Chapter 32: Magnanimity!

"Hmm.. I don't have any sword at the moment, so that leaves me with either the fist or the palm arts.. " thought Duan Li as he cupped his chin.

He calmly observe the blue sky from the window in front of his desk with his hands behind his head, the quiet atmosphere in his room allows him to contemplate thoroughly.

It was then that an epiphany struck him.

In the original timeline of his future self, the most domineering and powerful skill art at his disposal was the 'One Finger Starlight Slash' skill.

As that was his favorite skill art which he made himself after reaching the immortal ascension realm, naturally, he still remembered the method to use it like the back of his hand.

Just that there is a problem.

"My ultimate skill, One Finger Starlight Slash, although extremely lethal.. requires an absurd amount of spiritual Qi to use.. " he said to himself slowly.

He then stood up from the chair as he clasped his hands behind his back while walking back and forth in his room, murmurring out softly once in awhile as numerous simulations to modify his original skill appeared in his mind like a flood.

"Perhaps.. if I do that.. and this.. then maybe use this acupoints and here instead of that one.. and channel my spiritual Qi through this meridian and stop the flow over there.. "


After a while..

"Hmm.. I think that should work.. but I need to test it out.. " said Duan Li as he flew out from his room through the window.

The common Flight ability could only be obtained when one reached the seventh level of the Qi condensation realm. Now that he is at the level 9 of the Qi condensation realm, naturally he could fly pretty easily with the minimal amount of Qi needed even at a suppressed state.

Not to mention his cycle which is at 90 percent more efficient, thus running out of spiritual Qi is the least of his concern.



Duan Li scanned his surrounding as he found a suitable location.


He landed on the ground gently.

The location he was in now is a little bit forested, not too far from the square.

Duan Li scanned his surroundings again to make sure that no one was around.

This is because his ultimate skill is extremely lethal, even mountains would be sliced into two without any reservation as if a butter being cut with a hot knife.

Eventhough his theoretical adjustments of the skill could technically control the amount of output the slash could do, it was still in theory and not practiced.

And that was what he was going to do right now.

"Hmm.. let's start with this tree.. " Duan Li then pointed his index finger forward towards a tree five meters away from him.

In simple terms, the original version of this skill art requires Duan Li to channel about 90 percent of his spiritual Qi into a single point before compressing it thoroughly until it reaches the size of needle. By opening a single pathway, these compression would then be beamed out until it reaches an exit, which is Duan Li's index finger by opening an acupoint at the end.

Although this logic sounds simple enough, only Duan Li himself has managed to be able to do it. Compressing spiritual Qi to the size of a needle was already extremely difficult, although still quite doable for most experts.

It was the channeling of a single pathway under that colossal Qi pressure that is entirely on a whole other level as it requires meridians that is strong enough to withstand a sudden outburst of Qi without rupturing that could be lethal to the host.

This is only possible for someone who had ascended to the immortal ascension realm that has an incomparably tough and rugged body, both internal and external!

Therefore, Duan Li needed to be more careful in his steps using this skill art in a Qi condensation realm, lest he will injure himself.

He drove his spiritual Qi throughout his body and compresses them into a ball the size of a needle. This ball is a lot less denser compared to what he could do before, but it would do.

To compensate his weaker meridians, Duan Li planned to open several pathways to lessen the pressure. However, in order to retain its outburst of power, these spiritual Qi will travel along a few pathways through a series of acupoints that will spool, twist and spiralled them together to increase its speed. He called this process as the supercharging. It will finally then converge to a single acupoint in a series of continuous beam from the front of his index finger.



The tree trunk that has the circumference of a three grown man was penetrated cleanly by a short burst beam of spiritual Qi!

"Success! Hahaha I did it!"

Duan Li jumped up in excitement. Although this move had left him with only 10 percent of his spiritual Qi, with a single breath, he had already recovered to a 100 percent!

His eyes gleamed with enthusiasm.

Rapid fire!






Duan Li continued to shoot beams of spiritual Qi with his index finger. When he finally stopped, the tree trunk now looks like the hives of bees.

A continuous slash like the original version would be impossible for him right now. Thus, he could only make them fire a short burst of compressed Qi!

"This is fun heheheh! Let's call it.. the Qi beam!" said Duan Li with a wide smile and a nod.

"I could increase its power and penetration by a whole lot more if I release my suppressed state.. hmm.. " thought Duan Li as he cupped his chin.

If he release his suppressed state to level 2, by his estimate, the power would increase by at least five more times and he would take some minimal damage to his meridians as he hasn't yet tempered his level 1 physical body. But above that while using this skill art would incur to him pain that he didn't dare to imagine.

After all, this was a skill that was actually meant to be used when he reached the immortal ascension realm.

"I guess I could only use them in a pinch then.. "

Duan Li then flew back to the dorm to return to his room and practice another skill art as it was still in the afternoon when he saw Xiahou Yu standing outside peeking through the windows of a fast food restaurant.

"Hey.. Xiahou Yu!" he called out with a wave.

Hearing her name being called out so suddenly, she jolted up as she turned to look behind her only to find that there was no one there.

It was only when Duan Li called out to her again did she realize that it was Duan Li who was flying over to her from the air.


Duan Li landed gently in front of her.

"D-Duan Li.. its you.. " she said awkwardly.

"I saw you from afar standing still here, what were you looking at?" said Duan Li as he took a peek from the window as well.

"Its the.. fried chicken.. they smell so good.. I was attracted to their smell when I was just having a stroll at the square.. " she replied with a red face, seemingly flustered after getting caught peeking at the fried chicken.

"Anyway.. you were already.. able to fly..?" she continued.

She was quite surprised when she saw Duan Li flying from the distance. After all, the common flight ability, although slower than the skill art 'feather flight' used to travel long distances, could only be gained after one reaches the seventh level of the Qi condensation realm!

Does it mean that he had already reached the seventh level of the Qi condensation realm?


She breathed in cold air as she realized this.

In a single day and he had already reached the seventh level of the Qi condensation realm?

That's a little.. no.. its way too fast!

"Hmm..? Yeah.. somehow.." Duan Li replied with a shy expression seeming embarrased by his talent.

When she heard this, she felt like wanting to bawl out and cry.

It was just the other day that they were on the same level, but now? She was a bit jealous with Duan Li's mystifying talent.

But thinking about how Duan Li had already became the pinnacle of power in the whole Tian continent at the peak of the immortal ascension realm in that timeline, she sighed.

"I guess it was only natural for him.. " she thought to herself as she finally accept it.

"I see.. I had only just entered the level one of the Qi condensation realm a few hours ago.. and it made me quite hungry.. " she said to Duan Li as she held her tummy.

Duan Li broke out into a smile as he saw her expression and could guess what was going on, so he asked;

"Do you have any money yet?"

She shook her head.

"Okay then, let me treat you to a meal!" said Duan Li smiling.

He was given some pocket money by the principal before as an advance payment for his merit in modifying the spiritual Qi efficiency method. Furthermore, the smell of the fried chicken that had wafted out from the window had piqued his appetite as well.

"You will..?" said Xiahou Yu in anticipation as her eyes sparkled.

Duan Li nodded with a smile as he took out a few gold coins. Back when he was at the Xuan Village, a gold coin would already be enough for him and his mother to eat happily for a few months.

Thinking about how the principal had given him these gold coins to him casually without any sort of reservation at all, the principal sure is a noble person!

Eventhough the principal might seem scary and strict with his whipping and all that, but deep inside him is a heart that is magnanimous towards the younger genaration.

Duan Li found within himself a newfound respect towards the principle.

Even senior teacher Wang Guozhi and sister Ling Yu back then had put out a blank face when the saw the principal gave him such a lot of gold coins.

They must be pretty surprised by the kindness of the principal too!

"..." Xiahou Yu.

Seeing her blank expression, Duan Li wanted to ask her what was wrong when he realized something as he palmed his forehead.

Ahh.. she must be like senior teacher Wang Guozhi and Sister Ling Yu back then.. I guess seeing this much of money does indeed could shock someone I see..

He then quickly smiled as he explain hurriedly;

"Ahh don't worry about it, It's fine! This is given to me by the principal! You need not to worry and use this money as much as you want to eat!" he said as he thought that Xiahou Yu was feeling guilty of using his money to buy some food.

"No.. that's not it.. " she shook her head as she pointed out to the price on the menu hanged on the wall of the fast food restaurant.

Hmm? Duan Li squinted his eyes.

100 SS for a drumstick fried chicken?

What does 'SS' even mean?

Duan Li creased his brows as this term looks familiar to him from his memories, but he just can't seem to recall.

Noticing that it seems like Duan Li hadn't got a clue yet, Xiahou Yu decided to tell him.

"Actually.. 'SS' is a short term used for spirit stones.. in the academy, you can only buy stuff using spirit stones.. gold coins don't have any value here.. " she explained with a small voice.


Duan Li almost stumbled forward and fell on the ground as if a metal basin had hit his head on the back.

"...." Duan Li.

