Chapter 36: Show me your power! (1)

Duan Li had only agreed not because he has someone else or some connections to get that blood in one way or another, but because he IS going to go to the eternal maze himself. For the method, he will try to ask the principal on how to extract the blood from the pool somehow.

If a rumor regarding such a pool had already spread among the juniors, its impossible for the principal to not know about it as well.

After all, back in the other timeline, he just dived straight into that pool of blood to strengthen his physical body in order to prepare himself to ascend to the immortal ascension realm. When he was done, he just tore apart the void forcefully to exit the eternal maze. Therefore, he did not bother to know about any sorts of method to store those blood before.

They then proceeded to talk more about the benefits of the blood, including the financial benefit aspect of it as well, which made Duan Li becomes increasingly interested.

After some time, their conversation are finally wrapping up.

"Well, its already late now so we'll talk again next time! Don't forget our deal!" said Shen Lu as he winked towards Duan Li with a shrewd smile.

"Yes, I will!" replied Duan Li as he nodded.

Shen Lu and Wang Xiolun then got up from their seat and left the table, leaving behind only Duan Li with Xiahou Yu. Some of the people in the cafeteria are starting to leave as well as the cafeteria will be closing soon.

"Well.. let us leave too then, shall we?" gestured Duan Li to Xiahou Yu.


This time, Duan Li decided to walk along with Xiahou Yu until they reached a fork separating the path between the male and female dormitories. After exchanging some small talk, they wave at each other as they return back to their dorm respectively.


In Duan Li's room..

"I still have some more time.. so I should learn the other skill then.. "

Duan Li then took out the manual book from the shelf, 'Nine Palm Slapping Ocean' and sat down to learn it on his study desk.


He started to flip the pages one by one.

After roughly around two hours, he had finally finished committing every single detail in the book to memory. He cupped his chin as he thought;

"It seems that even this skill art could actually be improved further.. "

Driving his spiritual Qi around his meridians and acupoints according to the directions from the manual book, he nodded as he confirmed that the skill could work just fine. For the improvements, he already had the rough idea on how to execute it, but because it was already late at night, he decided to test it out in the eternal maze tomorrow if he had the luxury and target to practice.

As he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes, the All-seeing eye ability activated.


Scanning his internal body carefully, he was startled when he cast his sights to the previously ruptured meridians to see its condition.

"Ohh? The damaged meridians has already.. fully recovered?"

He was shocked to see that the ruptured pathways from overexertion when using the modified Nine Fist Shattering Meteor had already fully recovered.

Driving his spiritual Qi along those pathways, he found that no anomalies or problems crop out whatsoever!

"Is this also.. due to my encounter with the mysterious pearl?" he thought as he contemplated deeply.

Ever since the encounter with the mysterious pearl, so far, he had been bestowed with two mystifying abilities that is, the photographic memory and the All-Seeing eye.

Then, when he met the millennium Yidara tree and cross-referencing his memories together, he had found out that the fact that the ancestor had undergone a rebirth was highly probably because of the mysterious pearl as well.

Not only that, his consciousness was even transported into an alternate timeline after that, to witness the ends of time himself where humanity were destined to fall.

And then, the originally small space within the low quality spatial ring was expanded forcefully by a mystic force which Duan Li conjectured was done by the mysterious pearl as well.

Now, his damaged meridians had also already fully recovered in less than a day, even with his immortal ascension realm cultivation state before, the rate of recovery was not as rapid as this, at least not before the pinnacle!

Just what is the origin of that mysterious pearl?

How mysterious indeed!

He soon fell asleep as he pondered all that had happened during the past few days..


The next day..

Chirp chirp!

Duan Li was awokened by the sound of birds chirping happily that landed outside his window.

He yawned as he got up, did the usual morning stretch, took a recuperative bath and donned on his fresh student uniform thanks to the laundry box. Wang Guozhi has already arrived waiting for him while crossing both of his arms together as he leaned on the walls outside of Duan Li's room as the latter came out.

"Are you ready?" asked Wang Guozhi with a solemn face.

"Yes!" nodded Duan Li with confidence.

Based on his analysis, eventhough he had only learnt three skill arts including the Qi beam which is of the inferior version of his ultimate skill, the One Finger Starlight Slash, and also not forgetting his slowing down time ability he got from the mysterious pearl, he was confident that he will be able to go about in the eternal maze safe and sound.

They then meet up with Xiahou Yu and Ling Yu by the fork separating the male and female dormitories before proceeding onwards to meet the principal.


Knock knock!

"Come in!"

Duan Li and the rest entered the principal's room. They bore serious expression especially Duan Li and Xiahou Yu as it will be their first time entering such a place. Not to mention that they had just stepped into the Qi condensation realm, which made Xiahou Yu in particular to feel quite nervous.

"We will be going to the entrance of the eternal maze using this teleportation stones." said the principal as he handed down one teleport stone to each of them.

His face was solemn and serious as he warned;

"Remember, the eternal maze isn't a place meant for core formation realm and above to enter. Be very careful not to step into the entrance accidentally, because once you do, there is no going back until you were given the exit!"

He had said these specifically to alert the two senior teachers so that they wouldn't be careless in the vicinity of the eternal maze.

The principal was about to chant the teleportation spell when Duan Li rose his hand up as he stepped forward to ask something.

"Principal, I know of a place inside the eternal maze to temper the physical body called the One Hundred Thousand Graveyards lake. I planned to procure some of the blood there and bring them back to the academy. Do you have a way?" said Duan Li.

Hearing this, the principal's brows furrowed together as he answered slowly.

"Ohh? I too know of this lake.. but the purity of the blood in that lake is too potent for anyone to try and temper their body! Even a middle stage foundation establishment student that I've sent there to procure it last time had lost a finger to it!"

"But as for a method to procure it.. " the principal then contemplated for awhile as he stroke his beard.

"I think.. the only way to procure it is to actually use the treasure box and command it to form and become a barrel or something.."

When Ling Yu heard this, her brows twitched as she couldn't help but to express her concern.

"Principal, I suggest we should give him a storage flask instead. Because according to what you have said two days ago, obtaining the treasure box would be the way to exit the eternal maze.. if he decided to continue exploring after obtaining it.. I am not sure what to expect.. but he might be in an even more danger!" she said with a frown, evidently displeased with the method the principal had just proposed.

"I understand what you are saying, but its not that I haven't tried using that method. In fact, I've used many storage artifacts to procure the blood but to no avail! They would immediately disintegrate the moment they touched the pool of blood!" said the principal as he shook his head slowly.

"The only method that I haven't yet tried is using the treasure boxes despite this theory.. and the reason why I haven't yet done so is because that I am afraid to endanger the student's life.. " he explained.

"But for Duan Li, he is someone that is not tied to the strings of fate as was said by Ancestor Zong! You even witnessed yourself that his future prospect is something that is far beyond our reach."

"Therefore, I am absolutely confident that his destiny wouldn't end in a measly eternal maze! He would continue to survive and soar even higher now that he knew of what is to come. That is why I think that, if there is anyone that could pull it off, it would be him!"


Thinking about what the principal had just said, both Wang Guozhi and Ling Yu contemplated deeply and found themselves to be convinced as it is quite logical.

Furthermore, the path of cultivation is always treaded alongside danger. And only when one can overcome it, would they become strong and powerful!

Such is the iron law since the beginning of time!

"Alright! Now that you has put it like that, it does sound doable for him!" nodded Ling Yu as she turned to Duan Li.

"But Duan Li, you MUST promise me to return back alive! Your mother has put you under my care and thus it is within my responsibility to keep you safe!"

When Duan Li heard this, he couldn't help but to smile a bit as he felt deeply touched by what she just said.

"En! I will!" replied Duan Li as he continued;

"In fact, I'm quite confident that my battle prowess right now is on par with at least an early stage foundation establishment realm experts!"


The trio became interested to Duan Li's proclaimation as the principal stroked his beard feeling impressed and said;

"It seems that you have already mastered the skill arts that I have passed on to you. That is very impressive indeed!" nodded the principal.

One has to know that the manual books he loaned to Duan Li were part of the nine legends edition! A single book would take at least three months to master to the novice level!

A skill art masteries are broken down into five level, from the lowest, novice, adept, minor, major and the highest consummation!

To think that he had already comprehended and mastered the skill arts in but a single day?

What a monstrous talent!

With their interest piqued, the principal then suggested;

"Will you show us how much you have mastered those skill arts? In fact, we will become your opponents! And don't worry, we know how to handle ourselves well so we will suppress our cultivation states all the way down to the very first level of the foundation establishment realm since you said your battle prowess would rival that realm!"

Wang Guozhi and Ling Yu both nodded in consent. In fact, they too had wanted to try firsthand the battle prowess of the future expert on the pinnacle of the immortal ascension realm!

Especially Ling Yu, she had already did a mock battle with Duan Li previously and that was when the latter hadn't yet mastered any form of skill arts. She had also witnessed how Duan Li had mastered numerous amount of stances that was too inconceivable for her at his age.

And now, he had already mastered the skill arts that was imparted by the principal in a single day!

Skill arts of the Nine Legends edition at that!

"Umm... Okay!" replied Duan Li.

"Good! Let us change place then, we will go to the eternal maze after this mock battle!" said the principal as his hands moved together to perform a series of incantation gestures.


The five of them were then transported into a separate space.
