
"In this bloody place, really?" Sirius complained as they sat in an old rundown wizarding pub wearing cloaks that covered their faces, "Who thought he would come here to live after all that happened."

"Well, when two of your three best friends are dead and one is accused of killing them, I am sure I'll be living in this shit hole as well." Draco said as he rolled his eyes sipping on some weird tasting butterbeer, "So how do you want to confront him?"

"I don't know," Sirius mumbled as he kept his head down. "I thought you were the genius here."

"I am. That's why I managed to find him and get him to meet us." Draco said, "A lot of hard work you know. But what I am concerned about is how he's reaction is going to be when he sees you. Sirius Black, the person whose wanted pictures are all over the wall even in this run-down pub."

"When the time comes, I'll do it by myself. Besides, how do you even get him to meet us."

"Easy-- This thing here is what you call a Wolfsbane Potion," Draco said taking out a vial of potion. "It was invented when you were in prison, so you might not know about it. But basically the potion here does not actually cure lycanthropy but eases the symptoms, allowing one to hold on to their mental faculties after transformation."

"It renders the dangerous beast into an ordinary, sleepy wolf if you will."

"So you lured him out with this?"

"Yes. It's an expensive potion so I am sure your friend will not be able to afford it." Draco nodded, "So I sent him a letter, proposing a job for him where the salary would be paid in Wolfsbane potion."

"And you think it's enough to get him out?"

"Oh yes!" Draco said as he folded the documents, "From the information my men collected, your buddy was so desperate for the potion that he even went back to the forbidden forest back in Hogwarts to get some ingredients for himself."

"I see." Sirius took a deep sigh as he turned his head towards the pub door. Just then they heard a loud thud on their table as Sirius and Draco turned to look Remus sitting on their table smiling to them.

Remus was a man with a pale face and premature lines, and light brown hair along with some grey hair here and there. His clothing was consistently shabby and patched. Clearly showing the harshness of what being a werewolf was like.

"Gentlemen, thank you for inviting me." Remus said, "Before we get started I'll like to know your identity. After all, you knowing about my 'issue' makes me a lot curious about you two."

"Sure," Draco said not getting too fazed as Sirius. "I think this will tell you everything."

Draco handed a load of documents to Remus as he sat back on his chair waiting for Remus to read it. "You must understand that some things are better left unspoken especially in this place."

Remus looked at the hooded Draco, who he assumed was the boss but from his voice, he didn't look to be that old and at the hooded Sirius who was just staring at him from beginning till end. Remus sighed as he himself didn't know why he thought meeting strangers was a good idea but now that since he was here he might as well see, what the two had in store for him.

Remus carefully and slowly read the content in the document, his eyes getting wider and his hands shaking now and then. Turning to the last page, Remus kept the newspaper down as he looked at Draco for awhile.

"Is this all true?" Remus asked with a whispering tone.

"Yes." Draco nodded, "I could show you more proofs but this is all I can get right now. So now the remaining question is, do you believe me or not."

Remus sat silently for a while as he glanced at Sirius, who still hadn't gotten out of it. Through the hood covering his face, he glanced at his old friend for a long time.

"Asking me to believe two hooded men who can't even show their faces, is asking a bit too much, don't you think?."

Draco contemplated for a while, as he slowly removed the hood.

"Oh! I knew you were young but I didn't expect you to be this age..." Remus said in a bit of a shock, "And the prince, if I may."

"No, you may not!" Draco said sliding his hood back on, "So I assume you've read all the information on the paper, so what do you think?"

"I believe that it is 80% true but my question is how and why are you so interested in it." Remus said, "From what I know, your family has been missing for a while now and with the minister changing, I am sure this incident has nothing to do with you."

"But it is." Draco said as he turned to look towards Sirius, "Obviously, I have some question and connection with your friend."

Remus looked at Sirius and Draco again as he realized who the other person was. "So what's to say that all this isn't a lie and you're here to rope me into this 'scheme' of yours."

"As you said the outside world is a bit chaotic right now so this is all I can get for you right now but soon after this thing clears up, I can provide you with more evidence," Draco said, "And maybe a chat with your old friend might clear things up more."

Remus looked at Sirius deeply with a frown as he shook his head, "I'll hear you out but if I find a single lie in what you say, I will immediately reveal your disguises and let everyone know who he is here."

Remus said signaling to the witches and wizards around the pub, who didn't look to be so good of a people from their gazes. "You understand what I mean don't you?"

"Sure." Draco nodded, "So how about we leave, you can apparate us to any place of your choice. No questions asked."

Remus nodded as he put his hand on both Draco and Sirius's shoulder as they apparated leaving a Galleon on the table.


"You stay here!" Remus said as they apparated into an old shabby room while Remus and Sirius and he again apparated away to somewhere else. Figuring they wanted to talk privately, Draco didn't bother as he sat down on an old rugged couch.

Draco turned open pages of documents, that contained pictures of different destroyed Ministry facilities and reports of many missing wizards and witches from the newspaper. Draco knew that it was now or never, whether Remus was involved or not, he would have to attack soon or else, the other's army will keep growing and he would be far too late.