
"It's not here!" Pansy said as she got out of one of the student's room.

"I can't find it either," Hermione said as she got out of another room as well, "What about you Draco?"

"No luck on my side either," Draco said sighing, "Let's check the next floor."

Hermione and Pansy nodded as they began heading out but as they reach the stairs they heard some growling noises.

"What's that?" Pansy said worriedly.

"It's coming from downstairs." Draco said frowning a little, "Don't worry its probably just Sirius complaining. You two keep checking the upper floors while I'll head down and check."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Go ahead."

Draco sending the girls upstairs headed down towards the hall where the noises kept getting louder. A sudden feeling of fear crawled into the back of his mind as he walked in closer with bottles of exploding potions in his hands. These potions were a batch of something he had created way before with his blood mixed in them. Though the potions didn't change in their explosion power, their corrosive nature was intensified beyond imaginable as it could even burn through the rocks and the ground itself.

Breathing deeply his fears came into life as he saw a werewolf and Sirius in his animagus form fighting whereas two men stood by on the side with a mocking look.

The elves without their magic were useless as they stood by the side as they helped the last person in the suitcase. Sirius though, he was fighting greatly, his strengths seemed too weak against a regenerating werewolf that kept coming back no matter the damage.

The werewolf pushed Sirius away as he crashed into the wall. Sirius tried to stand up but he failed as he kept growling at the werewolf.

"Sirius Black didn't know you were an animagus but its good to finally see you out of the posters for once." The werewolf said laughing heavily, "For an escapee, you seemed to be in a wrong place."

"He can't do anything but growl... so pathetic." One of two men said, "Just have him transfer into a person and ask him about the whereabouts of Black."

"Heard him." Said the werewolf as he kicked Sirius in his guts, "Turn back before this turns into a torture secession and we all know you're no match for me. Not as a dog and without magic you're just as useless so get over it."

With threats, Sirius who looked to be seriously considering something as he slowly changed back into his human form.

"Good." The werewolf said satisfied, "Now tell me where is Draco Black... Malfoy whatever his bloody surname is."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sirius said as he clutched on to his wand for his robe knowing full well he was in a pathetic state right about now.

"Don't play games with us, Mr. Sirius. We wouldn't be as kind as the Dementors." The other man spoke, "The boy took whatever belongs to you as he reigns as the heir of one of the noblest house in Britain. He took everything from you, so why are you even defending him? Comm'n if he dies you'll get whatever that belongs to you back from that selfish little prick. So tell us where is he?"

"I don't know if its all the fur in your ears but as I said I don't know." Sirius said not even thinking about their threats and 'suggestions'.

"So you want to keep hiding huh?" The werewolf said kicking Sirius again, "Don't think we don't know about Draco Black and his love for flying cars. And if you weren't by his side why help these little brats around... don't tell me being in Azkaban has got some of your screws loosed."

"Fuck you!" Sirius said as he began laughing not caring about their questions.

The werewolf looked at the two men confused as to what to do.

"Kill him or even better just leave a bite... I wonder how an animagus werewolf would turn out." said the man turning into a werewolf himself making sure Sirius doesn't run away, "And maybe we can use him to lure the genius out."

The werewolf nodded as he headed for the bite as Sirius started to turn into an Animagus again but before he could he has kicked again.

Draco who was outside was thankful for Sirius's loyalty but he knew he had to do something now if not Sirius might fall under the same death the elf did try to protect him. For the first time, his legs felt so heavy that he couldn't move them but he pushed through it. His heart beating faster and faster as he saw a werewolf closer and closer again.

The werewolf who was just about to bite Sirius saw a boy rushing towards him as his smile grew wider. The boy then threw a pouch at him. Thinking it as a desperate attempt, The werewolf ignored it as he charged towards Draco this time to get his masters attention. Though no one of the three would admit to it they all had the seat of Silas in mind. Getting masters help would make them more powerful and stronger. The other two who got the scent of Draco turned over quickly as he did as they began launching at him as well.

The pouch Draco had thrown hit the werewolf right across his face, thinking not much of it the werewolf ignored it but soon the explosion followed getting everyone's attention.

It wasn't just one bottle of potion or two but a whole batch that exploded together. The combined explosion was big enough to cause a huge flash as it blinded everyone.

The other werewolf and the man slowly opened their eyes to see what had happened to their friend. The smell of burning flesh hit their sharp noses.

"Sid are you okay?" The man and the werewolf ran towards their friend body to see it half gone. Part of flesh from his body was gone as he lied their moaning in pain.

"Don't worry he will regenerate soon enough." George who was in his werewolf form said.

"No, look he is..." As Tim was about to say something a loud yell came form Sid as his body began shrinking before their very eyes.

"What's happening?"

"He probably hit him with an acid of some sort... his body is corroding.

"He's not healing quickly enough we need to do something," George said as he reached over but the moment he touched Sid his hands started burning as well as he quickly retracted his hands back.

Before their very eyes, their friend's body melted in front of their very eyes. Every time his body started to regenerate the faster the potion burned him and soon there were just bits of his bones left. His organs, flesh all corroded away and there was no sign of life and regeneration.

"He's dead." Tim said as he stood up.

"I'll kill those fuckers." Geroge angrily stood up looking for the two but they were gone. Seemed like they took the moment of opportunity and ran away.

"They can't be gone too far, let's go." Tim said, "I can smell them."