Chapter 45: Prelude to become the strongest man!

"Where did the thunder essence go?" asked the old man towards Duan Li, his expression still looked a bit baffled.

Duan Li scratched the back of his head as he replied, "Ahh that, I have already absorbed it into my dantian..."

"Eh? Human, how did you managed to absorb it so quickly?" this time, it was the mother wolf who asked curiously.

After all, that thunder essence had originated from her and she knew very well how difficult it would be to cultivate it. Only through special means can the thunder essence be cultivated successfully!

But who would be able to guess that a young man, merely at the level of a Qi condensation realm would be able to cultivate the mighty thunder essence that could strike fear at the hearts of even nascent soul realm experts in but a single instant?

"Well... I actually don't really know..." said Duan Li slowly. He would never reveal a single clue to point out that the mysterious pearl was probably the one at work for that.

Hearing Duan Li's answer with that suspicious tone of his, both of them decided to not pry any further. There must be a reason why the young man decided to not talk about it. Furthermore, they are quite cautious regarding the background of Duan Li after the previous incident, where their heavenly senses were repelled forcefully.

If that secret was somehow connected to that powerful existence behind him, their life could be in danger for knowing something they shouldn't know!

There was a saying that, those who peeked too close, will find themselves being slapped at the bum!

Furthermore, the ability to block a heavenly sense from others could only be obtained through releasing the third shackle, Forming Realm and Law State! When one is already in this state, they can surround their body with a layer of their own realm that is able to block the heavenly senses from others to detect or even scan them.

But to forcefully repel and simultaneously attack at another through their heavenly senses alone? Now that is another story altogether. That would be the means of someone whom had already released the fourth shackle, Primordial Spirit Forming state!


"Anyway, it doesn't really matter actually. The sooner you absorbed it, the sooner will this Fenrir be able to leave from this region." waved the old man casually.

"Humph! I will leave soon even without you having to remind me!" snorted the mother wolf.

Arfff! Arrfff!

The wolf cub looked towards its mother with teary eyes.

"Daelius, you take care okay? This young man should be able to keep you safe from harm. Mother needs to take care of something important and where I am going, kids are not allowed there." explained the mother wolf to her cub.

"Arff..." the cub looked down towards the ground as its sad expression deepened, seemingly ready to bawl out into tears right now. Its soft ears had also drooped down even further.

The mother wolf licked the head of her cub as she reassured him, "Don't be too sad, mother here can communicate with you through our bloodlines remember?".


Duan Li observed the two wolves communicating with each other with a warm smile. At a glance somehow, looking at the both of them really reminded him of his mother. He looked towards the sky as a thought ran across him.

When I return to the academy later on, I would have to request for the principal to borrow me a jade crystal for communicating with mother!

Leaving the two wolves aside for the moment, Duan Li turned towards the old man who called himself Jing Zhianghu, the Guardian of the first region.

"If I may ask sir, where can I find the location of the treasure boxes?" asked Duan Li respectfully.

"Oh? I have lived here for so many centuries and has encountered a lot of people before you. Yet, when they knew of my existence, not even one dared to ask me as such. You really are quite peculiar." replied the old man with a frown.

Suddenly, he flicked his two fingers together as he remembered the original purpose he was looking for the young man in front of him.

"That also reminded me you brazen brat! You dare to cause such a ruckus with the Ankylosauruses earlier on! Are you right on your mind to chop off so many of their tails just to cultivate their monster cores?!" reprimanded the old man coldly.

Hearing this, Duan Li's face flushed red in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head feeling guilty and replied, "Ahh... That is... I was too absorbed in what I was doing and didn't realize it..."

The old man really wanted to slap the head of this brat in front of him real hard right now. He couldn't make heads or tails whether this brat was a genius or a handicapped person!

However, he reined in his intention deeply and just shook his head as he sighed helplessly.

"Hais... but why do you need such a lot of low-level monster cores for? Even if you were to wipe off the whole family of thr Ankylosaurus here, their low Earth elemental attributes wouldn't form an Earth essence for you!" told the old man.

Hearing this, Duan Li's eyes widen as his mouth agape in shock, "Ehh? They wouldn't be able to form the Earth essence?"

Then, have I been hunting them frantically for naught?

The old man shook his head helplessly again. This brazen brat is way too green for this! Who was the one foolish enough to let this fella roam free into the Eternal maze with such a low basic knowledge?

Perhaps that person was also not right in the head!


At the principal's office...


"Eh? Why do I feel like someone is talking bad about me behind my backs? Do they wanna get whipped? How insolent!" thought the Principal as he snorted and continued writing his paperworks.


After hearing the explanation from the old man, only then did Duan Li realized that what he did so far was nothing short but a farce.

"So, it turns out that in order to have a higher chance to form an elemental essence, I need to find higher levelled monsters because they have more density and is of high quality as well!" said Duan Li to himself as he slapped his forehead in realization.

But, why does the monster cores inside my dantian continued to congregate together and got bigger as I absorbed more of them?

Duan Li cupped his chin together as he pondered. However, a sudden stifling sensation came out of nowhere as he spatted out a mouthful of blood!


"Eh? You are injured brat? what happened?" said the old man with a little bit of indifference in his voice.

Even the two wolves that were conversing together before had their attention focused onto Duan Li now with his sudden outburst of spitting out blood.

Arrrff! Arrff!

The wolf cub was running in circles around Duan Li as it panicked seeing Duan Li's state.

"What happened to you human?" asked the mother wolf curiously.

Duan Li wiped the blood beside his lips as he gestured with hands, "Ahh, this is nothing... I have injured my meridians and pathways because I unsealed my cultivation states back then..." replied Duan Li.

Hearing Duan Li's answer and the fact that the other party had suppressed himself all the way to the level 1 of the Qi condensation realm before, the face of the old man contorted in disbelief as a thought ran across him.

"You... It can't be that you haven't yet tempered your physical body right?" he asked slowly.

He wanted to believe that it was false, but when Duan Li nodded, he almost spatted out some blood himself.

What kind of a person who had gone all the way to the late stage of the Qi condensation realm without even tempering their body once?

How did he not die yet?

The sheer density of spiritual Qi from every stages in a realm increases substantially such that their meridians and pathways will rupture if not tempered, which is impossible!


This brat had ascended into the Qi condensation realm and jumped straight to the late stage!

That's way too surreal!

But thinking about it, it seems to be the case. No wonder the brat decided to suppress his cultivation all the way to the level 1.

"It seems that he is a handicapped genius I see..." nodded the old man.

Taking out a blue pill and an orange pill from his side pouch, he handed both of them onto Duan Li casually.

"Here, take the blue pill first to recover your meridians, and then swallow the orange pill. You should be able to reinforce your meridians and pathways up until the pinnacle of the Qi condensation realm by then."

Duan Li accepted the two pills from the old man as he swallowed the blue pill first. He could then feel a gushing force that scrambled to repair the damaged meridans and pathways inside his body.

Within ten breaths, they are already healed! What a miraculous pill!

Then, Duan Li popped the orange pill inside his mouth as it melted on his tongue to become like a syrup. When it entered his stomach, a hot sensation spreaded out within his body, like his insides were being remolded anew.

Had these two pills were to be inspected by the research and development department in the academy, the whole Jiu empire will be thrown into a commotion!

They are both heavenly pills that was long lost through the course of time. Nowadays, no one can make such a pill anymore, at least not in the Jiu empire.

Feeling that his meridians and pathways had been thoroughly remolded, Duan Li began to unseal his cultivation one level at a time.


Level 1 of the Qi condensation realm!

Level 2 of the Qi condensation realm!

Level 3...


Level 9 of the Qi condensation realm!


Duan Li's aura was flooding out like a torrential burst from a broken dam right now!

Both the mother wolf and the old man was shocked as they observed the fluctuation signals of Duan Li's aura.

This intensity...

It was similar to a middle stage of the Foundation establishment realm!

How is this possible?!

"You... How are your spiritual Qi signature this strong?" asked the old man in agitation.

Back when he was at this realm, he was considered as a genius as well, but never to this extent!

Feeling his interest piqued by Duan Li, the old man spoke out, "I will let the matter regarding the Ankylosaurus bygones if you spar with me. This aura you have... I'm interested to know how strong you are in your peak state!"

"En! I am interested to know too!" replied Duan Li in excitement as he nodded. After all, he also has never been able to test his full power at the level 9 of the Qi condensation realm. Thus, he was longing to see what it will be like!

"Good, let us fight above then." pointed the old man casually as they both bolted to the sky.



"I will just dodge or defend against your attack. Otherwise, you will be injured since only your meridians and pathways were reinforced. Your physical body is still as weak as a sheet of paper to me."

The old man then clasped his hands behind his back as he lifted his chin up a bit in dominance with a haughty look.

It has been quite a while since he sparred with a junior. Furthermore, with his realm, all below him was like a helpless baby in front of him. He only suggested the spar because he was interested in seeing the battle prowess of this handicapped genius in front of him.

With a snort, he suppressed himself to the pinnacle stage of the Foundation establishment realm in an instant.


"Let us start!"
