
"It was kind of hard to believe at first but when things started going as she said it would, it didn't really take that long." Walter said shrugging his shoulders understanding what Draco wanted to hear, "I didn't really mean to hide it... but I didn't expect you to tell him things much sooner."

"I wouldn't have, but your friend here started going off road again and again." Arya said, "Futures are already complicated and him being stubborn as he is isn't really a good thing."

"Is it about Albert?"

"Yes." Arya nodded, "The future that I saw didn't include him in our plans so with you befriending him the future might have a different outcome."

"What did you see?" Draco and Walter asked at the same time.

"Sigh! The vision I saw was you coming in Durmstrang trying to fight Ryan on your own but he manages to get one over you and possess your body, completely killing your soul from within."

Draco stayed silent for a while until he finally got what Ryan wanted from him, "He's the mind and I am the body."

"What?" Walter asked.

"Nothing." Draco shook his head, "So that's the only thing you saw, me getting killed?"

"No, after he got your body he began annihilating everyone in our school including me and Walter." Arya shook her head as she said in a heavy tone, "But future has endless possibilities and I only see one. Just when I was thinking about what I was going to do, I stumbled across the Deathly Hallows sign carved in our hallway which somehow triggered another vision. A future where you, me, Walter along with several other people managed to defeat Ryan by working together. A future where you didn't work alone and won."

"So the reason you've been so secretive about it is?"

"It's because I want things to go according to my vision. The future that I saw already have two different possibilities that I know of. I don't know about you but I want to live so I want things to go according to my second vision. Not a single person less and not a single person more."

"Is he that strong?"

"You both might end up in a tie but I don't know if you are aware of this or not but he has an army on his side," Arya said, "So trying to come up with a plan against him with you alone should just be avoided. Remember he knows this school better than you do and staying in the sidelines for so long, I wonder how many traps he has created over the years. And as I said if you lose we all will, whether we like it or not."

There was silence among all of them as no one spoke a single a word. Everyone trying to process all the things properly.

"So what do you think we should do?" Walter broke the silence looking at both of them.

"We have to wait for the right time." Arya said, "Also the future I told you about has something to do with the Deathly Hallows, it's either that or it has something to do with Grindlewald who carved the symbol himself."

"Isn't he dead?" Walter asked.

"No, he is still locked in his own private prison cell." Draco said thinking about Arya's plan, "How many men do you think we will need?"

"Not much but still enough to overwhelm them."

Draco nodded as he took out his luggage from an expandable pouch that he had been carrying. From there he took out a couple of document related to Ryan.

"This is all the information I have collected against him." Draco said as he laid down the map, "The areas that are marked are all the bases where Ryan has collected his little army. Annoying as it might be I have suspected there to be at least a 100 wizards and more than 30 werewolves."

"Is that it?" Walter asked naively not knowing the exact battle power they contained. 10 wizards are enough to handle a Dragon let alone a 100 and not only that they also have enough werewolves to infect or kill everyone in Durmstrang in an instant.

"As far as I know yes." Draco nodded, "I did have some plans of my own though."

"Let's hear it."

"My plan followed of me attacking Ryan here in Durmstrang first." Draco said, "Though I am not sure how I want him chased out of Durmstrang. After that, he will likely return to one of these bases, so before that happens, I want to sneakily attack the bases first clearing as much ground as possible. Since many of the wizards are there due to the Imperius Curse so as long as we clear the ones that are controlling them so we might not have to face all 100 wizards at once."

"How about the Werewolves?"

"They are the difficult part but it should be fine as long as we manage to hunt them all down before full moon." Draco continued, "If this works then our plans would be much simpler."

Arya listened carefully and shook her head, "Who are you going to get help from to defeat hundreds of wizards. The Aurors might leak the information during their investigation and on the other hand, as you said a lot of them are just being manipulated so killing innocent people will bring consequences that you might not want to face."

"She is right, buddy." Walter said, "The last I heard there weren't many people happy about the aurors dying during the whole kidnapping period."

"Who said anything about killing them?" Draco shook his head, "We can just capture or knock them out, one by one. It's not like they are grouped up in a single place."

"How many of them are located in a base?"

"12 to 13 people in a single camp," Draco said, "As for the helpers, I have some people that are working under my father. Including me and two guests, I am hoping would show up, I believe we can win this. But it all amounts to working together at the same time, to not leave any traces behind."

"But even if that works the flaw in your plan is still attacking Ryan alone." Arya said, "I saw you die within these walls so we need to think of something else."

"There is no other way." Draco said shaking his head, "Even if you two were to join the battle, I reckon it will cause any significant impact. And due to your vision, I am having second thoughts about collecting people here to join my cause and fight with me."

"As I said, it won't work." Arya insisted on her words, "I can't take a chance."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Draco said with a bit of frustrated tone, "Do you really expect me to grow stronger in a couple of months to overwhelm him alone or do you expect my plan to work out on its own without me interfering."

"Okay, calm down you two." Walter stepped in between them, "Both of you're right in your own decisions and planning. Arya, you don't have any plans to solve this issue and Draco, though you have a good plan, things might not work out the way you intended to."

"He's right." Arya sighed, "Do you know something else about Ryan that we don't? You don't have to spill everything you don't want to but I for sure know that you know something that we don't."

"I did forget to mention that the man is very good at manipulating other people with magic." Draco said dodging the question, "To the point where he can completely latch onto someone and control them like puppets even though he stays far away from them. I have never heard of a spell like that before and it feels more like the upgraded version of the Imperius curse."