Chapter 34: Spatial Ring!

"Hey Duan Li! How about we have a dinner together? This here is my senior, Wang Xiolun!" Shen Lu gestured to the tall figure besides him as the other party nodded.

"I am Wang Xiolun! 23 years old and a third grade in the early stage of the core formation realm!" the tall figure called Wang Xiolun said with a deep voice.

This Wang Xiolun is about 30 centimeters higher than Duan Li who's height was only about 180 centimeters. Thus, when they stood face to face, it seems as though Duan Li was looking at a mighty pagoda!

His body was similar like Wang Guozhi, albeit a little bit taller. His biceps and thighs were threatening to pop out from his student uniform at any moment as it was too big and seemed to be as tough as a rock.

His curly black hairs were also being swept by the wind making it look like they are moving individually. The sharp gazes of his eyes looked like a veteran of the battlefield.


Duan Li swallowed his saliva as the man was too intimidating for him. But nevertheless, he finds himself some courage to reply;

"H-hello senior brother Wang Xiolun.. I am called Duan Li.. 21 years old and is at the level 7 of the Qi condensation realm.. "

His voice was awkward, but Wang Xiolun's expression never change, steadily looking so solemn and serious as he just nodded.

Duan Li had also decided to lie about his level. At first, he was about to say that he was at level 1, but thinking that he could already fly, that would be quite a hassle to explain. Therefore, he just said that he was at the level 7 of the Qi condensation realm!

"Well, let's go and eat then!" Shen Lu gestured as he dragged Duan Li by the arm and the mighty Wang Xiolun followed suit from the back.


"H-hey.. it's Wang Xiolun.."

"Shhh! Don't speak his name out loud! Are you trying to die?!"

"I heard he just came back from the north.. I wonder how many monsters he had slained.. "

"Well, he IS in the top 10 student's power ranking, so I guess.. hundreds?"

Sounds of whispers could be heard as the trio walked in to the cafeteria.

"Don't bother with those juniors, like I said, they loves to gossip more than cultivating and training! Hahahahaha! " laughed Shen Lu out loud being sarcastic.

When the gossiping students heard what he said, they pouted their mouths with a 'hmph!' and continued eating their meals with annoyed faces.

The trio then went to get their food and was looking for a seating, it was then that Duan Li saw Xiahou Yu sitting by the corner table with no one else besides her.

"Ohh, that's Xiahou Yu, let's sit next to her!" gestured Duan Li.

"Your friend? Can we sit there?" replied Shen Lu as he look towards Wang Xiolun and the latter nodded.

"Let's go then!"


"Xiahou Yu! Do you mind if we sit next to you? These here are my friends!" called out Duan Li to Xiahou Yu who seemed to be immersed in reading a manual book.

"Ahh? Duan Li? Emm.. sure.. " she said slowly as she threw a side glance towards Wang Xiolun. The other party big stature and cold expression was very intimidating as she immediately look away.

"Hello! I am Shen Lu, a sophomore and this is my senior, Wang Xiolun!" greeted Shen Lu and pointed towards Wang Xiolun. The latter just nodded slowly.

"Ohh..?" something caught Shen Lu's attention with how his senior brother behaved.

Is it what I think it is?

Shen Lu then just smiled as the trio sat down. Duan Li was sitting beside Xiahou Yu while Shen Lu was sitting opposite of her and Wang Xiolun next to him.

"What are you studying Xiahou Yu?" asked Duan Li as he slurped the curry noodles.

"Ohh.. it is the body tempering method for level one of the Qi condensation student.. senior teacher Ling Yu gave it to me.. " she replied with a small voice.

"Ahh.. I see.." said Duan Li. He himself wasn't even given a body tempering method from Wang Guozhi. It seems that the latter had forgotten...

"If it is the body tempering method for the early stages of the Qi condensation realm, it just so happens that I have quite a few of Chinook's blood that is suitable for females as it has the quality of Yin element with it, I'll give it to you!" Shen Lu said as he pointed his ring finger. His spatial ring then glowed dimly.

"T-Thank you!" Xiahou Yu was startled with the sudden gifts but immediately became elated as the other party was kind enough to give her the materials needed while they were just meeting for the first time. She then extended her ring finger as well and her spatial ring glowed dimly as a series of emerald light seemed to flow out from Shen Lu's spatial ring to Xiahou Yu's spatial ring.

This is the transfer of ownership of materials that was inside the alternate dimension within the spatial ring. When the host of each ring owner acknowledge the transfer procedure after confirming the items, the exchange will then take place immediately through opening a hole between the two dimension that was done automatically.

Their ring then blinked green lights three times to indicate that the transfer has been complete!

"No need to be so formal! Since you are Duan Li's friends, I won't charge it! Consider it as a token of our friendship! Hahahahaha!" he laughed out as he elbowed Wang Xiolun teasingly.

The latter's face seemed to turn a little bit red which might have been cuter if not for his cold and solemn expression all the time. But this was enough for the scheming Shen Lu to confirm his previous assumption as he smiled sneakily.

Huehuehue! So that's how it is!

Duan Li whom was witnessing their exchange couldn't help but to feel saddened in his heart as he sighed.

Firstly, was that Wang Guozhi had forgotten to impart to him manual books for body tempering. Although this wasn't really a problem as he could just borrow one from the library, he still felt that he had been abandoned like a lost kitty.

Secondly was that, the principal had given him money that were coins instead of spirit stones. This made him felt really embarassed when he tried to treat Xiahou Yu to a meal previously and failed because of it.

Thirdly, is that he doesn't yet have a spatial ring to store his stuff! Looking at their exchange just now made him feel jealous about it as he too wanted to try it!

Fourth, was that this Shen Lu fella in front of him had gifted Xiahou Yu useful items on their very first meeting. He even had the gall to say that it was because Xiahou Yu was Duan Li's friend that he gave it to her for free.

I don't remember you ever gifted to me anything?


Noticing the dejected look on Duan Li's face, Shen Lu laughed a bit.

"Don't be too sad, right now I only have a spare spatial ring of low quality if you want, although the space isn't quite big, but it will be good for a start!" he said as he materialized a spatial ring that seemed to be black in color.

Hearing this Duan Li's previous expression turned bright as he became excited.

"Really? Thank you brother Shen Lu!"

Duan Li immediately took the spatial ring and fixed it onto his ring finger.

"To use it, you first have to drive your spiritual Qi into it so that the ring can recognize you as the owner. Then, you will be able to store or take out items with a single thought! Even transferring items works this way too!" explained Shen Lu.

"Is that so?" Duan Li then drove his spiritual Qi into the ring as it glowed a dim black light. Then with a thought, he could make out the space and found out that it was really small. Just roughly one by one meter square.

Nevertheless, Duan Li was quite happy with it.

But then, something startling happened.

As his consciousness was still looking at this peculiar dimension, he found out that the edge of the space started to wrigle around!

Then, as if being forcefully pulled by some unknown force, the space began to extend at a rapid pace.

Twenty five meters square..

Fifty meters square..

Two hundred meters square..


The space continued to expand endlessly!

By the time Duan Li had lost count of how big it was, that was when it was already fifty square kilometers!

It was after quite awhile that the space stopped wriggling and the expansion of space also halted as well. While these might took some time to explain, in reality, it only took around ten breaths in total!

"Finish inspecting your ring?" said Shen Lu as he smiled.

They were waiting for him as the latter seemed to froze for awhile after casting a look towards his new spatial ring inventory. They thought that Duan Li was mesmerized by the alternate dimension which couldn't be helped.

Even their first time experiencing the feeling of casting their own consciousness into the alternate dimension of their spatial ring felt mysterious, as if some kind of knowledge was automatically unlocked inside their brain.

Duan Li was probably experiencing the same thing as well, or so they thought..

Had they knew that Duan Li stood still for ten breaths was because he was shocked to witness the space in his low quality spatial ring expanded endlessly that an entire small country could fit through it, their eyes and mouth would turn wide agape in astonishment.

But he chose to keep it a secret as it will be quite a hassle to explain.

"Y-yes.. it was really interesting!" he replied with an awkward smile.

Wang Xiolun was looking at Duan Li as he began to speak with a deep voice.

"Hmm.. Duan Li.. did you suppressed your cultivation state to the level one?" said Wang Xiolun suddenly.

"A-ah.. y-yes.. I suppressed my cultivation state from the level seven to level one.." replied Duan Li stuttering, he hadn't expected for the other party to notice.

In fact, people within the Qi condensation realm and Foundation establishment realm wouldn't be able to notice Duan Li was suppressing himself. But for the core formation realm experts and above, they could already feel the fluctuating spiritual Qi from a person's body.

If the rate of absorption was faster while only some of it entered, that roughly meant that the person was suppressing his cultivation state.

"Ohh.. you suppressed yourself? That's strange.. why would you do that?" asked Shen Lu as his brows creased feeling curious.

Wang Xiolun, Xiahou Yu and Shen Lu was now looking at Duan Li with curious gaze. It was very weird for someone to suppress themselves back to the level one, especially when the person in question is just at the Qi condensation realm.

Duan Li felt his back drenched in sweat as he tried to cook up something to answer them.

"Ahh.. well.. "
