : Following that map, I easily found my way around the ruins there and actually entered inside...

Noa : What did you find??

Arovra : Demons...

Both Mimori and Noa looked at Arovra with their eyes wide open especially for the latter as he knew where those belonged to...

Arovra : The Magic there was minuscule and could not be used while you had to use the one stored in your body...

Noa : Ugh... And with no way to replenish that eventually, you will be overwhelmed...

Arovra : That would have been the case if the beasts were awake but they were in deep sleep, so deep that even wounding their bodies they didn't wake up...