
"Pius, do you know the feeling of suddenly having a lot of power and you being in control?" Draco asked looking at Pius with a mad grin on his face.

"I am afraid to say that I don't," Pius replied shaking his head as he clapped his hands, The surrounding wizards raised their wands, "Ready when you are."

Draco smiled as he took out a yellow ball, he opened his suitcase as he squeaked the ball that made a weird sound.

"Are you joking with me?" Pius asked with a frown in his face, Two wizards stepped forward walking towards Draco with their wands ready to attack any moment.

Draco didn't reply anything as he pointed his wands back towards them, "Confirngo."

*Boom!* The moment the explosion sounded out killing one of the wizards, all the surrounding wizards disappeared from their original place and arrived at random different location shooting spells at Draco. Dust started rising up from the ground as the attack kept coming.

"Draco--" Elanor called out anxiously, she was afraid that Draco was dead or injured heavily due to a moment of carelessness.

"He is still alive." Mordred said, Elanor looked at her father wondering how he knew, "This is a good time to train your senses, don't think too much and just feel if you do you'll be able to see it."

Elanor nodded and concentrated on the dust that was rising up only to find nothing in there, but the life she sensed before inside the suitcase.

Pius raised his hand up as the wizards stopped their attack, "Go and check." He said, a couple of wizards still fully cautious slowly walked towards the dusted area, one of them used a spell to clear the dust of the area and what was left on the ground was only a suitcase. They looked at each other confused as to what was going on when they suddenly heard the squeaky sound again before they could even react to what was going on, A huge three-headed Dog came flying out of the suitcase, the middle head instantly bit one of them when the left head grabbed the other part of the body tearing him away. The blood splashed on every wizards face as they finally woke from their stupor but before they could even move arrows came flying from nowhere stabbing all of them to the ground.

"Works everytime." Draco said with a grin, on the other hand, Pius who was watching from the roof madly grinned, "Yes, show me more..." he mumbled to himself.

*Boom!* An explosion rang out as the wizards began attacking Fluffy, Draco who was on top of Fluffy cast a shield charm protecting them from incoming attacks whereas Fluffy was jumping around throwing and tearing every wizard in his path like they were nothing, some spells were beginning to harm them as Fluffy madly roared and started attacking crazily and more fiercely as well.

"What do we do?" A wizard asked Pius where he just pointed at Draco attacking them still on top of Fluffy. The wizard understanding nodded as he apparated on top of Fluffy, behind Draco. His wand shining bright he was about to attack when suddenly Draco turned back towards him smirking as he whispered something. The man heard a growl from beneath him, he looked down to see Draco's suitcase wide open, before he could even read a spell or jump to the side, A huge flame rose up from the suitcase burning the wizard completely as his lifeless body dropped back on the ground.

Seeing most wizards dead, Draco caught his suitcase and jumped off Fluffy, the moment he did, Starlight came out of his suitcase, Draco quickly got hold of Starlight's neck and rode on him, while still falling from Fluffy. As soon as they landed Starlight started rushing forward with his quickest speed, throwing away wizards in front of his path whereas Draco kept attacking with every offensive spell he knew, killing them through unconventional means. As they reached the gate, Starlight kicked it, completely destroying the mansion's door. Draco quickly dodged a spell coming his way as he jumped out of Starlight quickly chanting, "Langlock."

Not being able to open her mouth the woman wasn't able to chant a spell as Starlight rushed towards her completely knocking her out. Draco not without a hint of mercy burned the woman down with a spell not caring if she was already dead or was only unconscious. He didn't even care if they were under the imperius curse or not. Draco rushed forward towards the roof through the grand stairs only to be attacked by a hidden wizard out of nowhere, Draco was sent flying back, his back slamming against the wall. The man's eyes were normal as he grinned idiotically, "Not so fast boy."

"An auror huh?" Draco said wiping the blood from his mouth, seeing the man not under Imperius curse he quickly tried to think of something as he saw his wand in front of him.

"Indeed." The man said throwing a bright yellow light towards Draco, Draco rolled over on the side dodging the spell. The wall where the spell hit cracked with a small hole through it.

"That was close." Draco said trying to reach for his wand secretly, "Why are you betraying the ministry?" Draco asked hoping to keep the man busy before he reaches his wand.

"Knowledge of course." The man said, attacking Draco again but this time he was too late as the spell hit his legs puncturing one side of his thigh, Draco yelled in pain looking at the man with hatred. "Just stay here." The man said grinning,

"Why?" Draco asked again.

"Didn't you hear? Knowledge." The man said.

Draco snorted, "Whatever Pius can give you, I can make it double."

"Oh, my dear genius is making a deal is he?" The man said with a slightly crazy face, "But I am afraid you can't give me even half of what Pius is giving me."

Draco surprised, was thinking things through as the man came towards him, kicking off his wand away.

Draco looked at the grinning man with a raised eyebrow.

"Still confident are you." The man said raising his wand once again.

Draco quickly kicked the suitcase with his other leg, opening it. "You should have kicked the suitcase away too." The moment he said that the murtlap came jumping out of his suitcase jumping on the man surprising him. Draco quickly whistled before the man could have a chance.

Outside the vampires were in full of shock and awe, they could have never imagined a kid being able to do this amount of destruction from taking out a hellhound killing several wizards all at once to even calling out a unicorn. In all this Mordred was impressed nonetheless.

"Umm..." The man whose tongue Draco tied was trying to say something but couldn't. Mordred took out his wand and released the man from his misery.

The man finally sighed in relief as he said, "Why is he so powerful father?" He was afraid if the previous fight had continued he would be the same as the wizard who was torn in half.

"He isn't." Mordred snorted seeing the weakness of his own son. "He is a normal wizard for a kid he is pretty good but he isn't even the same level as ordinary adult wizards."

"But that power rush we felt."

"It wasn't a power rush but more like his body absorbing and releasing magic at an intense speed." Mordred explained while the surrounding Vampires were nodding and listening carefully, "We with the royal blood can sense magic so this should be a very important lesson for all of you, The boy doesn't have any increase in magic but he is just filling up the pot full of water till it leaks out again and again so even if he wastes magic he can keep filling it up again."

The vampires nodded finally understanding what was going on.


1) I called Fluffy a Hellhound because his race isn't specified in the books nor in wiki. But it is said that Three-headed dogs are prominent in Greek and Roman mythology and are also known as hellhounds. So I picked his race as a Hellhound since it seemed cool.

2) The vampires sensing power is similar to byakugan (for easy understanding) but they can only sense mana like they sensed chakra in Naruto. They can't see the x-ray version of your body or something like that.

3) So this is me trying to write an intense fight scene without being absurdly OP. like using his tools and his surrounding than fighting with sole power