Chapter 59: The Final Boss (2)


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The Komodo landed at the far ends of the chamber as it crashed against the wall.

"Annoying monster..." snorted Duan Li as he moved onto a another stone pedestal.


Grab! Inject Qi! Open! Swallow pill! Morph!

Duan Li was able to repeat these process for a total of 3 times before the Komodo stood up. Standing a little bit unsteadily, it turned its head to look at Duan Li with an enraged expression.

"Ant! You have some capabilities, I'll give you that!" it somewhat said, although no one could understood it.

Fuming in rage, the glowing hot red pattern between its scale exudes out vaporized steam. When Duan Li saw this, his instinct kicked in as he summoned all five long javellin spear above him to prepare for a counter-attack.


However, with a single leap, the Komodo that was far away had immediately closed the distance between them with its claws ready to slash at Duan Li in a split second before the latter could even prepare himself.


"This Komodo! Its speed had actually increases so much so that it had become a threat to automatically activate my time-slowing down ability!" said Duan Li to himself as his countenance turned grim.

That claw was already half-way to slash at his body, and it seems that without the activation of this ability, even if Duan Li were to use the movement skill art 'One Step To Reach', he would not be able to escape unharmed!

"I should make use of this advantage! My speed in this state would be lethal if I follow up with a counter strike!"

'Nine Swordplays Thunder Strike!'

At this moment, Duan Li had activated the sword art once more. But instead of releasing the thunder strike, he reined it in onto the sword to slash through at that incoming claws from the left arm of the Komodo.


The sword was able to slice through the left arm cleanly due to the extreme speed Duan Li was waving his sword with. After that, he quickly moved away using the movement art before time returned to normal.


Duan Li's silhouette reappeared in the distance with his back facing towards the Komodo.

"ROAARRR!!" the Komodo howled out in agonized pain with his whole body plagued by electric shocks that entered through its severed limb.

My left arm! DAMN IT!

The Komodo turned around to look at Duan Li with more caution as it couldn't help but to palpitate in fear against the speed that Duan Li had just executed on him.

To think that a mere human only at the middle stage of the Foundation establishment realm could severed one of its limb, now THAT was something that it had not expected before!

"This human! How did he propelled with such a speed at that realm?! Urghh! My severed left arm had already reduced my overall speed considerably, but with these constant electric shocks coursing through my veins from time to time, my speed had diminished even further! Damn it all!"

With his back still facing at the Komodo, Duan Li turned his head to look at it with a side glance. As the place where he was right now was quite dark, only the rough outline of his expression could be seen as his lips moved.

"Don't get ahead of yourself now."


The Komodo's survival instinct kicked in as he heard this sentence and instinctively leaped back. He didn't know why, but that human right now looked ever so terrifying that every cells in his body was telling it to escape and run away.

However, being binded onto this place left it with no way out. Thus, the Komodo could only grit its teeth tight as it suppressed his instinct.

"I need to move more carefully right now and use long distance attacks instead of close combat, his speed was too abnormal during that last moment... And that disposition of his... where have I felt it before?" thought the Komodo.

Just as it was trying to recall its memories, Duan Li disappeared and reappeared onto another stone pedestal.

"Damn it! I musn't let him complete the puzzle!"

The Komodo's throat bulged out and expanded rapidly as it immediately spits out a ball of molten lava towards Duan Li.

Seeing the incoming attack, Duan Li executed the palm art to slap it away.

"HAHAHA! Insignificant tricks you puny lizard!" laughed the sword out loud. Inwardly though, he still couldn't help but to be astonished by the speed Duan Li had swung him at that moment.

Before he could even realize, he only felt as if a sudden breeze had blown against him. When he then looked at the surrounding, he found out that his young master had already severed the limb of that Komodo!




After a while, Duan Li had already managed to obtain around 50 of the treasure boxes and had activated them all. Thus right now, there were around 50 long javellin spear floating above him aiming at the Komodo.

Whenever the Komodo would try to move, those floating spears would strike at it all at once. They had even started to aim at its eyes and severed limb!

Therefore, the Komodo didn't have any choice but to continue launching its molten lawa spit onto Duan Li from the distance which was quite useless.

Furthermore, sometimes, the palm art would slap at it too. Eventhough there was literally little to no damage at all, the force of the slap would sent it tumbling away!

"This isn't fair!!" the Komodo howled out in indignance.

It was tasked by the Mirealithians to guard this chamber and stop anyone from trying to complete the puzzle. Yet, who could have thought that such situation right now would occur?

The human it was fighting against wasn't even at the Qi condensation realm! Did the identification system of the Eternal maze became buggy due to the passage of time?

"Curses! I only had to spend another 10 more years before my binding contract with this maze expires! I refuse to die like this!"

When the molten Komodosaurus recalled the day that he was kidnapped into this maze, he became extremely depressed and dispirited. Originally, he was just a normal monster living in the second region going about his daily business.

Who would have thought that just as he was about to mate with a female counterpart of his species, an old man suddenly appeared above him and knocked him out cold without even a single sentence!

After he woke up, he had already found out that he was trapped inside this maze, with the voices from the Mirealithians telling him that he was bounded by a holy contract to guard this place for thirty years!

Like hell! How could that be considered a holy contract?!

I wasn't even conscious when the contract was signed by whatever means or dark arts they used!

Surely, the contract should have been void! I was forced to sign it under duress!

The Komodo continued to howled out with a peculiar sound as it lashed foward with many verbal abuses towards the maze and the unknown old man whom had kidnapped him!

"Young master, check it out! That Komodo had turned to become senile! Perhaps the palm art that Young master uses against it had caused severe concussion to its brain!" commented the sword with a chuckle.

"Eh? Is that so? Should I turn down the strength of my palm arts by a few notch?" replied Duan Li as he stopped and cupped his chin to ponder regarding this matter.

He was someone that has always been upright and had never conducted the ways of savagery like the barbarians. Thus, he was thinking whole-heartedly about how to resolve this issue.

Suddenly, just as Duan Li was thinking along those line, a mechanical voice echoed out throughout the chamber.

[Anomaly detected inside the chamber. Rescanning the battle prowess of the challenger and recent battle data statistics.]

[Rescanning complete. The challenger's battle prowess is similar to those at the early stage of the core formation realm.]

[Employing emergency counter-measures against the breach of rules.]

"The maze is scanning at me?" said Duan Li as he suddenly felt the surrounding air to become stifling and heavy.


The ceiling of the chamber glowed brightly as a series of symbols floated together to form a sort of magical arrays.

Realizing what that was, the sword turned panic as it quickly told Duan Li, "Young master! We need to quickly snatch the treasure boxes! Those are summoning magical arrays! The Mirealithians are going to summon an even stronger monster to replace that lizard!"

When Duan Li heard this, his countenance became extremely ugly as he quickly deployed his movement skill arts to the maximum.


With a swift and frantic movements, Duan Li had already managed to get ten more boxes, leaving only 21 left before the barrier above that towering pedestal could be lifted. However, it was at this moment that the summoning magical array was completed.


The ceiling glowed brightly as a large silhouette could be seen to slowly materializing. This monster seemed to be several times more bigger than the Komodo!

"That appearance... it cannot be!" the sword exclaimed out, completely horrified.

